None of the Primordial Gazes work if you deactivated a gaze to turn them on it appears.
Aeon Bane dispel on spells work, but only for spells that require attack rolls (rays).
Enforcing Gaze - Power of Law doesn't follow the new formula for DC (general gaze DC was 15 + 2x rank, now it's 10+1/2CL+rank+highest ability modifier, Power of Law was 15+rank). It's still currently 15+rank, which makes it lategame nearly 20 points of DC lower than other gazes.
Zero State can still dispel auras that shouldn't be dispellable (it can take off things like Spellstrike).
Aeon characters created in Inevitable Excess do not transform visually at rank 9.
Tagging u/OwlcatStarrok here.