New World

New World Dev Tracker

21 Oct

    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

Quoting myself from a different topic:

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    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the reports, this has been forwarded to the dev-team for investigation.

PS: Note, that anyone who is exchanging gold/items like this, appropriate action will be taken as it is an exploit.

    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

Grüße Abenteurer:innen,

Wir haben gestern Abend Berichte erhalten, dass Portale in Myrkgard öfters erscheinen als geplant. Deswegen haben wir letzte Nacht die Truhen deaktiviert, um eine weitere Ausbeutung zu verhindern. Sobald wir die richtigen Fixes für dieses Problem getestet und aufgespielt haben, werden wir die Truhen wieder aktivieren. Wir werden zudem keine Spieler bestrafen, die dies vor der Veröffentlichung dieser Nachricht ausgenutzt haben.

Sobald es weitere Neuigkeiten gibt, werden wir diese hier posten.

Danke für euer Verständnis!


Bonjour tout le monde. Tous nos régions sont maintenant disponible pour vos transferts de server!

Merci de votre patience. A très bientôt sur Aeternum !

    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey all - a quick update:

We are also aware of a small number of players who upon transferring become unable to save their progress on their new server. We’re working to address this for those affected, which we believe we can accomplish with data changes not requiring a patch. We will update when we’ve corrected the problem.

    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

Heyho Abenteurer:innen,

die Servertransfers sind jetzt in allen Regionen verfügbar!

Vielen Dank für eure Geduld und euer Verständnis, während wir an der Veröffentlichung dieser Funktion gearbeitet haben. Wir sehen uns in Aeternum!

    FinF on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for reporting it, I’ve seen other reports indicating the same issue. I will relay that to the team.


Please follow this thread for updates


Hey everyone,

Our team is aware of the issue and we will give any updates we have in this thread here:


Hey there everyone,

Our team is aware of the issue and they are actively investigating it now. When I have more information, I’ll be sure to share it!

Hang tight!

    DaveNW on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello combat fans,
I wanted to introduce myself, I’m DaveNW and I lead the combat efforts on New World. Thanks for bringing this topic up.

There was no change made to the AoE stacking logic. This is working as intended and has been working this way since Closed Beta.

We do not want long duration AoE spells to stack on top of each other as this will cause massive scaling issues with damage and healing output in combat. Stacking multiple Sacred Ground spells would result in players being unkillable and conversely stacking multiple Ice Storms would immediately kill opposing players, neither experience is something we want to have happen. When AoE spells stack on top of each other, the AoE with the longest remaining duration will take priority, we like the idea of coordinating between team members to maximize the damage and healing output of these spells. The less overlapping you have of the spells, the higher your damage and healing output will be as a team.


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    Chardis on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi everyone,

Lots of great follow up discussion! Here’s some extra info on target selection based on some of the questions you’ve asked;

• Healing generates threat equal to a percentage of the amount of health that is healed by the spell. If you cast Sacred Ground but no one stands in the AoE, no threat will be generated. But if you heal a damaged player for 100 health, you will generate 20 threat towards every AI already in combat in the area who is aware of you. Different healing spells generate threat at different percentages, but healing done doesn’t generate threat at a one to one ratio equivalent to healing output.
• Socketing a Carnelian Gem into a weapon both enables Taunts AND increases the base threat you generate with attacks. The threat increase percentage depends on the tier of Carnelian that is socketed into your weapon.
• When you have aggro on an AI, that AI’s nameplate will have a bright red highlight around it. If that AI has aggro on someon...

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20 Oct

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Both of your questions were answered here :slight_smile: [Megathread] Server Transfer Questions Megathread

  1. Q: Are the tokens 1 per account or 1 per character?
    A: Tokens are one per account. If we find transfers have created an imbalance on particular servers, we can re-issue t...

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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

It’s on the known issues list! Team’s looking into it :slight_smile:

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

It’s on our known issues list! Team’s working on a fix :slight_smile:

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for reporting this! I’ve asked our team to look into this issue.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi everyone! Server transfers are live in all regions! With that, we’ll be closing down this thread. Thank you everyone for your patience and understanding while we worked to release this feature!