Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

12 Sep


hej! This should all be resolved now if you head on over to the app store and grab the updated client. The client version containing the fix is 225.2 if you need to check if you have the update or not


As much as I'd love to tell you it's a skill issue, it is not. But it is now solved if you head to the app store to update your client, you can get back into things without weird taps! If you need to double check if you have the latest update, the client version should be 225.2 for the fix


hullo, this should be all fixed if you head to the app store to update your client! The fixed client version is 225.2, have fun bludgeoning Akkha


Aloha! Should be all resolved now if you head to the app store and update your client. The fixed client version is 225.2 so if you're still hitting the issue today, double check you have the right version


Should be all sorted now if you head to the app store to update your client! Fixed version is 225.2 if you need to double check at all


Howdy! This issue is now resolved if you head to the App Store and update to client version 225.2, sorry about the issues but you can get back to beating Akkha senseless with that update

11 Sep


Originally posted by Mod_Grub

Haha, I didn't think players would be seeing these notes.
Back when I was working out the golem in Camdozaal years ago, my first draft resembled a roast chicken, which I promptly roasted myself for.


Hmm... Legs


Haha, I didn't think players would be seeing these notes.
Back when I was working out the golem in Camdozaal years ago, my first draft resembled a roast chicken, which I promptly roasted myself for.


08 Sep


Originally posted by Admirable_Mail_4354

Are player idea rewards welcome for leagues?

Of course! We are always open to hearing our community's ideas :)


We will be making that possible in leagues 5, was well on our radar from last league!

05 Sep


Originally posted by Im_Apollyon_

That sounds so much worse...
What I get from this is that if now you have to get RNG multiple times to be able to kill it x times in y amount of time

Depends on your perspective, can be seen as less rng required since it averages out over a period of time.


Originally posted by AnthonyHunt123

is Y only going to be tracked in the instance or are you expecting people to leave the arena for faster respawn times?

It'll track when the first spawn happens and you'll need to stay in the instance for it to track multiple kills.


Originally posted by Nerd321123

the one content where it would be very interesting you let us down with a very bad gm speed for colosseum.. ;( also seemed the total time was bugged aswell there

I didn't work on colosseum CA's, but picking times is pretty difficult. Too easy and it's boring and pointless, too hard and its frustrating.

It's difficult to pick a time that works for our wide range of players and is ideal for all of them.


We don't like CA speed tasks devolving into resets either, it's not fun for anyone.

Araxxor will be trying something different for speed tasks where it will be to get X kills in Y time, so speed and efficiency is still important, but averaged out over a period of time, so resetting shouldn't be a factor at all.

As always this is something different and if people don't like it then we won't bother doing it again, but seems worth a shot considering how poor speed tasks are received on most content.


Originally posted by Repealer

I always liked how they tied low level quests into world ending horrors too, cooks assistant turns into RFD and sheep shearer also turns into the penguin series. Wonder if we'll ever get clock tower getting the same treatment 😂

Waiting for Clock Tower to be part of a Majora's Mask esq quest that gives you three days to save Gielinor.

04 Sep


Originally posted by GurAbler

I'm confused, the 'price changes' post only states 1 and 6 month being grandfathered on the oldschool website.

this post is about his 12 month membership which afaik is not being grandfathered, unless I misread or am missing something

You are correct in that Premier Membership is not being Grandfathered, but you are able to renew it before the price change happens.


Hey, I just want to provide some clarity here. First off, please ignore the last email regarding this that was sent to you - it was sent in error and gives incorrect information.

Our price changes come into effect on 27th September 2024, and as long as you renew your membership before then, you will continue to pay the price you are paying currently. You will not be subject to our new prices until you renew after the 27th September.

A new email will be sent out to anyone who received incorrect information to clear things up but I wanted to share it here too.

Sorry for the confusion!


Hey, I just want to provide some clarity here. First off, please ignore the last email regarding this that was sent to you - it was sent in error and gives incorrect information.

Our price changes come into effect on 27th September 2024, and as long as you renew your membership before then, you will continue to pay the price you are paying currently. You will not be subject to our new prices until you renew after the 27th September.

A new email will be sent out to anyone who received incorrect information to clear things up but I wanted to share it here too.

Sorry for the confusion!