Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

08 Aug


Originally posted by U_DONT_KNOW_TEAM

Who the f**k puts a giant picture of themselves behind their desk?

06 Aug


I spotted Goldeneye in the Chamber of Innocence. Poor Sean Bean can't catch a break even in video games...

24 Jul


Originally posted by Noxustds

Please do Lightning CoiL!!

Lightning coil is getting there. The mesh itself is done but it needs some lightning effects added which will only happen after all the 3.0 bosses get all their effects done.

23 Jul


Originally posted by geradon_

eventually they hopefully will get 3d art.

my shitty comment just didn't mention their true purpose: them working as status symbols that everybody wants but can't have. and people "working" towards their goals of getting them.

capitalism works!

Getting 3D art for all alt art items(and other uniques for that matter) is still a goal and the production of them has actually accelerated. There's a few great ones being added just after 3.0 if things go according to the plan. A few off the top of my head are alt art like carcass jack and whispering ice, and uniques like voltaic rift and soul mantle.

22 Jul


Tala Moana means 'I greet you as the waves greet the shore.' according to our writer Edwin, but it is commonly used as "Hello."

Happy yachting!

21 Jul


Originally posted by arthur1u2

Well at least I can check my e-mails, make some coffee, take a shower and read more stuff on reddit while I wait. I just hope I have some MTX I seem to have lost awhile ago. I see a few people talking about getting them back. Is it also possible to get back some hideout effects?

If you've misplaced any microtransaction effects over the years and aren't sure where they are you can email us at "[email protected]" with your account name and we can help locate those for you. ;) We can't return them to your microtransaction stash tab for you, but we can provide a list of where they may be hiding.

Any missing hideout effects can usually be found on the permanent standard and hardcore leagues, in your hideout there. Merged hideout decorations get added to a new tab in the hideout decoration stash. Any decorations that were purchased as microtransactions can simply be deleted from the hideout in order to re-add them back to your microtransaction stash and make them available across all of your league hideouts.

If you have any trouble at all finding micr...

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14 Jul


Originally posted by VidarGM

Have there ever been talk in the office about letting people change their Grandmaster ? Not whenever they want obviously, but with big expansion.

I don't run HoGM, but I just think it would be nice for people that run the map and also those that bought the Grandmaster pack, if they could change it sometimes. Obviously I'm just asking, with no knowledge of how any of this work.

Just curious.

Resubmitting Grandmasters can happen under specific circumstances, like the global resubmit we offered around when 2.0.0 came out. But I don't think it's something we're likely do again, if only for logistical reasons.

The current Hall contains over 500 Grandmasters, and they each have to be assembled (mostly) by hand. I write AI for them, correct bugs, enable auras and minions so they don't have to do setup in the middle of a fight and so on. Sometimes people even submit builds that can't work in the Hall for whatever reason and I have to sort them out somehow. I can automate some of this process, but each one still needs to be manually tested and tweaked.

The more submissions there are, the more time it takes in addition to the rest of the expansion work that needs doing.


Originally posted by jalx

༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give Blue Scorching Ray

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

13 Jul


Originally posted by [deleted]


raises hand

It's not just me of course - programmers are often involved for things I can't do, and even if we refactor something it's unusual for a ton of Grandmasters to break at once. We've also gotten better at automating common fixes over time (i.e. broken/missing stats) so it's rarely a complicated process nowadays.

Anyway, thanks for the report! I'll look into this if it isn't being looked into already.

01 Jul


Hey guys,

The shipping for the two different shirts (Fall of Oriath and Pantheon) is done separately. You won't receive these in one parcel as they are provided to J!NX as separate orders. If you have received the Pantheon and not the Fall of Oriath yet please don't worry, Pantheon were the first ones finished and ready to ship, so they went out first. :D

For anyone who hasn't received an email confirmation with their order, the email provided to J!NX for that confirmation is the one associated with your Path of Exile account. If that email is outdated or if you have a Steam-only account (with no email) I am afraid we have no way for J!NX to provide you with that shipping confirmation.

If you receive an unusual order of shirts (ie. two Fall of Oriath shirts) please contact us at ...

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26 Jun


Underground River uses the Caverns/Den tileset from act 2. It swapped names with Underground Sea (which does use the Submerged Passage/Merveil's Caverns tileset) when we released Atlas of Worlds.

I believe the name "Underground River" originally referenced the river that goes through Merveil's caverns. I'm not sure where "Underground Sea" specifically comes from.

Also I blatantly stole the water from the Aqueduct to make Underground River's river. Said river can only appear in specifically made feature rooms that have fixed orientations, otherwise it would flow in random directions.

I grabbed some sample area layouts to show how both maps relate to their names:

13 Jun


Ah yes, I saw an ongoing backlog issue about the weapons of Vengeful Soul staying up in the air. This is being corrected.

12 Jun


Now there's a name I haven't heard in years. Plague Retch. It's been a long time since that fateful day in 2015. Maybe too long... Would he even be interested in reprising his old role?

I wonder if he'll even have time in his busy schedule for us... or for me?

I guess you folks on Reddit never saw behind the scenes - the kind of friction that happens when you have an auteur like Plague Retch on the team.

We were younger back then. Full of passion. Each of us convinced we could change the world in our own way...

Things got more personal than we were willing to let on in the patch notes. Things were said that I didn't think either of us could take back. But maybe enough time has passed that we can both admit we let our creative visions get the better of us.

I still have his contact information. I always thought he'd call us before we called him, but I guess we never knew how much we needed him until he was gone. I never knew how much I neede...

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30 May


We did some test prints but came to the conclusion that a ton of manual work would be needed on each miniature to make it work. CaptMytre in this thread pretty much summed up the problems we ran into; Long story short each miniature would involve way too much work to get it to any reasonable quality, so its best if we concentrate on what we hopefully are better at(develop PoE itself).

29 May


hey this looks really cool ! love the creepy lighting on the monster's face :)

28 Apr

20 Apr


Originally posted by [deleted]

Here's hoping the new supporter packs come with a convenient "buy a dev a pizza" option.

Get him a crate of canned beans instead. Don't say you heard it from me.


Originally posted by Karjalan

B) Alex

Damn, nice, B) Alex is best alex.

added anti-smartass full stop


Originally posted by Tyrlith

does this include the overlay map ?

yes it does, I saw the WIP yesterday and honestly it looks pretty great B). Alex is working on this. (The guy who works on the new water shader and cloth physics).