Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

28 Aug


Originally posted by NiftyDev

Is Soulreaper bugged to lose all stacks when the boss dies?

Fix is being worked on!


Have passed this one on to the team, appreciate you also checking across RuneLite and C++! Very helpful, what a bizarre bug...


Rolled up magazine


Originally posted by JagexAyiza

LS Slayer when LS Trickster exists? Peasant.

I do not have the willpower to chase an RT EE in HCSSF :(


Originally posted by JagexGoblin

My first time playing HC Trade as opposed to HCSSF, ticked off 115/115, all invitations and non-ubers, started SST, then made a Hexblast Miner for Sanctum, then Ice Nova Archmage (re-rolled it into CoC DD/VD), then remade HCSSF and rolling RF for a bit until probably spinning up either LS Slayer or another Archmage Hiero (maybe Ball Lightning of Orbiting, not sure!)

LS Slayer when LS Trickster exists? Peasant.


Newspaper with a nail in it


absolutely mammoth, gz on what I imagine is gonna be a huge payday!


Originally posted by Feral-Vyke

What about the regular drops? Are they good enough on their own, or is the gp/h boosted by the uniques?

Regular drops seem pretty serviceable to me - but will leave that up the the players!


Originally posted by L0rkrakt

Ah ha! I knew there were a few other instances but it's too early for me still to think about them. First time fighting muspah my friends and I definitely said that someone on the jagex team was a fan of Poe lol.

Pretty neat to see those influences in osrs.

Need an OSRS equivalent of the Feared to really get the blood pumping...


Originally posted by HealthyResolution399

This is actually interesting, do jmods play the RS3 equivalents of quests/bosses while making the OSRS version or do they just go in pretty much blind?

We chat across teams, and with something as old as Araxxor we've got a decent bit of familiarity from back in the day, but our version is very different outside of some similarities with the likes of spawns


Originally posted by JagexArcane

poe good

cheers for your insight


Originally posted by ParryPonds

Ty Mod Goblin, I just hit 90 slayer so I'll be slaying Araxxor in no time :D I'm eager for some aranea boots though, so I'll be chomping wild pies and putting my venator bow to good use

Get those last two levels done! They absolutely fly by once you're able to just get in the flow of it!


Originally posted by JagexGoblin

I'm not a dev so no! But Arcane (responsible in-part for my POE addiction) is infinitely more knowledgeable about POE than me and you can definitely see that influence in places (Akkha's memory game/Maven, Zebak's waves/Exarch, Tasakaal Trials/Ultimatum), think parts of Muspah regarding keeping the arena 'clean' when it comes to where you're placing spikes might be inspired in part by things like Maven/Shaper ground degens etc., maybe u/JagexArcane could give some more info when he's not busy with today's update!

poe good


Originally posted by Armthehobos

the blog doesnt seem to mention the gland anywhere, is it still a drop?

The glands are now called sacs!


Originally posted by lllIIIIIll

Are there new combat tasks?

There will be - just need to balance them based on how players perform at the boss after release


Originally posted by L0rkrakt

With you being an avid Poe player... Were you the dev who worked on muspah and added what is essentially shapers teleport around and throw orbs at you phase? I've always wondered which dev enjoyed Poe...

I'm not a dev so no! But Arcane (responsible in-part for my POE addiction) is infinitely more knowledgeable about POE than me and you can definitely see that influence in places (Akkha's memory game/Maven, Zebak's waves/Exarch, Tasakaal Trials/Ultimatum), think parts of Muspah regarding keeping the arena 'clean' when it comes to where you're placing spikes might be inspired in part by things like Maven/Shaper ground degens etc., maybe u/JagexArcane could give some more info when he's not busy with today's update!


Originally posted by osrslmao

is the drop rate of boots increased on task?

There is an on-task increase for the boots drop-rate yeah!


Originally posted by hyberii

Off-topic but I wanted to ask if wilderness slayer with partner is bugged since it's only giving around 18-20 points in total for every task? Solo slayer Krystilia gives 25 points so I hope it gets looked at.

We think this might be related to Expeditious Bracelets or an unintended side effect of a hotfix last week to prevent points boosting. We're aware of the behaviour and will be looking to fix it once we're able!


Originally posted by ParryPonds

Can I kill the baby araxytes without 92 slayer?

In the off-task area of the cave you'd be able to boost for them with the likes of a Wild Pie, but otherwise you'll need 92 Slayer regardless!


Originally posted by MajinVegetable92

Will combat achievements be released with the boss? Or later date?

We've got some ready, just need to check the balancing on them once players get more familiar with the boss - so expect them in the near future!