New World

New World Dev Tracker

23 Oct

    FinF on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi, has the game started in the end?

    Zin_Ramu on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thank you all for the debate and for your feedback on the economy.

First, I want to start with our goals. We want a player driven economy with minimal NPC interaction where gold is valuable to all players, even end-game players.

Touching on the current state of the economy. From a data standpoint the economy is performing within acceptable levels. All servers are creating more money than is being removed, and by a good margin. However, the economy is tighter at the end-game currently. When we look at surplus income generated by level, it’s very high in the 1-35 level range, decent in the 40-59 range, and gets narrow at 60. This means that as more players get to level 60, this will start to put more pressure on the economy.

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    FinF on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi, I opened a ticket so you get unblock, sorry for the inconvenience.

    FinF on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi, has the game ended up starting in the end?

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

“Someone proposed to invite someone in a group, relog into game and leave the group.”

22 Oct

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Can you see if the resolution from this one helped?

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    FinF on Forums - Thread - Direct

Good point, I updated the initial message.

    FinF on Forums - Thread - Direct

Schmelge, can you please attempt to trade an item with another player, it can be any item, we’d just like to see if the issue is more widespread than just the trading post. If the p2p trade is successful, please retry on the trading post. Finally, you can drop items on the ground temporarily (items will disappear after 5 minutes) and no one else will be able to take them, that could give you the opportunity to put things in your town storage so you’re not stuck in place. We are actively investigating your issue, and thank you for your help.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Greetings Adventurers,

We have great news to share!

As we mentioned above, we disabled Outpost Rush to address some critical issues you were experiencing. Thank you for your patience and understanding while we tackled them!

The team believes that these issues have been resolved and we are happy to announce that we are re-enabling Outpost Rush! We will continue to monitor Outpost Rush and will work further to improve the experience.

We’re excited for everyone to re-engage with Outpost Rush and we’ll see you in Aeternum!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there, thanks for your feedback! We’re actually actively working on a list of top 20 issues to provide updates and progress reports on how we are tackling them and what is in our way. Hopefully this will allow for broader visibility on where we are at and it will give players the chance to let us know if we’re missing anything.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there! We’ve received multiple reports about fishing hotspots not being detected properly and it’s been reported as a bug and is a known issue! The team is working on a fix for this but unfortunately, I don’t have an ETA on when the fix will be released.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please use the moderation appeal process, and not the forums, to dispute moderation actions.

    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

Salutations Aventuriers,

Récemment, nous avons identifié un souci où l’interface de housing indicait une réduction de 50% de la taxe que les joueurs ne recevaient pas en achetant leur première maison. Dans le patch du 19 octobre, nous avons mis à jour l’interface pour refléter le prix exact.

Etant donné le message incorrect sur les taxes pour l’achat de la première maison, dans la mise à jour de la semaine prochaine, nous offrirons 2000 Or à toute personne qui aura acheté une maison entre le lancement et la mise à jour du 19 octobre.

On espère que vous continuerez à apprécier New World et votre maison.

    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

Grüße Abenteurer:innen!

Kürzlich sind wir auf ein Problem gestoßen, bei dem die Benutzeroberfläche für Hauskäufer fälschlicherweise angab, dass die Haussteuer einen Rabatt von 50 % hätte. Leider jedoch erhielten Spieler:innen diesen Rabatt nicht beim Kauf ihres ersten Hauses. Im Patch vom 20. Oktober haben wir die Benutzeroberfläche der Häuser entsprechend aktualisiert, um den korrekten Preis widerzuspiegeln.

Aufgrund der falschen Anzeige zu Steuern für Erstkäufer von Häusern gewähren wir im Update der nächsten Woche jedem, der zwischen der Veröffentlichung und dem Update vom 20. Oktober ein Haus gekauft hat, 2000 Gold.

Wir hoffen, ihr genießt weiterhin New World und euer Haus!

    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

Wir haben, seit die Charaktertransfers live gegangen sind, ungefähr 150.000 Spieler transferiert. Leider hat weiterhin eine kleine Anzahl von Charakteren, mit einem ungültigen Datenstatus zu kämpfen, der von uns korrigiert werden muss. Wir haben das letzte Nacht bereits für viele Betroffene getan, aber es sind immer noch einige neue Transfers bzw. Charaktere betroffen. Deswegen haben wir die Entscheidung getroffen, Charaktertransfers vorübergehend zu deaktivieren, während wir prüfen, wie wir das Auftreten dieses Problems verhindern können. Wenn das Problem behoben ist, werden wir den Dienst mit einer vorherigen Ankündigung wieder freigeben.

Vielen Dank für euer Verständnis.

    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

Mise à jour :
Nous avons transféré environ 150 000 joueurs depuis l’activation des transferts. Un petit nombre d’entre eux a résulté en des données invalides nécessitant d’être corrigées. Nous avons donc fait ça pour ceux affectés la nuit dernière, mais il y a toujours un petit nombre de nouveaux transferts qui sont affectés également. Nous avons donc mis en pause les transferts et évaluons comment nous pouvons empêcher ce souci d’arriver. Quand cela sera résolu, nous remettrons le service en route, avec une petite annonce à l’avance.

    FinF on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sorry, I will need the territory as well if possible (I updated the original post).

    FinF on Forums - Thread - Direct

It would be really helpful for us if you could provide these info next it happens (or if you remember when that happens last time, that works too):

  • Company name.
  • World name.
  • Territory name.
  • Date and Time at which you put the territory in conflict but could not declare war.

Your help is much appreciated! Know that there are other factors at play that enter into consideration when picking which company can declare a war and it’s possible that the outcome you experienced is perfectly legit. We are going to be able to verify that once we can look at the data.

21 Oct

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for reporting this! It’s currently on the Known Issues list and the team is working on this issue.