The kingdom feature looks good, and makes it a bit unique compared to other colony sims. What is the performance hit for larger kingdoms? Can i have multiple settlements if i understood correctly?
You can have multiple settlements, but only one can be loaded at a time. Settlements you don’t occupy will be simulated for the time you are away.
Exciting news about 1.0. And a big congrats on the multithreading for pathfinding. Was it difficult to set that up? What algorithm are you using?
Thanks! The multi threading implementation was a bit of a challenge as it requires a different approach to data structures than what I had. I’m using Unity’s job system to create the threads.
Hey gang!
Progress on the next update is sprinting ahead. I'm working hard to get it out as soon as I can and I'm pleased with where it's going. I'm starting to approach a point where I feel like the game is getting close to its 1.0 content and feature requirement. I want to talk about that towards the end of this post. First, let's take a look at some of the new additions to the game...
Players will have the option to start a kingdom when they begin a new game. After selecting a starting loadout for your game, players will need to select a point ...
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