Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

23 Sep


The guilt I feel when the other guy at the slayer task says "yo" on the same tick I teleport


Originally posted by Disastrous_Load2023

What about just making the models slightly smaller? Is the size the issue causing these problems?

The size of an NPC is defined in tiles (goblin is 1x1, kurask is 3x3), but their aggro range measured from their south-west tile. So nothing to do with the model, just some bad maths that's been around for a long time.


Hello there! I expect that this is not the new update, but the loot tracker being too full or having some corrupt data in there. Before you start your next activity, head into the side panel and clear the loot tracker or open the settings menu to disable the loot tracker. Not the setting to hide/show the tracker, there should be a disable option. Do either of those and you can return to the grind uninterrupted!


We have noticed a lot of inconsistent behaviour recently with the way that larger NPCs work in N/W directions vs S/E. It's something we've chosen to not fix for the time being (it's the kind of change that would randomly break 100 different metas and minigames), but it would be nice to fix for some things - gargoyles are similarly annoying.

19 Sep


Sorry for the late =eply

Thanks for the picture, is very cool =DG


Originally posted by WastingEXP

thank you for pushing for those mentioned methods.

Really don't understand why we need a warmth meter when we're getting %hp healing potions in the mini-game. can those not be used to heal normal hitpoints?

still a few minor concerns such as the double health bars, or the giant health bar for warmth.

You raise a good point! I think it largely comes from a place of the Warmth Metre undergoing development first and halfway through sort of realising 'Yo, what if we could drink the potions?'. Think it also alleviates some concerns about clever smuggles and just better reinforces the feeling that everybody's on a level playing field, but you're right that had we started from a point of 'what if we could drink the potions' then we could likely just have done that...

The double health bars is something that was raised, just requires checking in with Engine to see if it's doable so wasn't something we were able to commit to on such short notice, but if it's feasible then we'd be keen to reduce that visual clutter!


Originally posted by rdhvisuals

The OG wintertodt crates are technically discontinued items now, right?

You can still get Supply Crates by trading in Pyromancer gear at Ignisia I think, so technically not!


Hey all!

Not exactly a major update but wanted to keep you all in the loop in terms of what we're planning to do with the feedback we've gotten so far.

Note that these aren't changes we're looking to make today but more an indicator of the discussions we've had around the most significant feedback points you've left for us!

Cheers all!

18 Sep


Originally posted by PastFix8402

it's not ideal but if you shut off auto correct and predictive type it types normal. i figured that out on wild rift and it worked here 

it should be solved on our client now - there should have been a fix in 225.1 and onwards so no need to work around anymore

17 Sep


Originally posted by Slight-Mountain7892

So let me get this right, you were set to launch the beta two weeks ago but encountered a bug for mobile players. So you waited two weeks and didn’t fix the mobile bug, and also now have an issue with the persistent UI element?

So what was the reason for the two week delay? Seems like nothing beneficial was produced during that time frame.

Attempting to find a solution to the issue preventing beta testing on mobile. When it became clear that the fix would take longer than we were ready to wait, we went with the workaround. Nothing was really changed with Wintertodt during those two weeks.


Originally posted by chofol

Do those get a beta too or will they just be implemented? They seemed more qol and tweaking than overhaul like the wt changes to me so a beta sounds overkill there.

I think the team are still keen to run a beta for them because so many of the changes interconnect with each other and it's difficult to get a proper feel for how they'll add up to be 'more than the sum of their parts' so to speak. For example, if the ability to just charge barriers without them needing to have taken damage turns into significantly more XP/hr than we'd reasonably have expected, or players find some creative way of exploiting it that our QA team wouldn't - we can't reasonably ship those changes.


Originally posted by WishIWasFlaccid

Blog post says 35% - can you clarify if 30% or 35%?

Edit: post updated, no longer relevant

Ah 35% will be the correct number if that's what's written - just getting numbers muddled because of juggling a few things at once, will adjust my initial reply!


Originally posted by LetsLive97

I know it's incredibly minor but is there any thought into changing the Wintertodt leaderboards and collection log to use the number of rewards searched rather than number of kills? People who solo will have significantly lower kills even if they have obtained more rewards than people massing

It'd also just be really nice to have a more accurate understanding of luck when looking at the collection log

I actually think this would be feasible with our new rewards system and is something I'll chat to the team about!

Worth noting that we can't really do anything retroactively (i.e. if you've done 100 kills at 20 loots per kill then we couldn't retrofit that to say 2,000 searches) but we could convert existing kc to searches at a 1:1 and then use the new system going forward for Clog entries in particular, though we might be a little hesitant to change the HiScores for killcount.


Originally posted by oysterghost

Maybe the solo instance could be smaller? Having to run so much is the worst part of solo Todt anyway.

Making it smaller would likely mean remaking the area in some vicinity, which is bigger in scope than just instancing what's there. On top of that, introducing actual meaningful differences in the environment for Solo players might create some imbalance that we'd rather avoid!


Originally posted by Revlos7

Rather that hp cape and regen bracelet being prevalent after the changes, the effects should be passed into the fire making cape. Rather than heal over time, it should make warmth decrease at 0.5 or 0.75 times the normal rate. Would give some use case to the skillcape

Perhaps, but that doesn't really help people doing Todt to get 99 Firemaking, which is the overwhelming majority of players engaging with the content in the first place!


Originally posted by itsWootton

What happened to the run energy changes?

They're on the back-burner for the time-being, but I imagine we'll be talking about them in the relatively near future. We're in no rush to get them out in a state that's not in line with player expectations and we'll absolutely be revisiting them, I'm just not able to provide a clear timeframe of when.


Originally posted by TheCardsharkAardvark

Please add clearer in game explanations of mechanics

Which ones in particular are you asking for here?


Originally posted by HOSMARGARCIA

Hello. What about rings of life and Phoenix necklaces? Do they still save you when you get low warmth? Implementing this would be very convenient. I actually manage to save my HCIM using them.

Escape Crystals, Ring of Life, Phoenix Necklace and the Defence Cape should be working - but it's worth making sure that the Warmth bar effectively assumes that you're at 10HP, so it's not as reliable an option as if you're at 99HP and it's not easy to reliably dip below 10%. There is some variance in the mix though, so it's definitely possible to fish for procs on items like that!


Originally posted by Abigboi_

How long is the cooldown?

I don't know the specific timing off-hand but you should always be guaranteed 2-3 Fletch actions before being able to be interrupted again. Ultimately should reduce those scenarios where you feel like you've not been able to fletch a single thing for loads of consecutive interruptions, should feel a lot better!