Path of Exile

Path of Exile Dev Tracker

25 Aug

    Bex_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct

In 2018, we introduced a Private League system which allowed our players to create their own Path of Exile leagues with different mods. The community have frequently requested that we increase the player limit of Private Leagues so they can run larger leagues. We're happy to announce that we're increasing the size of Private Leagues today!

As of the time we posted this, we've already increased the Private League member limit by 1,000. This means you can purchase more player slots now and increase your Private League up to a maximum capacity of 3,000 players. We'll continue to incrementally increase the limit every day until we reach a cap of 10,000 players or if we hit any issues with size limits. The reason for doing this slowly is to ensure that there aren't any technical issues that occur by having too ... Read more

Me trying to tease this announcement: I have no regrets.

Me after seeing this meme: I have one regret.

    Bex_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct

In 2018, we introduced a Private League system which allowed our players to create their own Path of Exile leagues with different mods. The community have frequently requested that we increase the player limit of Private Leagues so they can run larger leagues. We're happy to announce that we're increasing the size of Private Leagues today!

As of the time we posted this, we've already increased the Private League member limit by 1,000. This means you can purchase more player slots now and increase your Private League up to a maximum capacity of 3,000 players. We'll continue to incrementally increase the limit every day until we reach a cap of 10,000 players or if we hit any issues with size limits. The reason for doing this slowly is to ensure that there aren't any technical issues that occur by having too ... Read more

Originally posted by Anduryondon

If this is not ready for 3.12 do you think it will be shipped as part of 3.12.* or would we have to wait until 3.13?

I don't think we'd arbitrarily push it to the next expansion if it was ready to go.


Originally posted by MayTheMemesGuideThee

Are we gonna get non-meme vagueish info (before the announcement) about 3.12 expansion like we used to get? E.g.


We'll go into more detail about its exact contents when we announce it, but can confirm that there is a significant balance focus on Melee and a League of a simpler scope than the last few. Our internal playtest version of the new league is much further along than leagues normally are at this point in the development cycle. We're hoping it'll be a new fan-favourite.


The broad scope of this release is a new challenge league (whose name is not on the list, but should be), various improvements to older master content (things like making Sulphite and Betrayal state shared between all your characters in the league), some systems changes we're not yet ready to hint at ...

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It's definitely larger in scope than both Delirium and Harvest.

24 Aug


Originally posted by theuit

still no news on affinity stash tab

It sounds like the backend portion of the task has been completed but we still need to sort out exactly how the front end is going to work and then assign UI programmer time to it. I can't confirm yet if that's possible prior to 3.12.


Originally posted by LordEthano

Ah apologies, I didn't play the last couple of leagues so I wasn't really in the loop with regards to pre-league hype stuff. I wouldn't worry too much about it though, if this becomes a permanent thing the information will naturally dilute through the community over time. For a player like myself however, it's just a bit of a surprise given how things have been done previously.



Originally posted by [deleted]


It's a whole league not just a week.


Originally posted by SingleInfinity

It's a supporter pack, not a "luxary pack". The premise is not that you get what someone else can't have. The premise is you get a somewhat time limited thing in return for supporting the company. The mentality of getting mad because more people have the thing than you expected is so incredibly childish.

To be fair, we do market them based on their exclusivity and have done since Closed Beta. However, historically supporter packs were available for a much longer period and keeping these to a three month window is incredibly brief considering the wider scope of supporter pack availability. Six months is just an experiment for now and we'll see how it goes before potentially making further changes to their available time.


Originally posted by LordEthano

Huh, interesting about the supporter packs. I can't imagine people who bought them this league will be all too happy about that, and as well I imagine the sales numbers for them were rather dismal for them to do this. Makes sense, compared to older supporter packs, neither level on each pack really felt like it was the great deal that many packs have been.

We decided to experiment with selling the packs for an extended duration prior to them going on sale (and I'm pretty sure we mentioned this ahead of time but I'll need to double check that). They're still exclusive to a time period just a slightly longer one. This enables people more ability to pick the packs they prefer and give slightly more flexibility in terms of purchase time frames. With that being said, it would be ideal if this information was more well known so I'm wondering if you had any thoughts about where we could share this information? It's currently on the purchase page and I've mentioned it a few times within the community.

We can't believe how quickly time has flown by but here we are, getting ready to announce our third expansion of this year! The press tour has just begun and this means the announcement is only a week away. We'll reveal the details next Tuesday, September 1st at 2pm (PDT).

We're still aiming to launch this expansion on September 18th (PDT), although this date may still be changed. We'll confirm the launch date with the announcement.

As usual, we're planning to release a new set of league supporter packs for PC alongside the announcement. This time, however, the Supporter Packs launched alongside Harvest will stay in the store for the duration of 3.12 league, so you'll have more time to decide whichever supporter pack you prefer - the old one or the new one. Console players will be able to purchase new supporter packs after the new expansion goes live on consoles.

We're really excited to show you the results of our work and we hope you'll like this expansion a... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=]here[/url].
    Bex_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct

We can't believe how quickly time has flown by but here we are, getting ready to announce our third expansion of this year! The press tour has just begun and this means the announcement is only a week away. We'll reveal the details next Tuesday, September 1st at 2pm (PDT).

We're still aiming to launch this expansion on September 18th (PDT), although this date may still be changed. We'll confirm the launch date with the announcement.

As usual, we're planning to release a new set of league supporter packs for PC alongside the announcement. This time, however, the Supporter Packs launched alongside Harvest will stay in the store for the duration of 3.12 league, so you'll have more time to decide whichever supporter pack you prefer - the old one or the new one. Console players will be able to purchase new su... Read more
    Bex_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct

We can't believe how quickly time has flown by but here we are, getting ready to announce our third expansion of this year! The press tour has just begun and this means the announcement is only a week away. We'll reveal the details next Tuesday, September 1st at 2pm (PDT).

We're still aiming to launch this expansion on September 18th (PDT), although this date may still be changed. We'll confirm the launch date with the announcement.

As usual, we're planning to release a new set of league supporter packs for PC alongside the announcement. This time, however, the Supporter Packs launched alongside Harvest will stay in the store for the duration of 3.12 league, so you'll have more time to decide whichever supporter pack you prefer - the old one or the new one. Console players will be able to purchase new su... Read more
    Bex_GGG on Forums - Thread - Direct

We can't believe how quickly time has flown by but here we are, getting ready to announce our third expansion of this year! The press tour has just begun and this means the announcement is only a week away. We'll reveal the details next Tuesday, September 1st at 2pm (PDT).

We're still aiming to launch this expansion on September 18th (PDT), although this date may still be changed. We'll confirm the launch date with the announcement.

As usual, we're planning to release a new set of league supporter packs for PC alongside the announcement. This time, however, the Supporter Packs launched alongside Harvest will stay in the store for the duration of 3.12 league, so you'll have more time to decide whichever supporter pack you prefer - the old one or the new one. Console players will be able to purchase new su... Read more