Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

04 Sep


Hey, I just want to provide some clarity here. First off, please ignore the last email regarding this that was sent to you - it was sent in error and gives incorrect information.

Our price changes come into effect on 27th September 2024, and as long as you renew your membership before then, you will continue to pay the price you are paying currently. You will not be subject to our new prices until you renew after the 27th September.

A new email will be sent out to anyone who received incorrect information to clear things up but I wanted to share it here too.

Sorry for the confusion!


Originally posted by xHentiny

Love Araxxor, sad to see the enrage self damage reduced by so much.

As always, could a Jmod address some of the issues the community has been asking about for a long time please?

  • Removing Chromium Ingots
  • Adding the missing teleports to the POH Portals/Nexus
  • Inquistor's Armour/Mace not working as promised
  • God Alignment Prayers
  • Scorpia unique
  • Run Energy Changes
  • PvP arena broken matchmaking
  • Forestry's current awful state
  • Fishing Trawler Changes - Post by JoshIsntGaming

Smaller stuff

  • House on the Hill Agility shortcut
  • Ancient Sceptre healing bug (Bug Details)
  • Dragon Sq Shield antifire protection repoll
  • Crystal Cr...
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Alright, lets give an update on all the above.

Chromium Ingots

We don't want to just remove them, rather it's something longer term we'd actually love to explore adding to a variety of PvM features, as something that could in theory be a PvM exclusive drop involved in recipes for various items. At the point we do that, we feel there'd be multiple options to obtain the things and it'd be in a better spot.

However that doesn't alleviate the immediate concerns and may not be something we do soon nor do we know how the community would feel about that.

We are going to look at a way for being able to pay an NPC to create the rings for you at a cost to bypass the chromium ingot requirement. This is primarily something that'll aid ironmen and has little use for mains who should just buy the ingots. The cost will be positioned such that it's never worth it over buying the ingots, but shouldn't be too big a bank-breaker either.


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03 Sep


Mod Arcane masterclass, a lot of what we've collectively learned on our PvM design content has gone into this.

Makes me happy to see the team getting the love for it, appreciate your thoughts on what makes it so good!

02 Sep


Originally posted by andremeda

Yeah it’s 6:45 to 11:15

I understand why it’s scheduled then, it’s got the lowest population of players on and mods are just starting their day in UK so they can baby sit and monitor the update. But once - just once - it’d be nice to have this update when it’s not peak Aussie gaming time.

I know it doesn't help matters for this particular downtime window, but the timing of future downtime is something we're discussing internally with AUS players in mind. There's nothing concrete I can share with you right now but I am hopeful that this won't always be the case.


what's even more ridiculous is that i "fixed" this when i rewrote how poison is handled on the backend, but then just forcibly kept this behavior in, amongst others, because runescape.

31 Aug


Whoops, I am sure we will review after the weekend and make a decision on handling this.


You did what you could... :(


Originally posted by McCash34

Is there any word on being able to change the interface icons (inv, prayer, mage book) locations? I’ve only got one arm and I think it’ll be much easier to pvm on mobile if all the useful icons on one side.

We'll be talking about our Mobile plans during the Summit next Saturday - tune into that and see if that answers any of your questions!

30 Aug


Hello there - I raised the prio on this job the other week and had heard there was good progress. It's not completely unknown or being ignored. I don't know when a fix is due to arrive as I've been buried in other stuff and been pretty anti-social at work because of it but I'm hopeful it will be seen soon


Honestly it is more than fair feedback, it's a conversation we've had a few times recently.

That is that essentially we introduce various different mechanics like venom, then make anything in or close to the 'boss' category out of fear it's abused. (venom it and hide kind of thing). I'd never want a challenge boss like Jad for example to be beaten that way - simply venom and then hide around the otherside of the rock - so it'd never be gone everywhere.

I cannot promise we'll go back and review all the stuff in that list but it may be something we do at some point. Going forward I believe we'll try and avoid doing this so much. Tormented demons for example do take venom damage.


what idiot developer could make such a mistake

in other news ill get this fixed next week

29 Aug


Chatted about this earlier today and will give a quick heads-up: wasn't intended but we're fans of it. We think the damage it's doing is perhaps too much, so we'll look to tone the self-damage down a little but still keep this as an option for people looking to really speed up their kills. 30 extra damage every 4 ticks is a little wild, somewhere in the region 10-15 still makes it worthwhile without it being insane!

Cool tech, love the find

28 Aug


This should have been fixed via hotfix recently - this behaviour shouldn't be persisting, if you (or anybody who sees this) encounters this again then let me know and I'll chase with the team another time!


Originally posted by Scrypto

Spiders in gauntlet are disappearing every few seconds

Team is aware and looking into it!


Originally posted by VertiFatty

Shared and discussed with the team, to then reply to this post a minute after it was posted. I'm impressed! 

I tend to sort by 'New' and spam refresh on update days!


Originally posted by Eccentricc

Could be an ai error... it's that what you're using 🤨

Have never and likely will never use ChatGPT or any other LLM to write these, I enjoy writing newsposts and injecting silly bits of flavour/flair too much - just that this blog came together extremely quickly because we had a bank holiday on Monday!


Have shared this with the team, any chance you remember how exactly you managed to get there?

Were you standing on the egg at the start of a new kill and got shoved as the egg spawned in?