New World

New World Dev Tracker

26 Oct

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Ah, I understand the confusion. We do have folks dedicated to the forums specifically. But also the entire team regularly reads the forums.

25 Oct

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

No, can you help me understand what I said to draw that conclusion?

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

We have different folks dedicated to supporting different channels. My guess is the volume of responses is higher on the forums, including the News section of updates but it is much harder to see the responses.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

There is a persistence issue that is preventing us from releasing the character transfers. The team is working to solve and it is top priority.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Currently there is a persistence bug the team is working to solve that is preventing us from shipping character transfers. Our goal is to resolve and ship the fix asap, it is very high priority for the team.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for this report, I will continue to work with you, please do not use the General Feedback forums to ask for moderation support.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Ok, sharing priority is good feedback. We can definitely provide that.
Yes, I am super passionate about getting a great public bug tracker stood up.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Most often, the answer we have is:

  • the team is aware of an issue, or not and we need more information
  • we are actively working on a solution
  • when we have a fix tested and ready to ship we’ll communicate the details and timing

Sincere question, what additional information would be helpful? Is it a deeper explanation of the issues that would be helpful?

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

That wasn’t a snide remark, I was being sincere. I really do believe folks are here providing feedback, positive or negative with the goal of improving the game because they like it or see its potential.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey! I will ping Support and the Server Team to make sure they are aware of this issue.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I understand there are folks who feel passionately on this topic, please do your best to continue the discussion in one of the existing threads, like this one, rather than creating new threads.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please continue this discussion in one of the existing PvP Server threads.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I have explained this in other threads, it is not helpful to keep fragmenting discussions.
Also, please keep in mind I am not a player, I am part of the team and share the perspective of the team when possible.

Editing to avoid confusion or misreadings: I do not use the forums as a player, I use the forums as a representative of the team. This does not mean I don’t play the game.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey everyone, thanks for the feedback on forum moderation.
You can find the forum Code of Conduct here: Guidelines - New World Forums
If you find a post that violates that Code please be sure to report it. As habitual offenders receive suspensions they increase in duration until eventually removed completely. Very severe offenses may result in an immediate ban.
I will discuss this feedback with our Moderators. Thank you.

    LuisC on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @Bairo

I raised a TT to the Devs for further assistance, I will keep you posted as soon as a get an update.

    LuisC on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi @Bairo,

Apologies, Devs team informed this bug was fixed with the last patch, are you still having this issue after login?


    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks, will ping the team to investigate. What is the issue or issues you are seeing?

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

We do, we run regular surveys in-game. This way we can reach the broadest sample of folks. Be sure to complete your surveys if you receive one!