
Overwatch Dev Tracker

05 May

Last Director's Take, we talked about the state of Lifeweaver and the changes that we were making to the hero in order to strengthen him. They had a positive effect but didn't do nearly as much as we had hoped. We're going to continue that topic again this week. I'd like to look at what some of those changes accomplished, what we think he's missing, and some possible solutions we're looking at for the hero.

Over the last few weeks, we've made a number of buffs, tweaks, and modifications to Lifeweaver. In short, we modified his control scheme, making it more fluid and intuitive, and we buffed him across several different categories. We upped his healing ammo capacity, tightened the spread on his weapon, and buffed his ult. We saw a lift in his win rate across the game. At the lowest skill tiers, it was hovering around 45% but quickly dropped off at higher skill ratings.

The effects we thought these changes would have were difficult to work through since the...

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04 May

03 May

02 May


Originally posted by WitheredBarry

First off, I'm ecstatic to see that this issue is being taken seriously! Thank you for the detailed response.

As for the accidental incorrect pings, u/aurens singled out the problem and I have recreated it repeatedly. For your reference, I am on PS4 but the issue also occurs on PC, according to aurens. The ping wheel delay function works fine if the ping button is held and the player doesn't move. HOWEVER, if the player makes any directional input at all for their POV (aka mouse movement or right thumbstick movement) , the delay is overridden and the wheel pops up instantly.

In the heat of battle this results in players repeatedly quick pressing Ping - In World only to have the ping wheel flash onto the screen for a millisecond as a specific ping is chosen by accident because they were moving. This is unavoidable unless you are inputting absolutely nothing into your POV controls, and as we all know, an unmoving player gets a hole in their he...

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Thanks for the description. We removed this shortcut feature for mouse and keyboard last season, but I see now that it was not removed when using a controller. My apologies for that oversight.

I can't make any promises with regards to the timing of removing this feature for controller, but I will work on removing it there too.


Originally posted by Stoppablemurph

My wife actually had to completely disable the ping wheel because even when the hold duration is increased to the maximum, if you move the mouse while holding the button, it still brings up the wheel instantly. The wheel coming up also means it's "stealing" the player input. In a lot of situations it's not a big deal, but it becomes more of a problem as things get hectic and you're trying to ping an ulting Genji and protect your healers.

She ended up binding a more specific "enemy here" ping option to a button instead, since that doesn't trigger the wheel, but now she can't do certain contextual point options like pinging the objective, or more importantly pinging whoever just killed her.

It would be nice if there were an option to bind the ping wheel and the generic ping button separately.

We disabled that movement based shortcut in season 3 for mouse and keyboard, so she might have more luck trying it again today.

01 May


Hey all, in the mid-season patch we're adding a new setting that will control whether contextual pings for Group Up and Need Healing would be used when aiming at an allied hero. The default will be "Off".

Contextual pings were a feature OW1, but as someone with thousands of hours in OW1 I didn't know this until players in the OW2 beta started pointing out that they weren't getting their intended "I'm with you" prompts anymore when aiming their Group Up comms at allies. When I reimplemented this feature for OW2 just before launch I made some mistakes, like letting this ping type pass through walls and letting it go an effectively infinite distance. This meant that before Season 4 we had that happening way too often.

Those bugs are all fixed now, but I realized a few months ago (because of reddit posts like these) that the number of players that wanted this feature is likely much smaller than the number of players that do not want this feature, hence why we've take...

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30 Apr

29 Apr

28 Apr

    Craig on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there everyone, we have been tracking this issue and working to get it corrected. Apologies for any leaver penalties, but I do have a workaround for the interim. Each time you log onto Overwatch 2, please take a moment to load into the Practice Range. Once you successfully load into the Practice Range, you can leave it and queue for any game mode, but be sure to do this each time you log in to be safe. For more details check out our known issues list in the Bug Report channel.