
Outriders Dev Tracker

07 May


Originally posted by moonviperomega

Appreciate the write up u/thearcan 👍🏼

No problem! As an aside, as it is topical, I've just shared the latest news around the damage mitigation issue in the gather thread.


Heh, just replied in the other thread here. :D Quite interesting to see exactly what I wrote there ...

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No patch planned for today.

I can very much appreciate the meme though so full credit to you there. :)

It may be helpful explaining things from our side:

Ideally we aim to patch on a Thursday or a Tuesday - that's the base aim. And it has been on all games I've CM'd on to date (8ish years of CMing overall).

With Outriders, as you well know, there were and are still some hot button issues. We have never denied them, and we have always worked our hardest to identify their root cause and resolve them.

So we find fixes, we compile a Patch Build, we run that Patch Build through QA. QA works that build through their regular process and regresses fixed issues (i.e. they confirm that the fix has worked) or they don't (in which case the fix has not worked and we go again, so a change/fix could get pushed out another week).

That's a very rough explanation of the cycle, but lets say (for the sake of argument) that a Patch passes out of QA su...

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Originally posted by arzanp

yeah agree. His hands are definitely tied.

Truth be told, nobody in any team is purposefully trying to limit what we (or I) am allowed to say or talk about. There is no one at PCF or SE telling me that I can't say or talk about certain things.

My style has been developed from on my personal experiences with communities more than anything. As /u/DocDevice pointed out, this isn't my first rodeo. I'm 8 years into CM'ing at this point (If I'm not mistaken).

If you want to understand why I tend to be careful in what I say, look no further than the below example.

/u/DocDevice When you talk about my fears of being "quoted out of context", I must ask: Were you checki...

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Originally posted by RisingDeadMan0

Need to unpin this u/thearcan the inventory restore been up 4 or 5 hrs? Good to have it up for a few days so people can see it? Same with the mitigation thing.

If on kill is bugged also looking forward ot my 1M+ crit too :)

Thanks for the reminder - The auto-mod topics automatically un-sticky my threads so I need to check every day to ensure they're still visible.


Originally posted by ShadowW0lf91

u/thearcan Already posted in the main post so I figured I’d write it up here. This is all the info I have.

Thanks for the tag! Will look to add these potential workarounds to the gather thread with my next update.


Hey there - A question regarding this understandably annoying issue:

Was the character that you encounter this on created during the demo or before April 2nd (Before our Day 1 patch was released)?


Originally posted by Devilsmirk

I have no issue with players affected getting some god-rolled gear and one off two tier III mods on their gear. What my concern is, with this out in the wild in the player population will this affect future balancing? Because if nerfs happen as a direct result of this, honestly, I’m not going to be ok with that. My sincere hope is that for future balancing PCF is keeping this in mind so that players without this one off gear do not have skills/mods further nerfed as a result of PCF restoring affected players.

All players who obtained items during the restoration have been tagged in our analytics.

So if they are, in any way, affecting the game-play metrics that we review to base our decisions on, we should be able to filter them out to get a true view of how the playing population with normally obtained gear is playing the game.

There are no plans to change any balance based on the metrics coming from gear that was granted during restoration (or will be granted as part of the community appreciation package).

06 May


Originally posted by Jordankeay

I appreciate your response I really do but do you have any response to the increasingly occurring epic rarity items with two tier 3 mods? Surely that shouldn't have happened.

Also I checked I got a bunch of cannonball armour and like 5 Damascus offering LMGs lol

epic rarity items with two tier 3 mods

This was unfortunately a side effect of the complexities of our restoration process. To iron that particular issue out would have delayed the process even further and players have already waited long enough.

As items with two T3 mod capabilities are "one-offs", e.g. you won't find them in the wild, we had to balance the impact of granting them to players (relatively small impact) against pushing restoration out for another week or two (increasingly big impact).


No need to feel short-changed. There is a high likelihood that you will also get cool gear as part of our Group B restoration.

05 May


Originally posted by LadyAlekto

Lets use this form, i have experienced the bug before the patch, and have mentioned it several times the past month, but its almost permament now

Do you feel like you take excessively more damage since the patch?

    Answer: Not just a feeling, i got 2 tank builds that cannot survive hits i could ignore before

If yes, is this feeling…

    Consistent everytime the little save/load icon appears in the corner

If it appears to be consistent (A or C), does taking your armour off and putting it back on again change anything at all? Does logging out and back in change anything?

    Answer: Sometimes, and usually lasts until the first cutscene/area change

Did you change your armour to another item and back again before you noticed the issue? (i.e. you are wearing the same item as before, but you temporarily wore something else)

    Answer: Using same items as before patch, also tried all my stashed items and 3 different builds, with 2 different loadouts on 2

Have yo...
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Thanks for the report, I appreciate the formatting!


Originally posted by acidqueen5426

Can y'all clarify what you mean by "sold" as far as legos go? Does that cover scrapped legos, or not?

No, scrapped items are not considered in this case. Sold as in vendor'd.


Note: Some characters may require you to re-select a story point before you can start playing with them.

If you encounter any problems starting a game with the character, please go into your timeline and reselect the most recent story point.