
Outriders Dev Tracker

17 May


Still here! I've been updating the latest gather thread whenever there is news (though I'm also trying to ensure that the news is tangible enough for you to understand the behind the scenes). I'll likely roll out a fresh more encompassing thread soon.

Please do bear in mind that us not posting over the weekend does not mean anything has been abandoned.


Originally posted by KarhuCave

Thank you for the response.

In my opinion, the largest issue (after damage mitigation is fixed) is the lag in multiplayer. Most of the time it is unplayable if I'm not the host. Is there any plan to address this? Is it possible to fix?

Thank you for any and all responses. Your job isn't easy and there are a lot of whiny babies here.

In my opinion, the largest issue (after damage mitigation is fixed) is the lag in multiplayer. Most of the time it is unplayable if I'm not the host. Is there any plan to address this? Is it possible to fix?

Yep, this has been on our radar for a while and we're aware that lag and rubberbanding issues still persist for some players. We haven't forgotten about them and are continuing to look into it.

14 May


Originally posted by UnheardWar

Just wanted to say thank you, other than the small percentage of players who post/whine non stop here most of us are having a blast with the game and I at least appreciate the work.

I regret that I will be having a hard time finding time to play with Mass Effect Legendary edition out.

Thanks for the kind words! Happy friday! :)


Please try re-selecting the latest Story Point in the lobby (don't hit continue when in the lobby).


No nerfs are planned for the upcoming patch. The patch is focused primarily on the survivability issue.

As a reminder - Balancing changes are mainly done via the backend and would most of the time not require a patch.

Our last patch did include a small number of intentional (positive) balancing changes that did require some patch work (such as changing sniper behavior and Perforo stuns), but it did not include any intentional nerfs.

The Killing Spree and displayed armour value changes that showed up alongside that patch were unintentional and were rolled back within hours. The reason they crept in is because the patch included an optimization on how the backend was being used, but when pushing this live a small number of outdated configs were pulled, which resulted in the handful of issues that appeared which were subsequently and quickly reversed.

Any other perceived nerfs are not intended. For example, the Devastator Statue set now only lasting 8...

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13 May

11 May

10 May


Originally posted by simonrwatts

If I played that at CT15 I’d be killed within 30 second.

Yes, all gear is LV50.

Here is a Google Drive folder with screenshots of my build.

Understood, thank you!


Originally posted by DocDevice

Perfect! Thank you very much! And just to make sure I don't miss anything again, I've got you followed now. Keep on being awesome!

FYI - I've just updated my user flair here to better indicate my position.

That thanks to your feedback - this should help other people avoiding confusion regarding who the CM is in future.


Originally posted by Valfalos

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Praise be to you. Your work is highly appreciated! You remind me of MrEricPope the CM for the For Honor Subreddit :)

Thank you! :)


Originally posted by simonrwatts

Hi u/thearcan,

Wanted to share something I noticed. I tried removing armour and changed characters, restarted game and re equipped. Made no change for me.

I was able to do CT14/15 before but now get killed too easily on CT12. Even Perforo’s seem tear through me.

I was trying to work out what was happening. I watched back my gameplay video and saw that it looked like Weapon Leech stopped healing me when I got kills right after I threw Shrapnel, then I was killed.

It’s right at the end of the video I uploaded and linked in this comment.

I’ve taken photos of my build and skill tree if you need them.

(Not your fault, but it’s really hard to play when you’re in multiplayer doing 100% more damage with God rolled gear than another player who has much weaker gear. Ie I’m doing 200M damage vs 80M. I’m getting killed multiple times by minions...they aren’t. So it’s been u...

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I was able to do CT14/15 before but now get killed too easily on CT12. Even Perforo’s seem tear through me.

Thank you very much for the video and the details, I'm passing them on to the team! Take a look at the update I just posted in the main thread - your experience at CT12 looks familiar... Are you level 50? What happens when you play higher level content (CT15 for example) - Same problems?

Edit: Watching your video properly now as well so apologies if it already answers my question.

Edit 2: Those photos of your build and skill tree would be tremendously helpful too if you could share them.


Originally posted by velizare

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Ph'nglui mglw'nafh u/thearcan R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn! ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ



Originally posted by ThrowawayPGYuno

Oh mighty u/thearcan

Please let us devastator mains know if the Statue set is a bug or nerfed. Let us know so I can dump my devastator if it was indeed nerfed.

Give us an official confirmation.

The statue set acting in this way is a bug, not a nerf.

We're considering whether there's a way to "help" this issue via the backend, but a true fix would require a patch. Our currently worked on patch is, however, focused on the damage mitigation issue and is slimmed down in order to expedite it. So it won't address this issue yet.


Poof! With a puff of smoke I appear (cough cough). Thanks for the summoning circle.

I've just updated the gather thread here.

As mentioned there, testing for the patch is ongoing, so we can't yet say when exactly the patch will be ready for sure, but I'll let you know the moment I have news on that.

That being said, I mentioned the below in the gather thread too:

Note: As testing is an ongoing process over a number of days, we may not provide a public update here tomorrow (Tuesday, 11.05.2...

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Originally posted by RisingDeadMan0

Sorry everyone is downvoting you. Everyone wants to talk to you and hear from you and then they all downvote you for talking.

Its like out Tube system in London, tubes delayed or whatever and some people get abusive and grumpy at people with minimal control over what's happening.

Looking forward to the next announcement about the armour fix which I hope includes the on kill/shots mod fixes :)

Thanks again

Thank you! As a fellow Londoner, I can appreciate the analogy!

07 May


Originally posted by DocDevice

First of all, thanks for the brutal candor here, I really do appreciate it! If nothing else, the fact you took the time to write such a comprehensive reply shows how much you are invested in us. Thank you for that.

And thank you also for the "inside glimpse" into your job. Being the one out in front dealing directly with customers is always exhausting, and most don't have to deal with 10 thousand at a time! Seeing the Catch 22 you have with getting downtime to recharge actually making things worse, I can see how frustrating it is for you.

So, to answer the question: Yes, I was around. And I did see the out-of-contexters. To be honest, I'm used to those, and I guess I'm unusual in that I go to the source material before I get all worked up and indignant. I was the kid that knew the Dewey Decimal system by heart, I always check references! :D I usually downvote those sumbitches. (Not that it seems to do much good, but I do my part.)

As for the sticky...

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Thanks for the reply, it's good to chat about these things. Happy to share the pie with you and have a slice myself.

Normally I would be much better at taking all your thoughts about communication improvements on board and seeing what I can be doing to address the conclusions you're drawing about us. (For example, what can I do to help players like yourself better understand from the get go what my role is etc.) If I had more time (and I will in future), I would be all over that.

I shared the post mortem in the week following the launch. You ...

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