Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

23 Aug


Hey all! We've received reports from players regarding issues logging in. The team are aware and currently investigating.

Please avoid any dangerous activity or world-hopping and we'll keep our Game Status Page updated with the latest information.


Originally posted by MidknightHito

Tokens are small, red, circular objects that can be found from completing a variety of specific daily tasks around Varlamore. Some of these tasks and the purpose of the tokens are currently unknown.

oh interesting, thanks!

22 Aug


Amazing model, it's so recognisable. Need me a parts list!


Originally posted by Ghosting_everyone

I'm here to read comments about how this early alpha footage is literally release product and will ruin the game

Hey! We were hesitant around showing WIP footage of Sailing for a while, as we know that players might worry about whether this is reflective of the final product. As mentioned in the blog, this often results in holding information until it feels perfectly polished and causes less communication with you and transparency. For this reason, we wanted to share a look at Sailing while it is still in Alpha state so that we can keep the community involved during development. We hope that players can appreciate this is still very early on and doesn't visually represent the final product. In fact if you look closely at some of the Unity demo images you can see we have started experimenting with new water textures, so the visual direction of Sailing is still very early.


Originally posted by InaudibleShout

Just keep at it guys. Hard work takes time and at the absolute worst there are a lot of good things to learn from this development in terms of technical endeavors and also development/alpha-beta methodologies that’ll be great to iron out for the future of the game.

Like, seriously, this blog is a window into some really good Product Management practices with how you approached the closed alpha, shuffled the roadmap based on feedback about perpetual movement, rapidly tested new ideas, etc. awesome work.

Thank you so much for your kind feedback! We had really hoped to showcase how Sailing is an iterative process with the players and requires close community collaboration to make sure it feels perfect. We want to make sure that player feedback remains a core part of the skill throughout development!

21 Aug


To add some context, the issue last week was determined to be an engine issue which needed investigating and the conclusion was thus unlikely that we'd get a fix in time for this week.

Today after more investigation took place, we were able to identify a mitigating fix content side which we could hotfix. To players it's totally solved but the engine issue still remains which we will tackle in due course - but at this point is just under the hood.


Originally posted by spareamint

Any word on when you guys will buff the crystal shard rates in Prif when doing skilling content?

Many people are hoping you guys didn’t forget about that buff.


Repost from /u/5erenade

🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀🦀 /u/JagexGoblin /u/JagexBlossom - we appreciate if you could at least tell us if this is no longer the case.


We still want to do something with crystal shards but unfortunately just haven't got around to it yet. I apologise that it's felt this question has been ignored.


I will protect these mammoths as long as I'm here.

20 Aug


Cheers for reporting! The team are aware of the issues and are looking into it - we'll be updating the Game Status page with any further developments.

Apologies for the inconvenience all, in the meantime: we'd advise anybody reading this to avoid dangerous activities in-game or world-hopping if at all possible and to check back in on the Game Status page intermittently.

EDIT, 16:30 BST: Issue appears to be resolved for now, check out the Game Status page linked above for more information and any future updates!

19 Aug


Originally posted by Capybara_Pulled_Up

Thank you very much! I wasn't aware of the changes, that explains a bit on my end.

Ahh, followed them, and I can't change the account settings. As I try to do that, it asks me to log into my jagex account. When I do, the character isnt' there, and I lose access to the character settings X_X.

Returning to account settings from account status also yields a 404 error.

I suggest you try in a different browser, or clear all of your cookies in your existing browser. I've just checked the flow myself and clicking either the 'Upgrade to Jagex' banner or the 'Communications preferences' as I elsewhere mentioned both bring up a page prompting me to create a new Jagex account with a 'Start' button.

If you already have a Jagex account, you will want to add your social network character to the existing Jagex account rather than trying to make a new one.

17 Aug


Originally posted by EuphoricAnalCarrot

So... Are you guys going to ban ROT?

We'll have more information to share regarding the outcome of the Deadman: Armageddon finale relatively soon - our investigations have been very thorough which means they've taken some time to carry out. I know it's been a while but we haven't forgotten - once we can update you all, we will :)


Hi all,

There does appear to be a bug with the dropdown menu, but it's not quite being represented based on this post so I'm just jumping in to provide a little context!

What's essentially happening here is the client has to send information to the server on which option from the dropdown menu has been selected. If this happens just as a game tick occurs, the information won't have sent over and it will revert back to the previous option that was selected. Similarly, if a player has high ping it will do the same, because the server didn't get the information on which option was selected in time so it doesn't know which one was selected.

So far this is the first time we've seen this particular issue happen, but I had a chat with the the team and they believe there is a way they can optimise this menu so it's less noticeable. I imagine that's something we'll change with next week's game update.

16 Aug


This article has more info about this issue, in particular please check the part about your time zone.


14 Aug


Originally posted by Different-Muffin9861

Will this continue to not be available for Ironman? Partner slayer is fun, didn’t know if by having it where you can’t abuse xp etc, it would become available for regular Ironman also?

There would still be an advantage to partner up, so there is no intent to make that available for Ironman accs.


cheers, should be fixed now for all new tasks.


It adds an extra layer where you don't just need to do everything yourself, but you need to learn the quickest ways to get the items you need, like the nearest knife spawn to a teleport, quickest way to get decent food, and so on. It also means you need to be ruthless in what you drop or decide not to keep, and especially towards the end-game you need to get really really picky. You can't switch between activities too easily, you're best just committing to whatever your current goal is without distraction. 10/10 good game mode.


Originally posted by Capybara_Pulled_Up

Oh, nice to meet you Lyon. If you've the time, could you please guide me in how I could add this character to my Jagex Account? Both are tied to the same email, so I figured it would have been automatic.

As u/Anachren pointed out you can follow the instructions here.

Slightly amended my original post too