Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

15 May


Hi, we're looking into this right now - thanks for raising. It looks related to contribution changes we made this week following last week's update. Last week's update had accidentally nerfed loot gained by certain group sizes at Zalcano, so we released a fix this week but it's a bit too generous with shards. A hotfix is being prepared to make shards less consistent and we'll keep monitoring it.


Originally posted by radtad43

How's sailing going? Is it fun to develop for? I dont want specifics just want to know how well it's jellingling with the staff

Honestly it is lots of fun :D We also have a lot more teams that we're working with. The team scaled up significantly - we are now basically 2 scrum teams with dedicated art, QA, CM, dev and engine devs. I'm very optimistic about it all and it looks like we'll have progress update for you guys very soon :) And I really appreciate everyone's patience on this as I know it has been a while since we last talked about Sailing. The team is just genuinely so excited and honoured to be working on something as big as this. There is some pressure that we put ourselves under because we know how important it is to players to get right. It's a massive thing for the game and we know not everyone is sold on Sailing so we're trying our best to figure out what we can do to make it the best possible at every step. But we're having lots of fun with boats right now and I genuinely can't wait to talk about it more with you guys and get your amazing feedback. The community is mostly always on point with...

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Originally posted by Vagrant_Isaiah

Yo, quick question, "We’ve improved the drop rates of Medium, Hard and Elite Clue Scrolls from gnomes, paladins and heroes"

By how much? currently grinding 1000 caskets of every clue type. will this be a viable way to get clues now?

Mediums from gnomes is intended to be a decent way to farm them, hard and specifically elite clues aren't really intended to be a strong way of purely farming clues though, moreso an alternative if you are training thieving and want to get some clues along the way.


Originally posted by Zesinua

Is this a few weeks soonish, or like a “Winter 2017” soonish?

Hopefully the former lmao


Originally posted by [deleted]


yea we can probably add shadows at the very least. we've tried to make an effort with bosses like vardorvis to have big fridge-shaped clickboxes that are static so we dont have these issues.


Originally posted by Merdapura

Can you please remove the cap completely when it comes to the TOOL SEED drop? I can understand why uncapping generic loot could be an issue but it just feels bad to look at the .05% seed drop chance every kill.

It just feels awful seeing people with worse stats get MVP because everything about points in groups is RNG and I can't tick manip for more effort = more reward

Not aware of any cap for the tool seed o: perhaps I'm missing something.

I also don't think tick manipulation is beneficial at zalcano at all. IIRC that got removed week 1-2 feedback when zalcano was first released.


Originally posted by hbnsckl

Is this something that will eventually be looked into? It's a pretty common area of criticism. Would love for these npcs to get shadows.


This got raised as early as the initial player playtests, we had some initial investigations and couldn't see anything that causes them to be so odd/big. I'll raise a point to get it looked into again.


Further details:

Competition closes at 4PM BST May 16th! T&C's can be found here: osrs.game/Plushie-Giveaway-May2024-T&Cs

For more chances to win, you can also tune in to our livestream at 4PM BST on Friday, May 17th!  http://twitch.tv/oldschoolrs

The full range of these RuneScape iconic outfit plushies are only on sale until 23:59 on the 18th May - don’t miss out! ...

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Originally posted by ToBeGreater

Players no longer need to cancel their current Slayer Task to take on one they’ve left in storage. Instead, we’ve implemented a system that lets you swap existing Tasks with stored ones!

Note that the ability to swap tasks is locked behind a one-off fee of 1,000 Slayer Points, although it will be free from then on.

Can i get the same task if i have one stored? or what is really the use of storing tasks?

Convenience really.

Get a Jad task and you want to do it but you are also heavily reclined watching eurovision?

Store it for later!


Originally posted by wikings2

Can you guys elaborate on what "further improvement" means for pickpocketing? People usually ask ash on twitter who instantly gives us the numbers and the info gets updated on the wiki right away.

Wouldn't it be simpler and more straightforward if a 1/200 -> 1/100 change was simply written in the update notice blog?

It was around a 30-40% buff for all three i believe, that + making them easier to pickpocket should feel noticeable.


Originally posted by Merdapura

Sadge no point cap removal at Zalcano to allow for solo/duo strats

We raised the cap from one "armours worth" of damage to three per player last week, so if you're getting more than 3 downs in a solo (likely) then you will hit the cap, but i think duos should be fine.


Originally posted by TheMcCannic


no u x


Originally posted by xkp777x

Quick question on this, if you take a Konar task for task streak 8, then store it, take a duradel task for task 9 and complete it, take another duradel task (this would be task 10 and the point bonus), and then swap to your stores Konar task, would you still get the Konar points + bonus, or will it behave differently because of stored tasks?

Task streaks are only incremented once you complete one, so that data isn't really stored "on the task".


Originally posted by Actual_Whole9206

When is the DWH drop rate buff coming

With the rest of the combat changes, soonish!


Originally posted by WesternInspection

Have Elite clue rates from Heroes been adjusted?

With these rumour changes, does this mean that the Quetzin rate buff on Masters that was being discussed is no longer happening?

Yes, please accept my apologies for the typo in that first instance, elite clues are also included in the buff. In terms of the Quetzin rate buff on Masters, I've just asked a developer about this for context. It's no longer happening (apparently it was discussed but not promised). The change today improves master tier rumours alongside fixes to the system that should mean experts are not going to be the de facto best way to acquire the pet. I am seeing a lot of feedback on this topic though so I will be more than happy to send that back to the devs if you're not happy with this change, just let me know!


Originally posted by Junebug866

Any chance you guys could sneak in the soulreaper axe changes in one of these updates? Those were much less controversial than the magic gear overhaul.

If we tried to "sneak in" every small thing individual players wanted, we'd end up releasing basically the entire update.

Not long now though! hopefully you can get the change you want soon.


Originally posted by TowardsInsanity

On the topic of sailing (kind of), are we getting a dismantle option on max cape variants or do I need to keep a spare quiver and infernal? Seen it asked a million times but never found a definitive answer.

We're way early in development to have definitive plans for this but I can ask this in our next Q&A, currently planned for Monday.


Originally posted by Inv0ker_of_kusH420

I don't get it. You nerf the mining gloves for Granite/sandstone cause it's excessive XP, but 3t granite is.. fine? Why not remove that as well if you think it's excessive xp?

Xp/hr, gp/hr, accessibility, and how much effort something requires are all really important when considering skilling methods.

We just didn't think that pseudo-afk granite granting that amount of xp/hr was suitable, why bother doing higher effort methods like blast mine, volcanic mine, etc.

If we want our skilling landscape to be diverse then we can't really allow 1 method to just dominate. We want lots of methods to be seen as viable :)

I think that's why osrs is so great, so many bosses and skilling methods are all relevant, which you don't see in many games.

(not saying its perfect btw, just that's the general goal!)


Originally posted by anomrondon

Thanks for the pickpocketing changes, specifically the clues

When can we expect the elder maul changes ? Cheers

Within the next couple of weeks is probably a safe bet, just asked the devs. Sorry I can't really give exact dates for changes like these as something can pop up in QA testing which then pushes it back. Thanks for your patience as we work on this for you