Oh, then forgive me I thought today was Wednesday. Love the minigame updates!
All good, they really gotta add a way to check what day it is, would be huge QOL.
Oh, then forgive me I thought today was Wednesday. Love the minigame updates!
All good, they really gotta add a way to check what day it is, would be huge QOL.
So to clarify, regen bracelet and hp cape don't increase the passive regen?
They do not, but the team are open to implementing them if people want them - which I imagine will be the case!
Is there still a maximum point gain allowed per game? Can we now solo unlimited points or are we still forced to leave at a certain point?
The points shouldn't have been changed, other than actually claiming the rewards, reward behaviour should be the same. Effectively, it should remain capped at 13,500 points per game, just distributed differently - not looking to drastically change up the meta or encourage even longer kills etc.
Was there ever any talk about wintertodt instances? would be great to have so you dont get griefed trying to solo. Also anyway to be able to test this out solo? with limited beta worlds i imagine its next to impossible
It's something we're aware of the demand for but given the size of Wintertodt, making it instanceable isn't trivial at all (it's actually a massive deal of work). It's something the team are open to doing down the line, but doing it alongside these changes would likely have resulted in significant delays to the other Poll 82 Minigame changes.
Are you guys thinking of changing how the action interruptions will work? Woodcutting will not make you cancel your action, but fletching and burning your logs will cancel your action. Will it be too much of a QoL to never cancel actions when "damaged" by the Wintertodt?
We actually went into some detail about interruptions and our reasoning behind retaining some interruption in the 'Blog Updates' section of this post.
Do all foods give the same amount of warmth?
As long as the food heals more than 3HP when consumed normally, it'll always restore 35% Warmth, so there's no benefit to bringing something like Lobsters over Cakes, for example.
Update looks amazing, definitely going to wait out 99 fms till the live update. Have two questions though:
Can there be a (visual) cue to see if you have enough warm clothing equipped? Could be an npc as well telling you that you're sufficiently warm or too cold for example.
In the original blog there were changes to how the (lobby) area worked in downtime. For example, can we now create the rejuv potions inbetween rounds as proposed?
Can absolutely speak to the team about finding some clearer way of showing the value of warm clothing!
You should be able to make potions in between rounds yeah, with the changes to Rewards Crates you can effectively extend a trip indefinitely until getting nerd-logged! It looks as though you can't pick the herbs between rounds at the moment, but we'll be hotfixing that since it should be the case that you can make pots between rounds!
Do you get interrupted if you get damaged jn warmth?
Interruptions while fletching have had an internal cooldown added, so should feel far less oppressive than before if you're getting them chained-together.
So an escape crystal wonβt save you if you DC? Similar to Volcanic Mine?
Escape Crystals have been plugged in to the Warmth system, and the usual triggers like inactivity time should function as normal!
Players with 99 hp won't be able to camp Hitpoints Cape/Regen Bracelet with Redemption up anymore, now they have to eat?
Hopefully players will be interrupted less to compensate...
Interruptions have been toned down considerably, but the team are already aware of use-cases for Redemption/Heal Other etc. and are open to implementing them if players still feel that it's necessary
I genuinely don't feel like a "beta" should be considered a weekly update.It's tuesday, not wednesday. We feasting.
It's not a weekly update, those happen on Wednesday, this is entirely separate. That said, this week is a 'no update' week because we need to get a bunch ready for Varlamore: The Rising Darkness next week!
Guardians of the Rift next please!
That's in the works too!
interesting, they must have changed line of sight logic as recently stealing artifacts broke
You'd think those two issues would be related huh...
Anyway, the PVP issue is fixed now and the Stealing Artifacts one will be fixed next week.
As a heads-up, this should be getting added to the Launcher imminently, just waiting for it to appear!
Yello, this should be resolved now if you update the client from the app store. If you don't see an update, check your app version and if it is 225.2, then you already have the fix installed!
I've replied to a few of these and I'm running out of different hello's buuuuuuuuut, if you go to the app store, you should find an update to the client that fixes this issue! If you don't see it, check your app version. If that is 225.2, then you should be gravy to go back into ToA as 225.2 is the fixed app version
Salut! If you head to the app store, there is an update to the client that resolves this issue! Check if you have 225.2 installed if you don't see an update in the store, as 225.2 is the fixed client
you asked for a Jagex mod, and while I might be one of the least helpful, I can tell you that this is fixed if you head over to the app store and update your client! Fixed client version is 225.2 so check that if you can't see an update on the store