New World

New World Dev Tracker

13 Oct


Hey everyone,

We understand that everyone is super hungry for information and the team is actively collecting and trying to find answers for all of the questions we don’t have answers to yet and the dev team is hustling to get the transfer system all ready.

Unfortunately, at this time we have no new answers to share. I can, however, assure you that once we do have information you will certainly be getting it.

I know it is hard to remain patient while you wait for Server Transfers, I’m just as hungry for the information as you all are. Whenever we happen to get that information to share, we definitely will be.


Greetings Adventurers,

We will be holding downtime at October 13, 2021 3:00 AM PT (12:00pm CEST) . The estimated downtime is approximately 5 hours.

To find out more information about the upcoming patch, please check out our article here .

Thank you for your patience and understanding!

    Critias on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Everyone, just wanted to weigh in on this thread as we hear the concerns from many players and this has also been a source of some intense debates internally. Like you, several members of the development team are more inclined to solo-play, and of course, we all want the main story to be accessible and enjoyable by different types of players.

When we initially made this decision, the primary factor in choosing this direction was that Expeditions in New World offer the most high-fidelity PvE experiences in the game and they allow us the best tools for storytelling. We knew that this might be a turn-off for some people, but we weighed it out and decided that these quests were important for establishing “punctuation moments” in the main storyline. That said, we have discussed adding an alternative path to progressing the main story without requiring players to group up, and as we evolve the dynamics for our open-world quests and stories, we may have greater capability than e...

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12 Oct

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is good feedback, will share with the team the request that players be able to reset territory standing points.

    NW_Mugsy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sorry you are continuing to encounter this issue, will follow up with Support.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey Adventurers,

Like Aeternum, the internet can be a scary place. If you are considering picking up a copy of New World we strongly recommend buying from one of our two official sellers: Amazon or Steam.

This will guarantee that the key you have is authentic and works correctly. Beware of all other sites selling New World keys.

See you in Aeternum!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Yes the Prime Gaming rewards should be live now! Enjoy!

    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

Eine schöne Idee :slight_smile:

PS: Ich als leidenschaftlicher Raider aus anderen MMOs würde das auf jeden Fall gerne sehen.

    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

Salutations aventuriers !

A cause d’un problème figeant les joueurs dans la file des Déferlantes, nous les désactivons temporairement pendant que nous enquêtons.

Lorsque vous rentrez en file d’attente pour les Déferlantes alors qu’elles sont désactivées, vous recevrez le message : “Ce mode est actuellement désactivé”.

Nous donnerons prochainement plus d’informations à ce sujet et sur le moment où elles seront de nouveau disponibles.

Merci pour votre patience et votre compréhension.

    Tosch on Forums - Thread - Direct

Grüße Abenteurer:innen!

Aufgrund eines Problems bei dem Spieler in der Warteschlange für den Außenpostensturm steckenbleiben können, haben wir diesen Spielmodus vorübergehend deaktiviert. Wenn ihr (während der Modus deaktiviert ist) versucht, euch für den Außenpostensturm anzumelden, erhaltet ihr die folgende Benachrichtigung:

Dieser Spielmodus ist derzeit deaktiviert

Sobald der Modus wieder verfügbar ist, werden wir es hier im Beitrag posten.

Vielen Dank für eure Geduld und Verständnis.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi Mintaims,

At this time, you will not be able to switch regions (ie. US-West, US-East, Central Europe, Australia, South America).

If you have any further questions, please put them in the megathread here!

11 Oct

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Oh nope! I moved this over to support so they can take a look into this :slight_smile:


Hi everyone!

I just asked our Lead Combat Designer to clarify these terms and he said:

Block Stability is the amount of Stamina Damage that you negate when blocking an attack.

Block Stamina Damage is the amount of damage you deal to your target’s Stamina Bar when they block.

For example: If your Block Stability is 50% and an incoming attack’s Block Stamina Damage is 100, your stamina would be reduced by 50 points if you blocked that attack.

Attacks have an independent Block Stamina Damage value. While there is often a correlation with how much Health Damage an attack does and the amount of Block Stamina Damage it does (e.g. heavy hammer attack vs. light hammer attack), Attack Damage and Block Stamina Damage are different numbers and we tune them independently of one another.


Update: Since re-enabling Outpost Rush, we have discovered some issues preventing players from a smooth experience. We will be disabling Outpost Rush to address the new issues that have arisen.

Greetings Adventurers!

Due to an issue with players getting stuck in the Outpost Rush queue we are temporarily disabling Outpost Rush while we investigate.

When queueing for Outpost Rush while it is disabled you will see the following notification:
This game mode is currently disabled

We will have more information about Outpost Rush and when it will be available again soon.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

I’ve surfaced this issue but I don’t have a resolution for this right now, I’m sorry.

    danazon on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hi everyone!

The patch rolled out last week contained a fix for the issue causing characters to get into the nebulous “stuck” state. I’ve noticed players continuing to add replies describing issues involving “Lag Detected”. Many of you are reporting different issues that are not the same as the “stuck” character. Please make new threads for those issues!

When we first saw reports of this problem, we focused our investigative efforts onto a single world and found some issues with the server caching some player’s data. Once this was identified, we made some changes to how that caching of player data works which should help alleviate this issue for many players.

If you happen to see this issue again it would help us if you can provide our support team the following:
• client logs - found at %localappdata%/AGS/New World > game.log (older ones are in the LogBackups folder with dates)
• the server you are playing on
• time it happened
• if possible...

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    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for sending this over. I’ve forwarded it to the team and they’re now aware and working on a fix!

    Luxendra on Forums - Thread - Direct

Currently we don’t have any additional worlds planned but we are working to bring the server transfer feature along! You can find more information here: Server Transfer update