This weapon works like dragon claws, in that it rolls multiple accuracy rolls and has different outcomes based on how many fails. If dclaws fails 2 of its 4 accuracy rolls, it does between 50-150% of its damage, for example. If you hit fail no rolls, you do between 100% and 200% of your damage.
Bclaws works the same way, the more accuracy rolls it fails, the less damage it deals. However, the burn effect works the opposite way round. The more accuracy rolls you fail (Without failing all of them) the higher your burn chance. If you miss 2 rolls and hit the 3rd, you have 100% burn chance on each hit. If you hit the 1st, you have 33% burn chance on each hit.
We didn't include this all in the blog post since Dragon Claws are not very well understood by most people, and are honestly quite confusing. The simple way to think about it is this: Burning claws hit 3 times, the higher the enemy's defence, the more likely you are to burn them with each of those hits. You can onl...
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