With all the Youtube Videos of people doing "Giveaways" and Promoting Private Servers are you going to do anything about these? - They could be contributing to Hacking because of the information you have on your Youtube and your RSN. It also is just weird they're playing the "Real" game and promoting Private Servers, these are people that are supposed to be the pillars of our community instead they are promoting the worst part of the community and are directly exploiting their viewers for donations(RSGP and real money). What about taking action against these Youtubers who're taking advantage of their viewers for personal gain and bringing nothing to the community.
I'd just like to add that I have no problems with youtubers doing adverts/commercials for Raid Shadow Legends or Raycon for revenue because these are legitimate companies unlike these private servers that are just out to make some quick money and then most likely sell the details of their players.