Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

31 Aug

    Bex_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct

September 1st marks ten years since Path of Exile was first announced! If you're interested to see how the game looked exactly 10 years ago, check out the announcement trailer below!

Coincidentally, we'll be announcing our next expansion just the next day. We have finished our press tour, having shown our next expansion to 19 news outlets. As usual, the journalist embargo lifts at 2pm PDT (9am NZ time) tomorrow, so you can expect the detailed info... Read more
    Bex_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct

September 1st marks ten years since Path of Exile was first announced! If you're interested to see how the game looked exactly 10 years ago, check out the announcement trailer below!

Coincidentally, we'll be announcing our next expansion just the next day. We have finished our press tour, having shown our next expansion to 19 news outlets. As usual, the journalist embargo lifts at 2pm PDT (9am NZ time) tomorrow, so you can expect the detailed info... Read more

Originally posted by bladeofwill

While Talisman doesn't hold up to recent leagues, it and Warbands/Tempest were the start of GGG's paradigm shift with how they handled leagues (and in my opinion was more interesting than previous leagues because of it). Before talisman, league mechanics were mostly something you interacted with on a per-zone basis. Warbands/Tempest experimented with mutli-zone mechanics, but Talisman really expanded and solidified it with the talisman upgrade mechanic and the Rigwald fight. Instead of the mechanic basically being <encounter> that gave <loot/xp>, you would now had progress to track (t2 & t3 talismans), a sort of story behind the mechanic, and a boss fight at the end of it.

It was a massive step forward in terms of league design and most leagues since then have had some sort of progress beyond the per-zone encounter.

Indeed. It was the first Generation 2 league.


That was amazing. I am surprised this thread doesn't have more upboats.


Originally posted by p1kt0k

/u/Fitzy_GGG is that for real? I know you talked about Montreal being a possible location for Canada Est? Is that still an option?

Nah, the sky isn't falling.

Posted here

Currently doing maintenance to swap the gateway to new hardware in Montreal.

Never said we were considering shutting down the gateway, so not sure where that came from. Expect it to be visible in the gateway select box come 3.12.


Originally posted by Radalek

I love how you F5 this subreddit faster than anyone else :). First reply in the thread.

Help me


Originally posted by Taluh-a

Leave Argus alone Bex, he suffered enought this league.

We'll see about that.


Originally posted by Kitavas_Blood

I love the general idea.

But the execution of that specific one? Dunno. Will be lost in most of the visual noise if you're already killing a lot. So by definition it needs to stand out. Maybe it's better when you're trying it yourself.

It's likely to receive some timing tweaks to make it faster and more responsive to immediate actions.

30 Aug

In just a couple of days we'll be announcing our September expansion! Alongside the announcement we'll also introduce a new set of league supporter packs. In addition to their usual content, these supporter packs will contain a new type of Character Effect which we've wanted to try out for a long time.

These character effects start with a minimal visual effect which charges up as you slay monsters. There are six visual phases until it's at its full glorious effect. After a short time without killing monsters, it will phase back down to its original look.

We've prepared a preview of one of them today. Watch the video below!

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].
    Bex_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct

In just a couple of days we'll be announcing our September expansion! Alongside the announcement we'll also introduce a new set of league supporter packs. In addition to their usual content, these supporter packs will contain a new type of Character Effect which we've wanted to try out for a long time.

These character effects start with a minimal visual effect which charges up as you slay monsters. There are six visual phases until it's at its full glorious effect. After a short time without killing monsters, it will phase back down to its original look.

We've prepared a preview of one of them today. Watch the video below!


Originally posted by KaraKangaroo

Bex keeps talking about how how there are no hints, teasers, clues ect.

Mystery puzzle league!

No clues??? IT'S A CLUE


" HanSoloDK wrote: whatever issue you have and that GGG is looking into, I can hear it without problems when I have corrupted blood on me. So it must also have something to do with hardware / drivers.....

It's when you get corrupted blood from killing Corrupted Bloodline packs.

I've bumped our internal issue for this problem to see if we can improve things here.


Originally posted by Bentic

Do you have a countdown for the announcement?