New World

New World Dev Tracker

21 Oct

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

I hear that you get credit for completing the quest at 101. Give that a try!


We’ve transferred approximately 150K players since character transfers went live. A small number of those have resulted in characters with an invalid data state that needs to be corrected. We’ve done that for those affected last night, but there are a still some new transfers affected that we see happening. We have paused character transfers and evaluate how we can prevent future occurrences of this problem. When that is resolved we’ll resume the service, with an announcement ahead of time.

    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

Salutation Aventuriers !

Depuis que les transferts de serveurs ont commencé, nous avons identifié que certains personnages ont des informations erronées ce qui les empêchent d’avoir des sauvegardes valables dans leur nouveau serveur.
Nous les avons corrigés ce matin.

Certains de ces joueurs ont transféré de l’or ou des objets alors que leur personnage était affecté. Toutes ces transactions sont enregistrées dans notre base de données. Nous les examinons actuellement et tous les joueurs qui utiliseront délibérément cette situation pour obtenir un avantage seront bannis pour exploitation. Nous retirerons également les objets ou l’or reçus, si nécessaire.

À l’avenir, par mesure de précaution, nous pourrons empêcher temporairement la connexion des personnages présentant cette situation. Si vous êtes l’une des personnes qui a effectué un transfert et ne pouvant pas se connecter par la suite, le problème devrait se résoudre automatiquement dans les deux heures. S...

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    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

Liebe Abenteurer und Abenteurerinnen,

seit der Öffnung der Servertransfers für Spieler:innen haben wir eine kleine Anzahl von Charakteren identifiziert, die sich nach dem Serverwechsel in einem ungültigen Datenzustand befinden. Dieser Zustand verhindert, dass der Charakter korrekt gespeichert werden kann. Wir haben die Charaktere, die sich in diesem Zustand befanden, im Laufe es heutigen Tages bereits korrigiert, so dass diese wieder funktionieren sollten.

Einige Spieler:innen aus dieser kleinen Gruppe haben jedoch Gold oder Gegenstände übertragen, während der Charakter betroffen war. Alle diese Transaktionen wurden in unserer Datenbank protokolliert. Wir überprüfen jetzt unsere Datenbanken und alle Spieler:innen, die diesen Zustand absichtlich ausnutzen, um sich einen Vorteil zu verschaffen, werden wegen Missbrauchs bestraft. Gegebenenfalls werden wir auch erhaltene Gegenstände sowie Gold entfernen.

Als Vorsichtsmaßnahme werden wir zukünftig das Einloggen auf C...

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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

Since transfers began we have identified a small number of characters who after moving servers are in an invalid data state that prevents their character from properly saving. We’ve corrected the characters in this condition as of this morning.

Some players among this small set transferred gold or items while their character was affected. All of these transactions are logged in our database. We are reviewing them now and any players found deliberately using this condition to gain advantage will be banned for exploiting. We will also remove items or gold received where appropriate.

Going forward, as a precautionary measure, we may prevent login temporarily on characters in this state. If you are one of the rare people who transfers and afterwards cannot log in, the condition should automatically resolve within two hours. If it persists beyond that time please contact customer service.

Thank you for your patience and understanding!

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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sorry, I don’t have any information on that at this time but when we do receive some, we’ll share it.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’ve provided some answers below!

You shouldn’t lose your faction level when you transfer.

Q: Are the tokens 1 per account or 1 per character?
A: Tokens are one per account. If we find transfers have created an imbalance on particular servers, we can re-issue tokens for those affected.

Q: Do you remain in your faction or will you have a chance to go to a different faction? What if I have already changed factions once before transferring?
A: Your faction status will be the same after transferring.

If you’re looking for more answers, check out our megathread here: ...

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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey! The team definitely understands your frustration with questing as a solo player. I invite you to take a look at a statement from Critias that may help!

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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

We are aware of a small number of players who upon transferring become unable to save their progress on their new server. We’re working to address this for those affected, which we believe we can accomplish with data changes not requiring a patch. We will update when we’ve corrected the problem.

For anyone taking advantage of the gold duplication bug, appropriate action will be taken as it is considered an exploit.

Thank you for your patience and understanding!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

Recently, we encountered an issue where the housing UI incorrectly stated that the house tax would have a 50% discount but players did not receive this discount when purchasing their first house. In the 10/19 patch, we updated the housing UI to reflect the proper price.

Due to incorrect messaging around taxes for first time homebuyers, in next week’s update, we are granting 2000.00 gold to anyone who purchased a house between launch and the 10/19 update.

We hope you continue to enjoy New World and your house!

    Chardis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Quick note, I updated my last post. I misspoke about healing threat generation and have updated that to be more accurate. Apologies for the mixup! I’ve also included some info on dodging since I’ve seen that asked a handful of times.

• Healing generates threat equal to a percentage of the amount of health that is healed by the spell. If you cast Sacred Ground but no one stands in the AoE, no threat will be generated. But if you heal a damaged player for 100 health, you will generate 20 threat towards every AI already in combat in the area who is aware of you. Different healing spells generate threat at different percentages, but generally speaking healing done doesn’t generate threat at a one to one ratio equivalent to healing output. Healing done generates threat at a reduced ratio.
• Dodging has no impact on threat. It does not increase nor does it decrease your threat.