New World

New World Dev Tracker

09 Oct


Grüße, Abenteurerinnen und Abenteurer!

Unser Team arbeitet unglaublich hart daran, dieses Feature zu testen und so weit zu optimieren, dass wir zuversichtlich sind, dass es wie vorgesehen funktioniert. Wir möchten zwar, dass ihr alle so schnell wie möglich euer langfristiges Zuhause in Aeternum findet, aber wir möchten auch sicherstellen, dass der Prozess reibungslos abläuft und für euch alle problemlos nutzbar ist. Während unserer Tests haben wir einige Ausnahmefälle bemerkt, in denen der Transfer nicht unseren Standards für die Veröffentlichung entspricht. Das bedeutet, dass wir uns etwas zusätzliche Zeit nehmen werden, um diese Probleme zu beheben, bevor wir allen Spieler:innen ihren kostenlosen Servertransfer-Token anbieten können.

Um euch auf dem neuesten Stand zu halten und sicherzustellen, dass ihr genau wisst, was euch erwartet, möchten wir einige der wichtigsten Fragen beantworten, die wir zum Ablauf des Servertransfers erhalten haben.

Wie kann ich mein...

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Chers aventuriers!

Notre équipe a travaillé dur pour mettre en place et tester la fonctionnalité de transfert de serveur. Malheureusement nos tests ont révélé certains cas particuliers où le transfert n’est pas à la hauteur de nos standards de qualité. Nous souhaitons permettre à tous nos joueurs de trouver leur place permanente dans Aeternum dès que possible mais cela ne peut être au détriment d’une expérience de transfert fluide et optimisée pour tous. En conséquence, nous avons décidé de prendre un plus du temps pour résoudre ces problèmes avant de donner à nos joueurs le jeton de transfert gratuit.

Afin de vous tenir tous informés, veuillez trouver les réponses aux questions les plus posées par notre communauté au sujet du transfert de serveur.

Comment transférer mon personnage?

  • Vous devez vous connecter avec votre personnage, en sachant qu’il y aura peut-être des files d’attente.
  • Allez au boutique du jeu où il y aura un onglet pour act...
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    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I will follow up with the team on this suggestion.
Would two tokens be very helpful?

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

It is 12am here and I am calling it a day. Tomorrow morning I will return to this thread, capture all open questions, work with the team to post updated answers. I will also be sure to capture and ideas or suggestions on how to improve the situation for you, for example the folks requesting XP boosts on any new characters created.
I understand that there are folks who none of the solutions we’ve provided so far have helped much and we’ll continue working very hard to find ways to address your issues.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I will absolutely surface this request to the team.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

When a server is marked full, it is because it has a threshold of daily active players and we prevent new accounts from creating characters there to reduce wait times for people who already have active characters they are playing on that server. We track the volume of active players to determine if a server is “full”.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

These are great questions and I’ll work with the team to update the FAQ above with answer.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Full server status is measured by total daily active players day over day. We review the status of these servers multiple times a day.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

The team is working around the clock to improve the situation with servers in a variety of ways. But unfortunately, we aren’t able to transfer characters region to region.


Hi @Codycrusher! We are really sorry that this situation continues to occur, we don’t want anyone to be banned unfairly, but as you indicate, bots can automatically ban someone with too many reports on a short period of time. We are working on better ways to handle this situations in a way that affects the players as little as possible, but right now the only way to remove a ban is by submitting an appeal.

In this case I submitted a report to try get more help, but please make sure that he properly submitted a ban appeal using the following link:

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    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

We understand there have been a lot of challenges with servers and the team is working around the clock to make improvements. We have added a large volume of new worlds, we are working to increase server capacity, we have added the full server functionality to prevent new players from creating characters on over-populated servers, we’re going to provide character transfers and we’ll continue to work with the community to solve any outstanding issues.
If you want a refund please contact the place you purchased the game.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

I understand people are frustrated about early miscommunications around region to region transfers. We provided information that ended up being inaccurate, and we don’t take that lightly.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Definitely don’t condone. Pinging moderation now.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Good question, I will find out.