Odd Realm

Odd Realm Dev Tracker

20 Oct

16 Oct

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I like it! I'm definitely going to try and make the playable maps bigger at some point, so I'll keep this idea in mind! :)

15 Oct

Originally posted by edgingblade

Looking forward to your progress

Thanks for your support :)

Originally posted by DWLlama

Writing software is hard, and every step always involves 20 more steps you didn't know about until you started. Getting your tools set up is a great idea. Good luck with it and take the time to do it right, don't stress :)

good luck with the move, too!

I really appreciate that! Thanks ^.^

14 Oct

Originally posted by Wormcowb0y

Don’t worry about how long updates take! Moving is very time consuming too

Cheers my friend!

Originally posted by StripesOverSolids

Great to hear from you! I’ve really been enjoying playing, nice to know more content is coming down the pipe. Good luck with the move!

Thanks so much! :)

Hey Odd Realm crew!

This will be a VERY short dev log as I don't have a ton of new things to show off but I wanted to touch base so you know I'm still working away.

Let me take a sec to thank you all for your patience and trust in me. I know this update is taking a long time to put out there. I'm working on things which are complicated and difficult to wrap up and it feels like cutting one's lawn with scissors. However, I am getting closer each day. Also, I'm in the middle looking for somewhere else to live and that takes up a lot of my attention. But thanks so much for supporting me and the game and being a wonderful community.

As for what I'm working on, I'm still closing out the tasks which I mentioned in the last dev log but I also overhauled a lot of the job systems and world rendering engine. I did this because of some serious behaviour bugs that would appear but also because there was a pretty serious lag when changing layers, panning around the...

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Hey Odd Realm crew!

This will be a VERY short dev log as I don't have a ton of new things to show off but I wanted to touch base so you know I'm still working away.

Let me take a sec to thank you all for your patience and trust in me. I know this update is taking a long time to put out there. I'm working on things which are complicated and difficult to wrap up and it feels like cutting one's lawn with scissors. However, I am getting closer each day. Also, I'm in the middle of looking for somewhere else to live and that takes up a lot of my attention. But thanks so much for supporting me and the game and being a wonderful community.

As for what I'm working on, I'm still closing out the tasks which I mentioned in the last dev log but I also overhauled a lot of the job systems and world rendering engine. I did this because of some serious behaviour bugs that would appear but also because there was a pretty serious lag when changing layers, panning around the map... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/688060/announcements/detail/2928987915279924158]here[/url].
    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I know exactly what you mean and it currently doesn't have the feature you're thinking of. I'm going to incorporate butchering into a kitchen job to help fix this.

As for cooking tools, I haven't added any yet. I'll be adding more tools to round out a lot of professions including cooking.

08 Oct

Originally posted by rafaelbelo

Why debuffing? There are some cultures in real life where it is ok to eat animals that other cultures consider pets. If you consider that, then why not also consider cultures where butchering and eating a cow is worse than a dog or cat. I'd say just leave it be, and let players make their choices.

I wouldn't worry too much. It won't be something that affects all settlers. The idea is that traits would be unique making some individuals stand out. Whereas, in the current build, they're more like pawns and are rather boring.

In this specific example, *maybe* you have a settler that likes animals a ton and loses some happiness. I'm not saying your whole town goes into meltdown mode because you had to butcher your dog to survive.

07 Oct

Originally posted by vanpik

Perhaps a much steeper debuff if there was a pet-master relation going on? I'd feel bad about butchering the communal dog, but I'd feel worse about butchering my own dog.

Later, when I've added settler personality traits, this could absolutely be something to consider. 'Animal Lover' trait which makes them unhappy to have their pets killed, or something.

Originally posted by WankeyKang

It was actually a very difficult choice between the dog and 2 of my last breeding chickens. I was pretty heartbroken when I found out I killed the poor dog for no reason lmao. I understand how it's kind of controversial but I think we all know those settlers would have no problem eating a cat or a dog when their hunger bar is depleted lol

I've come to the conclusion that it's better to let players make their own moral decisions rather than me try and handhold based on what I would do as the player.

You're right. I initially didn't want to let players butcher cats, dogs, and humanoids, but the next update will allow it.

05 Oct

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for your feedback!

Mushrooms should grow without light.

As for Ancients, lots of stuff planned for them seeing as they're half done. More summons, items, props, etc.

29 Sep

    Sleipnir on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I'll be adding more languages once 1.0 is out!