Thanks for the update! Hope everyone has a good weekend!
You too!
Thanks for the update! Hope everyone has a good weekend!
You too!
At Huey, how does the pet roll work? Is it only for MVP or even top 3 contributors? Or does every party member roll for the pet?
I think we'll likely share pet roll mechanics when we share full drop rates/mechanics!
I love that there was some guy already complaining about “no communication” and then an hour later this gets posted. This sub loves to complain but hates waiting.
Totally valid for people to be wondering what's up! Just takes time to figure out what we can hotfix, what needs coldfixing, what we want to wait for data on, and then developing those fixes and QAing them before deploying etc., just always better to take out time and try to do it better than to just do it quickly.
Clues should beget clues.
Completing clues of a tier should give you the ability to stack a couple of that tier. Maybe like 5-10% of total completions, or upon certain milestones.I personally don't like removing the timer to much. Having to do the couple clues that you get is a good thing imo, being able to stack them up like crazy "for later" is just super unfun to me and is the reason I have heaps of clues on Rs3 that I never did.
People that stack hundreds of clues on the floor are just victims of themselves imo.
I think limits on how many you could stack would be far more modest.
I am imagining a number on the order of say up to 10 depending on the progress system we chose.
There is still a legit point there though, the drop method still encourages doing them quickly as opposed to storing for weeks. I'll give some thought on that!
Read moreCAs are definitely not the way to go. They already have some clue benefits and many other purposes, and ties a very casual activity to very high end PVM. Yes, combat is a lot of the source of clues, but it doesn't truly define the activity.
There are three lines to me, all with various benefits and downsides.
- Achievement Diaries, scaling with individual completed tiers. This does have the notable effect that pures and other limited accounts may have very limited access to upgrades, especially if elite clues and master clues are tied specifically to high tier diaries.
- Scaling it with clues completed. This is the most self-reinforcing way to do it, but might discourage people from getting started especially on second accounts, and doesn't allow for the kind of interconnectivity that progression in runescape is so well known for, doing different things to further a goal by allowing increased efficiency.
- Collection log slots. This one is personal...
Fair points, thanks for the thoughts on that and there's plenty of options there for sure
Mate, love the update. But you mean to tell us a herb that takes 5 mins+ to mature wilts and dies within 5 seconds? Give us more time to collect the thing. Its unhealthy how much we have to pay attention to that 😅 hopefully others share my annoyance (new herb minigame)
Have already made a note, think it is a little too punishing and totally agree that it could be a lot more lenient!
Fix for this is being worked on as we speak!
Can hardly believe it myself! What are the odds?
that is a crazy coincidence damn
they are clearly solving a mystery, you shouldn't pet working dogs :(
Personally, I am unhappy with the state of things currently. Juggling floor dropped items is never fun, it being "efficient" also just encourages people to do that more.
I am of the opinion that we should:
This is my view rather than something reflective of the team at the minute but I wanted to gauge opinion of this.
Anyone else had this? Logged out and back in here, and now all the assets have disappeared and I can't interact with anything.
Teleported out and re-entered, logged out and back in, hopped worlds, turned off and on various runelite graphical plugins.... still staying the same for me.
Does this issue persist even if you log into the C++ client? Would wager this still likely is a RuneLite issue but would be good to check
To my knowledge yes, you'll need to make a Private Instance for your Group if you want to retain Prestige.
If you're running into issues with the Launcher and taking a while to load up, we believe it's the result of high-traffic and should subside very soon. Took me a little while for RL to fire up initially but that time's coming down and should hopefully be a non-issue soon.
This is a RuneLite issue as far as we're aware, hoping they're able to fix - in the meantime you might have some success by turning off any bank-related plugins in the short-term. Anecdotally, turning off Bank Tags seems to have some success.
This is a RuneLite issue as far as we're aware, hoping they're able to fix - in the meantime you might have some success by turning off any bank-related plugins in the short-term. Anecdotally, turning off Bank Tags seems to have some success.
The Ice deomon within CoX should take full damage from the burning bow (anti-demon, fire bow).
name is misleading but i dont think that bow actually does "fire damage"
would love to roll out the weaknesses past just standard spells but its for sure a project and not something to be done willy nilly case by case
"Frenzied" ice trolls that you must fight during Fremennik Isles are not weak to fire spells
good catch
will fix, lmk if there's any other blatantly obvious ones like this i've missed.