Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

22 May


Hey u/KoenKlijn

You've already received some helpful responses from the community here, and hopefully you've got everything sorted.

Without your information I can't do anything to directly help, but could you please submit a ticket here, and we'll do what we can to assist further if needed :)

  • Jagex Support

20 May


Originally posted by Dotesmite

Basically every reward I've seen so far is related to interacting with your boat less. i.e. crewmates, islands, bosses, teleportation, new resources. The idea of unlocking a new area or a reward and not getting to engage with it because you're more interested in the next higher level area or reward just puts me off completely.

Thanks for the feedback!

We don't see it as interacting less, but moreso evolving how you interact with it over time. You'll get new facilities to do new things, you'll move from interacting from ones you have to to ones you want to and then having crewmates help with the running of the ship.

Obviously this is all speculation and design at the moment and we won't know if it feels right until we've developed it but we think the approach definitely has merit.


Why is it a "bad way to go about it"?

Please do give us specifics, how would you see it working instead? Or what specifically do you dislike about the current core gameplay loop?

19 May

18 May


Would anyone feel it was broken for it to just be a normal bank deposit box?

17 May


Originally posted by lastdancerevolution

The worst part about OSRS is the navigation. You're spoken about how horrible walking and energy is in OSRS.

A huge part of the game progression is already unlocking teleports to walk less. Introducing a new clunky navigation mechanic isn't going to be fun for the player base. Players want to engage less with navigation. The aspect of 1 tick = 1 tile walked will always be a crude and punishing part of the game. That same limitation is going to exist in Sailing, only it's going to have an additional layer of tedium on top of it.

I really do think some fundamental aspects of OSRS have been missed in this. The messaging has been "we'll figure that out later" when it should be the very first thing you solve. It's possible it's an unsolvable problem, and Sailing isn't a good navigation method for the game. (Which this has become. Sailing is far more than just a skill, it's a new method of navigation and player control to interact with other skills.)

Perhaps I've just mis-spoken but the intention really is to figure this stuff out now! That's why we have the technical alpha which was set up purely to test how moving around on a ship and interacting with facilities on it while the ship is moving feels.

This 100% needs to be right at an early stage as it's the foundation for all things the skill is later built upon. The only thing I'm asking is for the current implementation to not be shot down until players have tried it for themselves which will hopefully be sooner rather than later

16 May


Originally posted by ki299

Yes, you'll currently have to click the tiller/wheel to stop navigating and then click on the rigging of the sails to trim the sails.

Sounds tedious, clicking on the sail should automatically exit you that way you don't need to click to exit.. to then click to luff. then click to enter again.

What are your thoughts on the points I touched on with regard to skill progression, starting off with a little friction and then alleviating that later on?

I also mentioned in another comment that it's quite divisive, we've seen some people say during playtests that clicking the sails accidentally was a problem, other's say that they liked it, so I'm keen to see what player's say during the tech alpha and I'm open to us allowing ship upgrades to help customise the navigation options available to you on a ship by ship basis if we can.

Edit: Follow up on reading the comments below, this is all really subjective, hard to pinpoint requires lots of playtesting and balancing. I have no intention of releasing something that just feels bad and there's so many variables involved. If I'm hating doing this from my multiple playthroughs of the skill closer to launch then I will not be subjecting players to the same. I'd just like everyone to remain open minded for now until the...

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Originally posted by Raima_Valdes

Yes, you'll currently have to click the tiller/wheel to stop navigating and then click on the rigging of the sails to trim the sails.

The specifics of this and how it feels in actual gameplay is something we'll be directly looking for feedback on when you can all playtest it and it's something we've discussed heavily during development so far.

This was literally the one thing in the blog that did not give me joy. "Oh no. Is entering/exiting navigation mode going to be miserably clunky?" Good to see it's firmly on y'alls radar to monitor.

Yeah it's on the radar for sure.

We have some experimental builds with middle-ground approaches too we're still going back and forth on what we like better. It's all very divisive though and ultimately we may just have to make sure that there are different navigation-style options which players can build a ship to accomodate for choosing the upgrades to enable the gameplay they want to experience.


Originally posted by Plebsaurus

So is the actual sailing part going to be instanced? I don't see how this is going to work with multiple ships in the same area at once without it looking like an absolute mess

Hey Plebsaurus, I love your name btw!

We know that players really resonated with Sailing being NON-instanced as a skill, like most other skills are, so that it feels like it's part of Gielinor and not a minigame or silo'd off. The development team would like to re-affirm that it's non-instanced much as possible.

We mentioned having time-based challenges, like Barracuda Trials, for Sailing and those absolutely need instances where it makes sense as players would experience griefing if they are competing for a certain time.

The "mess" part is harder to answer with absolute certainty at the moment. We're not far enough in development yet but certainly we'll be looking to limit the amount of ships that are visible in an area at a time to avoid those problems.


Originally posted by Bulky-Departure603

With regards to luffing the sails, if I'm in navigation mode and can't directly click on the sails to luff them would I need to exit out of navigation each time they need luffing?

Yes, you'll currently have to click the tiller/wheel to stop navigating and then click on the rigging of the sails to trim the sails.

The specifics of this and how it feels in actual gameplay is something we'll be directly looking for feedback on when you can all playtest it and it's something we've discussed heavily during development so far.

In general, having some friction during the early parts of Sailing is probably a good thing, especially as we can relieve that with meaningful upgrades to your ship or by adding crewmates (both of which will be discussed later on during development) to do the task for you.

It also kind of makes sense that it's something you do when you've got a smaller ship with less facilities as there isn't exactly all that much for you to do while moving around anyway.

There's still many variables we can tune over time which impact this

  • We can change how often it happens

  • We can change how lo...

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15 May


Hey, this was a result of some under the hood changes we made with this weeks update. We're looking to resolve it with next weeks update as its not something thats hotfixable :)


Originally posted by Friendlygymgoer

Raise a ticket via the Unable to submit account recovery support page.

Make sure you've secured your device & email before reaching out to support. Do malware + virus scans, change passwords on your email accounts, enable 2FA and check your email settings in case there are filters/rules that block, delete or forward Jagex emails.

fighting the good fight as always u/Friendlygymgoer :) always good to see people helping the community!


Hey There,

Sorry to hear this is happening!

Could you please submit a ticket here, and someone from our tech team will take a look into it for you :)


Hey there,

Sorry to hear this has happened - hopefully we can get your account properly secured for you now you're back on the account.

Without access to your account, I can't say for sure how the hijackers gained access, but if a hijacker has accessed your account, then the hijack could only be for one of the following reasons:

  • They have significant information about your account which allowed them to recover it and register their own email - upgrading to a Jagex Account will remove the ability to recover your account through the legacy recovery system
  • They have access to your email
  • You've unwillingly provided your login info + authenticator TOTP (phishing/keylogging by the hijacker)
  • You've willingly provided your login info to someone
  • You've been hijacked in the past, the hijacker linked a third party account to your RuneScape character (like Google, Apple, Steam, Facebook etc) and used this link to access ...
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Could you please submit a ticket here, and someone from our tech team will take a look into it for you :)

  • Jagex Support

Originally posted by Erksike

The problem is that Jagex will close any requests you send to prove you're the owner. This is why it's important to upgrade yourself: that way no one can fake being you in front of Jagex (as they don't collect information to adequately do this in the first place) and this way you'll be most safe given that you don't compromise yourself in some way shape or form.

The account is gone. It's OP's fault. There's nothing he can do to fix this. If you care about the account you should make it your #1 priority to do everything in order to keep it safe. Jagex accounts were the first layer of defense which they didn't activate themselves. This gives any future hacker a massive weapon and you won't be able to bypass it in any way.

u/Throwaway47321 u/Erksike

I'm just jumping in here and correcting some assumptions around the support we provide for people who have had their legacy accounts upgraded to a Jagex account.

I want to clarify that if you have not yet upgraded to a Jagex account and a hijacker upgrades your account, you need to contact support here.


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I understand this is a bit of a tricky situation, so let's see what we can do to help!

Unfortunately, If you have forgotten the e-mail that is currently setup on the Jagex account this is not something we can reveal to you.

Your login email is visible on the account settings here, which you may be able to access if you're already logged in. If not it may be on the auto-fill on the linked webpage.

I would also recommend looking at any e-mail you've previously used on any of your RuneScape accounts, and checking for previous Jagex account verification codes that have been sent - the subject line will be "##### is your Jagex verification code" where ##### is the code.

Unfortunately, if you cannot find it, I'm afraid there isn't anything fu...

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Originally posted by [deleted]


I’ll try to also include this as a discussion point in our next Q&A as I think you’d prefer a dev to answer this rather than a CM. I think we do want Sailing to feel integrated with the game world but there is a balance which we will need to have so that it still feels familiar for players and doesn’t completely change how you play. Off the top of my head, I know that we won’t be adding retroactive requirements for existing quests, but there might be come retroactive rewards from existing quests. Outside of that I also know you would see minor changes to Ports to accommodate Sailing. But yeah that’s all I can think of right now. So will ask for more thoughts