
Outriders Dev Tracker

09 Jul


Originally posted by Tokimori

"Progression" accolades stuck at 99% because "Supremacy: Progression" is stuck at 36/37 despite all other accolades in "Progression" being completed.

I've already gone through support and their only recommendations were restarting the game to be up to date, rebooting the console and reinstalling the game. None of which worked.

I hope that this can be remedied because this is the last accolade I have to unlock for Level 30 Accolade rewards.

Thanks, can you DM me your gamertag/ID so that we can review your account online as a case study? Having your ID will also help us "trigger" the accolade manually if need be.


Thanks for the report, I'll check in with the team about this one. I know we fixed a few of these in the early days.


Good question! :)

Something I'm keen to do (once my days aren't dominated with bug tracking) is create a series of lore guided social content, specifically around gear.


Hey there - is this related to a known bug with the Tricksters Hunt the Prey perhaps? Or are you using a different class and/or skills?


I talked a little bit about this in the main thread. Pasting over some of my notes:

Quote 1

As a reminder, certain monsters and captains have protection mechanics that can stop or mitigate CC effects if they are spammed against that enemy.

The status itself is always applied so you can benefit from "damage against" type of mods, but the CC effect itself can be shortened or removed if the enemy is spammed with CC...

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Hey there - as this is specifically account related, please get in touch with our Support Team sqex.to/support so that they can have your case on file for our investigation and perhaps better help you.


Originally posted by Unhinged_Goose

Is the Frozen mechanic being worked on? If another status effect is applied to a frozen enemy they are immediately unfrozen (even if the freeze status effect is still present)

Kind of makes the Borealis set (and the frozen mechanic) mostly useless in multiplayer, since every other class is applying status effects.

Reply #2:

Do you have some videos of you seeing this in action? It would be important to see if the unfreeze always occurs or if it occurs at a certain threshold.

As a reminder, certain monsters and captains have protection mechanics that can stop or mitigate CC effects if they are spammed against that enemy.

The status itself is always applied so you can benefit from "damage against" type of mods, but the CC effect itself can be shortened or removed if the enemy is spammed with CC over and over again. Without these kind of mechanics it would be possible to permanently freeze enemies.

Having a longer video of you experiencing this would help us identify whether the enemy's CC spam resistance is indeed triggering or if the freeze effect is being removed even if no spam occurs.


Originally posted by Misguided-Optimism


Any intention of adding loadouts, or would that involve too much work? Any intention of expanding the stash?

Thank you!

I replied here about a similar angle to this topic.


Originally posted by Bozzified

u/thearcan can you please clarify what exactly does the fix for Borealis set means? Aside from changing the description.

We have been confused by this set bonus for a while now. Expectation is that when I run a Borealis set and let's say use Freeze abilities and bullets like Absolute Zero, when the enemies get frozen, the expectation is to get that 90% damage boost to those enemies as I'm shooting at them.

Is this how it's supposed to work or we have misunderstood what that means?

Because judging by the change you highlighted in the next patch, you are specifically changing "weapon damage" to just damage. This leads me to believe that our assumption about freezing bullets is not correct.

So if you would be kind enough to explain how Borealis set is meant to actually work that would much appreciated. Does it mean that when the enemy is frozen or has freeze inflicted our bullets will do 90% more damage to them (namely Blighted...

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I'm checking in with the team specifically looking at this and will provide an update early next week about it, to make sure that I'm providing 100% correct info.


Originally posted by Unhinged_Goose

Is the Frozen mechanic being worked on? If another status effect is applied to a frozen enemy they are immediately unfrozen (even if the freeze status effect is still present)

Kind of makes the Borealis set (and the frozen mechanic) mostly useless in multiplayer, since every other class is applying status effects.

I'll check in with the team what the intended design there is and whether they're able to reproduce this.

The only other reported frozen issue that I'm aware of, and that we were not able to reproduce, was that someone said that targeting a frozen Target with Frozen would fail. We weren't able to reproduce that, however, as Impale did indeed land correctly.


The demo was brought in line with the latest game version. This change wouldn't affect players in the main game, but will be helpful for future players trying the game out.


Excellent. Bookmarking this for our Halloween post.

08 Jul


Originally posted by Fresh-Cup3729

Thank you for responding to this highly discussed topic! I as well have hundreds of hours invested into this game and appreciate everything y’all are trying to do. Im not a developer or a coder so I’ll take your word on the systems and resources required to implement this feature. Also this not being a live service game I appreciate the constant effort to improve and perfect the game. Again personally I just wanted a response and appreciate you doing so.

PS: I know you take the brunt of the heat and a lot of people are ignorant of the fact that you are the community manager and not the dev team. You are the bridge to that gap between us the players and the dev team and think that you have done a great job thus far.

Thanks for the kind words, support and understanding! I really appreciate it :)


Originally posted by reighteen

correct. and from my understanding, according to their previous posts, the current system doesn't do that; it just looks at what a player has in their possession/collection/stash/inventory whatever.

The difficulty with your suggestion is that if a player acquired an item and wants two versions of it (1st version to dismantle for mod, 2nd version to keep and use), it would be harder to find that second version because the dismantled version is being accounted for.

It's not a bad suggestion, but it does also have its drawbacks.


Originally posted by engineeeeer7

I disagree that Tiago is new content. Outriders was built with some pretty unforgiving RNG at endgame especially with drop weightings that you've chosen not to expose.

Having a bad luck protection system, through Tiago, is part of completing the game imo. Otherwise many will leave the game frustrated at their bad luck.

Also, fully armchair devving, but don't all the stores already rotate items? Why is it so much harder to rotate legendary items?

Fair enough if you personally disagree, but if you were able to sit in an internal team members seat and see the work required for every single of the feature requests that I pass on, then you would probably agree that the amount of work required to even just do Tiago well (not just bandaid, but do it well) you would understand why it would be considered new content.

Things tend to look and seem very simple from the outside in, until you're able to actually see the true resource cost for something that appears super simple.

If it were super simple (to do well) and not a problem, don't you think we could have saved ourselves weeks of heartache and just magicked it into being months ago?

Because, truth is, I of course already passed on requests for store rotations, transmog, loadouts and everything else either during and in some case even before the game launched. Timelines to develop new content, however, is something that is often a matter of months, not we...

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Originally posted by Fresh-Cup3729

I Agree as well. The fact that they won’t even comment on this factor is shocking. It would eliminate more the half of the complaints they get.

I commented on it a few weeks ago and have done so again here today.


Originally posted by iHelpt

Look man, I think you guys are doing a GREAT job trying to balance and make some changes but you guys are putting WAAAAAAAAY too much thought into this.

Just rotate Tiago's inventory and leave things how they are and everything would be just fine. The drop rates are fine. They would especially be fine if Tiago rotated his inventory.

I'm pretty disappointed to see you guys spending so much time on this.

I would SO MUCH rather see you fix some mods like what goes around and buff the F Tiers. I would rather see you working on new content and tweaking underperforming skills/mods.

So, I appreciate the effort, sincerely. I have put several hundred hours in this game and am one of your biggest fans. But this obsession with drop rates has to stop. Just rotate his gosh darn inventory and leave it at that. Such a simple fix.

Move on to greener pastures and start asking for feedback about underperforming mods/skills and a ...

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We're fully aware of ongoing requests to rotate his inventory just as we're aware of requests for Transmog, loadouts, item locking, new content, new maps, etc. etc. The list goes on.

I don't have any news about any of these things at this point in time expect to say (as previously) that we're aware of the communities desire for these things.

Bear in mind, however, that all these requests are "new content". Even rotating Tiagos Store would require careful design and planning, code, UI, localisation work and more. Implementing such a feature is significantly more resource intensive than other things.

Despite appearances and a raging debate about it, we still maintain that Outriders is not a live service game. Everything we are doing with patches and buffs are to get the base Outriders experience into the best possible shape. We are not making any ongoing money through MTX or subscriptions, so we need to ensure that we are able to work on the most important thi...

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Originally posted by kindalookslikeagirl

How about fixing the bug where all my weapons and armor parts appear as new every time I check the inventory?

That was fixed 2 patches ago.


Originally posted by ThxfortheFish_42

I like the idea you have for non-dup of items excluding equipped items.

Still having this issue with my Trickster: Fixed a bug that could cause the Tricksters Hunt The Prey to get stuck on activating.

Additionally to that, after HtP goes off or doesnt work (still happening) it is now causing major issues in both Single player and multiplayer of Expeditions. The issue caused is all skills and even shooting lock up 100% and not usable. only a small chance of work around is swapping out weapon or skill and then swapping back. This is a terrible work around in combat!

The other work around is dying and being revived. Again NOT an affective work around. Especially in single player mode.

Please for the love of all things holy and unholy, look into this!!!

Those issues are one and the same - stuck on activating has the side effects you described. If we're able to resolve the bug with this fix, the side effects you mentioned should also be resolved. However, I would be keen to hear if the issue gets fully fixed for you once the patch releases.