
Outriders Dev Tracker

29 Jun


Originally posted by Wargazmatron

Thanks for the response! 👍. FYI another poster from the beta experienced this as well. It seems to work in some areas and not others. It did not work through the starting area of world slayer all the way through Rift town but is currently working in the next region. Hoping it stays on at least in combat areas, first area was very rough start. Thanks again, and keep up the great work!

Thanks for the info! Would you happen to remember off the top of your head whether, whenever you noticed it stop working, you have previously just gone through a cutscene?

28 Jun


Thanks for the tag - I'll pass this on.


Originally posted by Mephanic

While you are at it - I understand you have a lot on your plate - you guys should definitely release a full list of which mods can roll on the third unchangeable mod slot. Don't send people chasing specific items in the hope to roll a certain mod then when that mod may not even be possible at all there.

The only mods not available on the third slot are certain lower Tier 1 and other "undesirable" mods. We've intentionally taken those out of the pool so that they don't poison the well. All mods that players will want to be able to find on the third slot, can be found there.


Lovely stuff, thanks as always for your awesome work Bozz!

27 Jun


Originally posted by MadMattatatta

I will agree that many people when seeing something they don't like will only focus on that one line instead of looking for the answer as to why.

So I would like to ask have you ever seen the patch notes for Elder Scrolls Online or Black Desert Online? They are Massive! Especially ESO.

In the past both of these game would just list the changes and their forums would blow up saying: why would you do this one thing, you've ruined my class or my build! ect

Then they started adding notes next to what they knew would be controversial or big changes.

To use your example above we see that Feed the Flames cool down has been increased. You would simply make a note which is hopefully a section and not just a single item that this/these mods cool downs had to be adjusted do to new mods/mod slots being added to the game.

If you do this, most of the time, people will either say ok that makes sense see what they can do to get that cool down back and move ...

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Hope my post didn't come off in a negative way and i def wouldn't post any kind of patch note pre official launch date.

It didn't - no worries at all :)

We actually spend a lot of time explaining balancing decisions, in some cases long before they go live.

You will likely not be aware of this, but we also explained as much as we could when we had to nerf some builds last year shortly after launch. They were fundamentally broken, and we ...

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Originally posted by GerbzGG

Hi u/thearcan obviously this is directed at PCF but you are our only line to them, and we all appreciate you giving us the information you have.

But I wanted to ask, seeing as it is like just over a day till the launch, do we have anymore concrete information about the QoL improvements? As the games been out over a year, and the first real content is coming which is heavily paid for, but the major feedback that the community has been asking for specially in terms of QoL is only in the "news" phase "future patch this, and future patch that" / "not ready for launch" and hasn't already been built and implemented.

This is coming from someone who unfortunately preordered, played since day one, finished all content/endgame. I am extremely skeptical of Outriders/PCF which I feel like is warranted.

I'm very excited for the dlc as the endgame looks amazing. Just feels like we being sold a promise again....

But I wanted to ask, seeing as it is like just over a day till the launch, do we have anymore concrete information about the QoL improvements?

I've honestly given as much information as we currently have on these systems - they're not ready for launch. Item Locking and Quick Mark are looking to be in a good space but the Stash requires more experimentation.

The only alternative to the information I've provided is to not provide any information at all.

When each of these things will be implemented in game will honestly rely on our patch schedule. While we have already plans for follow up patches after launch to resolve any issues encountered during the launch week + optimization, we don't yet know to what extent we need to rush through those fixes via a small patch (if there any any severe issues) or if we can take a beat and create a bigger patch that has more things, including QOL, in it.


Originally posted by xxEmberBladesxx

What about the huge difficulty spikes in the main story for single players? Some of those bosses where ridiculous...

Observing the Worldslayer beta we saw that there were a couple such instances happening again. We've smoothed the rate at which players gain Apocalypse Tiers in order to make these fights more manageable once reached - Part of the problem we saw was that (new) players on boosted characters were gained Apocalypse at a rate faster than they and their gear could handle, so that they would invariably get stuck somewhere.

We have also tweaked the respective bosses/arenas as well in order to prevent them from being such brick walls.


Originally posted by Belyal

Hey u/thearcan this is off topic but do you know if WS will support any of the new haptics and adaptive triggers that are part of the PS5's Dual Sense controller?

I'd love to be able to feel that trigger pull differently from.different guns in the game or just at all lol!!!

Haptics are pretty cool! Unfortunately Worldslayer is not introducing support for them at this point in time, though I agree that that your request would be pretty awesome :)