
Outriders Dev Tracker

05 Jul


Hey folks - thanks for raising this issue. Could you confirm whether you have the mod "Thunders Legacy" equipped?


Originally posted by ACX-Gryphus-1

Ok, since more people have this potential issue, maybe we should tag u/thearcan so they can update the team.

I have also seen someone else in another thread saying they had the exact same thing as us, so there will probably be a simple explanation :)

Thanks for the tag - looks like the culprit was found by OP:

OKAAAY. So having the World Slayer expansion is the key. Welp, would I get these drops anytime in the future whenever I buy the expansion? I already claimed them on Twitch so.. Thanks for the tip btw

There should be an ingame Lobby pop-up that mentions that Worldslayer is required.

I mentioned it in the mega-thread, but I've noticed that it's not called out explicitly on the on the Twitch or Square Enix Members info pages.


Originally posted by UmbraofDeath

u/thearcan not sure if you saw this yet

Thanks for the extra details - this is quite odd, seeing as this reported bug is suggesting a different behaviour to what you're experiencing.

I'll ask the team to investigate the intended design, but I would assume that a level one character being carried through Apo Tier 40 and getting Apo Tier 40 rewards would be undesirable from an overall balance perspective and it is quite exploitative.

Edit: It's always worked as it currently does and is intended design.

Dropped items can never drop above your max avg item level available.

You mentioned that it was now broken/nerfed, w...

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Originally posted by Mendriati

When will you update Stadia to 1.20? It’s now on 1.18 and crossplay with other platforms is not possible anymore

We're working with Google on this matter and hope to have Stadia go into certification for 1.20 by this Thursday, 7th of July. After that, it's up to Google to release it asap once they've had a look at it.

04 Jul


Originally posted by KevlarZach

Do you know where I can find them?


01 Jul


They need the DLC content too in order to play Worldslayer content.

You can still join them in base game content though.


Originally posted by UmbraofDeath

u/thearcan Was playing with people at a higher level intentionally or unintentionally nerfed/broken? If I play with a friend 1 level above or 50 levels above, I am forced to play on their difficultly scaling but don't reap the rewards of it for loot.

Could you provide a bit more details please? I'm not aware of any changes made to scaling or loot rewards, but having precise details will help me ask the team about this.


Originally posted by tedios

check the reply from u/CynistairWard

also check this youtube's level of 64 and 64 points allocated https://youtu.be/-fh-V7eg6pI?t=433 You can see mine below with other characters as well.

u/thearcan could you please let us know if the team is aware of this bug - also affects PC as well?

EDIT: also added other pre-worldslayer and new character to see the difference seems like all pre-worldslayer characters are affected.

Here is a screenshots of some of my characters https://imgur.com/a/ZfkcLGN

The team is aware of this bug!

It only affects characters that are transferred, but you can rest assured that we are looking into it.

30 Jun


Not boss specific, but the catacombs provide a higher chance of this gear being dropped.

29 Jun


Originally posted by TiberiusKaneMoriarty

Playing the trial at the docks portion, havent had this happen in previous during my runs. But my abilities just stopped working despite heavy ability usage prior. I dont appear to be frozen but i couldnt even melee. Not quite sure what happened.

System: Xbox Series X Update. 1.20 i believe, least the title screen says so


Thanks for the report - looks like an issue with Hunt The Prey getting stuck. The video is very helpful, thank you!


Originally posted by RedFuryBounce

The comment chain talking about 5-piece armor sets and the speculation of a set with a 5pc bonus while also having your comment here not confirm (but allude to it being true) and also not straight up say there is a misunderstanding here... was excited to find it for myself since it doesn't show up in glamour but that's because it doesn't exist..?

There is no set that requires all 5 pieces to be equipped to be activated.

What was introduced was:

- New 5 piece sets, which still only require 3 pieces equipped to activate

- New 3 piece sets (universal), which also still only require 3 pieces equipped to activate