Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

29 May


Originally posted by snailord

What was the thinking behind granting XP based on facility interaction versus passive xp for travelling a certain number of tiles?

I worry that needing to interact with your sails too often will introduce a level of tedium that is counter intuitive to exploration and traveling.

A good metaphor would be like needing to tie your shoes every X time in order to run to a destination. (Don’t get any funny ideas, now!)

Thematically we've opted for the definition that your skill in Sailing is indicative of your capability to operate a Ship and it's facilities.

We really didn't want players to just gain XP passively, that feels like something that wouldn't feel like a skill, whereas using a tool to do a job very much so does, in this case, the ship and it's facilities are a tool and you're increasing your knowledge/expertise of these while using them.

We're aware of the sentiment of interacting with Sails too frequently perhaps getting a bit too tedious but that's where we have multiple avenues to affect this throughout the skill progression, for example: - Higher level sails could need trimmed less often, or be more effective when trimmed. - NPC crewmates (or other players joining your ship) could take on that tedium for you so you can navigate yourself.


Originally posted by Thosepassionfruits

you will appear on an island we've temporarily dubbed "Limbo island

If there's not an ongoing limbo contest between two NPCs named Slim and Hermes, I'll be very disappointed in Jagex's pun department.



Originally posted by trek5900

So, there will be level restrictions on quest reward XP for specific skills?

Yes, if we add retroactive Sailing XP we'd want to make sure the level was appropriate for that XP reward instead of everyone starting Sailing on launch day at, for example, level 30.


Originally posted by chillymac

Is riding someone else's boat going to be a POH/accept aid sort of thing that's not allowed for ironmen?

We're currently going to allow irons to sail with other players but with restrictions, those restrictions are currently unclear but we are aware of a sentiment with iron accounts needing to be responsible for their own account progression and we're looking to uphold that.

Currently anyone can join anyone's boat as long as it's at a port but we definitely want you to have more control than that for launch, such as only allowing friends, having join requests or just being able to kick people from your boat.


Originally posted by gophineas

Hi! A while ago it was stated that Sailing will be integrated into existing content. Can you tell us in what extent this is gonna be?

For example, will the sailing part in the quest Bone Voyage receive a whole overhaul where you actually will be Sailing (like the skill) to Fossil Island? Or are you planning to keep it like it is and simple reward it some Sailing xp?

Other examples include Fishing Trawler, Dragon Slayer (I & II) or the canoe network. And will charter ships be replaced by Sailing?

Hey, I answered a similar question here https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1d3a4gh/comment/l66gddw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button

but I appreciate you're being a bit more specific, so I'll try to answer as best as I can!

With regards to existing content, we're not looking to overhaul existing quest completion methods in the game world but we are interested in changing the framing of some quests and dialogue in them to account for the fact that Sailing exists.

A good example of quest integration is DS1 where the isle of Crandor is this massive big mystery but realistically we all know ...

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Originally posted by PrePro2

Hey, I may have missed it in a blog if it was mentioned, but will we be able to sail to the Wushanko Isles (aka the Eastern Lands)? In the lore, it has always been an interest to me from the tidbits we're able to find out via npc dialog. Also, in the fighters guild, it's hinted the Cyclops hail from the region? Opportunity for some fashsionscape clothing and maybe a unique cyclops boss. Thanks!

This is a great question! There are lots ties to the Eastern Lands in-game already, and it's reasonable to assume that at some point we will expand over there, but we're not planning to go there with Sailing for launch. In order to do the content justice, it would need significant time spent on it as it's probably as big as Varlamore in scope. We want to focus on making Sailing good for the existing game world initially for launch and then look at expanding in future.


Originally posted by Fluffy-Apocalypse

A host of quests involve our character rowing, sailing, and otherwise boating such as DS1, 2, Friends With My Arm, and Bone Voyage. Will these quests have sailing level requirements going forward? If so, will these retroactively reward sailing exp? Will new quests that feature us manning a boat require sailing levels?

What about existing and future boat-based shortcuts and transports e.g. Molch island and the Morytania boaty?

Following from that, is sailing going to exclusively cover sailboats, or will it thematically cover other boating activities like rowboats, canoes/kayaks, and Dwarf/Dorgenshun-tech propellers?

Are there any plans to update ship-based activities (primarily fishing trawler) to be a sailing skilling opportunity?

Can we have any teasers on what fighting griffins will be like or their rewards?

Are there currently any plans to host any sort of world-firsts event or prizes?

Wishing you all the best of luck for a smoot...

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First up, we're not looking to change any existing sailing requirements but we are open to these quests awarding some sailing XP upon completion (and available as a claimable lamp for those who completed them before Sailing's launch). We'd still want to set reasonable minimum levels to these so players don't just spend the first 10 minutes claiming lamps and going from, for example, level 1 to level 30 without engaging with Sailing initially.

For new quests in the future, I'd assume that we will lean into using the players boat where we can, but I'd imagine that will be quite subject to the developers design intent for that quest and also player feedback/validation. For example, if you're being rowed by an NPC along a river to a back entrance where you sneak into a castle it might not necessarily matter that you have access to a boat to sail the seas but if it's a quest like Bone Voyage, perhaps it makes sense to sail yourself, or perhaps the narrative of the q...

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Originally posted by Classydudee69

Hello there !

Hope you guys are well. I was wondering, how do you think sailing will affect other skills ?

Will fishing have new viable methods and if so will you be getting good sailing or passive sailing experience at the same time?

Will there be a way to train slayer through sea creatures or creatures that are on some islands?

Also is there anything new coming to woodcutting/fletching/crafting/construction or any other skills thay would come from gathering ressources for sailing/your boat?

Thanks a lot!:)

Hi there! :)

Great question. We published a blog during refinement on Sailing gameplay (Adding A New Skill: Sailing Core Gameplay (runescape.com)), which includes 'secondary gameplay' activities. Secondary activities involve existing skills and Sailing, so you'd be getting XP in two skills. The amount of XP though is yet to be determined and the activities themselves would need to be polled separately.

We've also talked about islands and the content found there in this blog (...

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Originally posted by witchking782

Questions regarding disconnects and logout. If you're on your own boat or a friend's boat, you get disconnected or you choose to log out while there is a crew: 1. Would the boat still function and move? 2. When you relog, would you endup on the boat where ever it is? Would this create a problem where you can logout as soon as you get on a boat and hitch a ride to a destination? 3. If I'm on friends boat and I DC for 30 secs, will that reset me to the shore? 4. If I world hop, does my boat come with me? What happens to other people on the previous world?

Hey, currently in the tech alpha:

  • A boat will continue to operate as expected without the captain present on the boat for 5 minutes, this includes using facilities and moving the boat (if the player has been given navigator permissions by the captain)
  • After 5 minutes, the boat will be considered disabled, this means none of the facilities will be able to be used, the boat cannot move and the boat will stay there until all of the players leave.
  • If the captain logs in within these 5 minutes they will be returned to the boat, regardless of where the boat has now moved to
  • If the captain logs in after these 5 minutes, they will be spawned on a new copy of that boat at the location they logged out, anyone else on the old boat will not be present.
  • If the captain logs in to a different world, they will be spawned on a new copy of their boat regardless and will be unable to return to their old one.

So to your specific questio...

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Originally posted by AwfulZs

It seems Cucumber is right it is the loot tracker I think. I have turned it off and it didn’t crash.

Hmm, I assumed you'd had it turned off given you had the side panel hidden. That is a known issue though, so kind of a sigh of relief.

You could try clearing the loot tracker out and see if it still crashes. It might be that the info is too full atm and clearing it could let you track again without perma crashing


Originally posted by humerusSSA

You've previously mentioned that the running plan is to avoid rescaling waterbodies already present in the game, yet AFAIK did not elaborate on the reasoning behind the decision.

From what we've seen to date I personally fail to imagine how, even after the previously mentioned vessel downscaling, boats could look adequate within the present geometry inbetween the game's vast landmasses. Our supposed great seas feel comically claustrophobic, and the previously anchored ships' scales gives even more of an off-putting feel to the whole thing, it's almost like one of those city-map carpets that kids are supposed to play with.

What a comparison! Thanks for the question. :)

When you're sailing a small boat, we think it feels appropriate but we definitely see the concern when we look at large boats in comparison to the scale of the existing game world. During refinement, we looked at scaling up the world and moving landmasses.

When we investigated further, we felt it was apparent that we were trying to apply a real-life scale to a world that isn't trying to be at scale.

We have mansions larger than mountains, we have entire kingdoms you can travel between, on foot, within a minute or two, trying to enforce this sense of a realistic scale with Sailing just felt very against the grain for this game.

In light of this feedback, we've instead looked to focus our efforts on trying to control the size of the boat and try to tailor that to the environments at sea, for example, the areas around Crandor, Catherby, Port Sarim might be shallow waters which favour smaller boats whe...

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Originally posted by AwfulZs


-100% of the time when it catches one.

-Newest version this video was taken 5mins before upload to Reddit

-Yes only when it catches.

Which iOS device? As things stand, we tried an 11 Pro Max in live and didn't get it, so wondering if it potentially hardware specific or setting specific. And what's your RSN? Feel free to DM that if you don't want to share it

Currently, no causes are jumping to mind from what I can see so will keep digging for a bit


Few questions for you to help us narrow this down - from what I can see, this is the first report of significant crashing of this kind

  • iOS or Android?
  • How often can you repro this? You've said 3 times, is that 10% or 50% of the time for example
  • Which client version are you using? (assuming 222.1 but good to clarify)
  • Is it only successful traps that are crashing you out?

All part of our plan to bring Josh Isn't Gaming down a peg...

Will ask the team to take a look at this one, Salarin's code appears to be as twisted as the man himself but I'm sure they'll be able to set him straight!


Team are working on a fix for this one, give your hard-working thralls a brief spot of respite.


Raised this one with the team, if I had to hazard a guess it's that LMS items are 'separate' from their maingame counterparts and we might have missed adding an exception to it. Team should be able to fix it easily enough (I hope!)


Originally posted by Wildest12

“I’m not really sure” seems to be the default response for a lot of the decisions LOL

In this case we'd designed this stuff first, I'm not as close to the WGS rewards since it's not a project I'm actively working on so my uncertainty stems from not knowing their reasoning for the 'fiery' thematics since I've not been privy to those specific conversations!


Originally posted by typhoonzac3

u/JagexGoblin seems to be a problem with the soulreaper axe in ToB during soteseg. When it teleports you for maze, you lose your stacks and dont get any health back

Raised this one with the team!


Originally posted by andrew_calcs

Mage thralls have bugged out since this update. They now need to walk up to melee range to start attacking their target, and can't attack the Olm mage hand or Zulrah at all.

Team are aware of both of these cases and looking into them!