Old School Runescape

Old School Runescape Dev Tracker

30 Jul


Song of the Elves.


Noted, however this would remove a single click teleport from people that don't have access to Prifddinas but do wish yo use it to get to Lletya, as a compromise I could see potentially adding Prifddinas as the left click to the eternal crystal only, however unsure if we'd pursue this.


You got this, I believe.


Well done :)

29 Jul


Originally posted by [deleted]


I’d recommend checking the pinned reddit post or our news post module.


Originally posted by A_Sad_Frog

I didn't interpret your response as flaming honestly, and it's not much of a discussion if everyone else gets to give their opinions and you don't get to give yours. People misuse the downvote button all the time on here. I'd prefer the developers to share their thought process so thanks for speaking with the community directly.

If it's worth anything to you, I have some feedback on the armour design and if you disagree, please feel free to let me know.

For an oldschool runescape item, it does feel like there's a lot going on. I think what made things like the bandos armour so great is it was a simple, strong idea. A single shoulderpad with spikes on, and a sort of shirt attached. it was quite a striking design because it didn't rely on much to work.This armour looks lovely, looks very functional, and shows off your skill! but it also feels like it could exist without the dragon stones and still be very detailed for an oldschool set of armour. I think beyon...

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Thanks for the detailed feedback! That’s fantastic, I’ve made a few adjustments already, but I really like what you’ve done with the shoulders. I can definitely incorporate that into it tomorrow. I’ve made the gems a lot smaller overall but there’s only so far until they disappear completely. I’ve also removed a lot of the detail on the helm like yours has and plan to further shape the eye slots to be more like yours. I think the current shape of that part is what’s causing the helm to look like... something else.

Thanks again, great feedback :D


Originally posted by ExactKaleidoscope2

Even more worrying is the fact that they're happy about the mistake.

I'm unsure where you got this impression from, we aren't happy that we made a mistake. Genuinely, a human error was made and we will rectify it. There isn't a big bad mindset behind these changes and we're honestly quite upset that it's taken away some of the enjoyment of the update for some people, so for that I apologise.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Sorry, I misread what you put about flaming. I didn’t right the guy off, we’re in contact via DM and he’s giving me feedback on a revised version of the armour. I’m sorry if I came off as defensive, refuting anything is bound to be seen in that way. I just wanted to understand something, and he gave a great explanation and I’m grateful for that.


This is taken from an edit we made earlier today to update the Day One Report we posted on Friday.

We'd like to thank you for continuing to engage in the Song of the Elves content and for continuing to provide feedback over the weekend.

Tomorrow morning we hope to poll two questions. The first of which will offer a change to Elena's chathead. We'll be offering the original, the current, and a 'compromise' version which is based from a community suggestion. The second question concerns the Agility XP rates from the Prifddinas course. The Elena question will be different from the usua...

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Originally posted by glassmachine

I hate to be a backseat designer, but I thought I'd just have a quick go at it. And here's a comparison gif.

Interesting! I like what you’ve done with the helmet and arms, I’ll try incorporate that into the reworked armour tomorrow :)


Originally posted by [deleted]


Am I not allowed an opinion? Can I not stand up for myself without being accused of flaming? If you feel I shouldn’t, that’s fair, but that’s hardly a discussion I want part in.

I wasn’t whining about being downvoted, just confused with what I said that was so wrong - turns out it’s just a disagree button which really doesn’t make for a healthy discussion.

Thank you for your compliments on the Hosidius rework - it’s only to that quality because I actively seek out feedback on social platforms. That’s what I’m doing here, just because I may disagree with some feedback - which I am allowed to do - doesn’t mean that I’m going to straight up ignore it.

I just want to solve the problem some are having with the new armour and that’s only possible via discussion.


Originally posted by methaferus

It’s come up before and many like the idea. Ill see if we can get it on an upcoming poll :)


Originally posted by [deleted]


That’s not true, I’m actively making changes based on the many discussions I’ve had with players. I’m sorry if I’ve given reason to assume otherwise.


Originally posted by MithrilMinor

The new dragons, giants and demons were from one graphical update in 2007, when they began moving towards HD (which released a year later). No one considers post-HD as old school and neither should those models. Their presence doesn't negate the fact that most of the mobs (and 100% of the game environment) were still using the older style/gourad shading in 2007. Basically those new dragon/demon/etc models are the least old school thing out of everything that could be considered old school; it's only because they were released in the last "old school" year that they are considered as such.

What are your opinions of Varrock, Canifis and Dorgesh-Kaan? I’m sorry you don’t feel that the later additions to the game (2007-era) are classed as old school. I feel like we’re never going to agree if that’s the case.

I’m sorry if you’re not a fan of me explaining my position on the matter, all I want is a discussion with the community so I can get to a solution that most are happy with. Just because I disagree in some aspects, doesn’t mean I’m going to ignore all feedback and do what I want regardless. If that was the case, I’m just wasting my time communicating and no one wins.

Thank you for your feedback <3 (honestly I mean this, I’m not being sarcastic)


I see this coming up a lot, so here's my general advise as a web developer:

  • Use a password manager that creates a different password for all your credentials (LastPass, KeePass, etc)
  • Make sure your password manager, your email, and your RuneScape account all have 2FA activated
  • Be careful with social engineering (the act of finding information about you to use in the recovery questions)

These 3 steps make it so that in the vast majority of cases, your account is secure. Once step (1) and (2) are done, you only need to be careful with step (3). If your security question was "What's the name of my first pet?", and then you go on social media and say "My first pet ever, Peepoo, is so cute", you are opening yourself up to being hacked. Choose security questions that are personal and memorable, don't share their answers, and you should be just fine.

  • Specifically in RuneScape, add a bank pin too

Originally posted by SteveSnitzelson

Just post what you want, down votes or upvotes dont even matter since people care about what you say

Fair enough, thanks for your feedback :)


Originally posted by [deleted]


Alright, thanks for your feedback!