A host of quests involve our character rowing, sailing, and otherwise boating such as DS1, 2, Friends With My Arm, and Bone Voyage. Will these quests have sailing level requirements going forward? If so, will these retroactively reward sailing exp? Will new quests that feature us manning a boat require sailing levels?
What about existing and future boat-based shortcuts and transports e.g. Molch island and the Morytania boaty?
Following from that, is sailing going to exclusively cover sailboats, or will it thematically cover other boating activities like rowboats, canoes/kayaks, and Dwarf/Dorgenshun-tech propellers?
Are there any plans to update ship-based activities (primarily fishing trawler) to be a sailing skilling opportunity?
Can we have any teasers on what fighting griffins will be like or their rewards?
Are there currently any plans to host any sort of world-firsts event or prizes?
Wishing you all the best of luck for a smoot...