Original Post — Direct link
So, i've done everything, reset to defaults and restarted game + uplay, did all drivers for my mic and everything. R6 is the ONLY GAME that does not work with my mic now for some reason. Discord, teamspeak, The Division, and many other games work just fine, so what gives? Anyone have any ideas?
almost 7 years ago - ubi--unicorn - Direct link
Hey ArthraI, please refer to the forum rules on flaming. If that FAQ doesn't help, please create a ticket.
over 6 years ago - Ubi-Redbeard - Direct link
Can you please try the following voice chat troubleshooting

If you're still experiencing issues after this, lease create a case on the support website so we can look into this for you?

about 6 years ago - UbiGabrinth - Direct link
I'm sorry to hear you're having this issue. I've seen voice chat issues in the past such as an issue with Windows 8.1 that were resolved. I recommend reaching out with your system files to our technical team.

I also recommend reporting the issue on R6fix, as issues that are facing many users will quickly get to ten reproductions.
over 5 years ago - UbiMorning - Direct link
Hi PieroDeiBoschi! I was able to locate your ticket in our system. I checked over your MSINFO file.
Please uninstall the following programs:
- Cheat Engine 6.6
- WebTorrent
- LogMeIn Hamachi
- CAM (Disable or uninstall)
These programs tend to cause conflicts with Ubisoft titles.
You also have a lot of programs on startup. Please disable those.
Please also mention on your ticket what HDD you have R6S and Uplay installed on.
over 5 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Originally Posted by Bradyater
Since I got a Blue Snowball, every other time I turn on the game the mic doesn't work. Specifically just in siege, and them requiring your computer specs and dxdiag for a mic issue is ridiculous. I used a fix from like 2016 on reddit that said to set threshold and the other one to 66 and 20 then quit, and that works usually but it isn't right now.

To add to this, check your devices and see if your microphone has a clock icon next to it. If so remove it then replug it in and let it install. That worked for me.
Hey, thanks for getting in touch!

We request system files for many issues, especially those that are potentially hardware related, as they provide a lot of information to help us troubleshoot.

If you are still experiencing issues yourself, feel free to contact us directly via social media or via our support website, so we can offer you more personalised support.
over 5 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Originally Posted by BigMuscleLeo
I have had this problem since i got the game, in literally every other game and discord my mic works perfectly but not in siege.I have tried every solution on the internet, not joking ,literally any ,and nothing has worked for me.
I sent my ticket last week to uplay support still no reponse and im just waiting here annoyed and frustrated why they cant fix a mic problen dating back ot 2016
My ticket has system info and everything you would need for the problem to be solved but no one is doing anything
Ubisoft wake up.
I appreciate you making me aware in this thread, I'm sorry that you've experienced this issue since day 1.

You did mention that you tried all troubleshooting, however I'd like to be sure you have our FAQ: https://support.ubi.com/en-gb/faqs/000030829/

The most common solution is simply to make sure your mic is the primary communication device.

In your support case I can see you have copied your system information summary directly. Would you please export the report instead and add it as a text document?

This FAQ explains how to do that: https://support.ubi.com/en-GB/faqs/000026442/
over 5 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Originally Posted by BigMuscleLeo
I have done what you asked me to do and now, if u have time, do u mind taking a look at my problem?
Thank you very much! I now have your file, so that will be very helpful to me.

If you followed the above FAQ to no avail, please make sure to try this -

1. Open "Control Panel", then click on “Hardware and Sound” and then click on “Sound”.
2. Click on the “Recording” tab and then select your microphone (i.e. “Headset mic”, “Internal mic”, etc.) and click "Properties".
3. Click the "Advanced" tab. Click on the check mark in the box next to "Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device" to remove the check mark from the box. Then click "Apply".

Another common fix is to go here: C:\Users\CurrentUser\Documents\My Games\Rainbow Six - Siege\UplayID

> Go to GameSettings.ini
> In the section "Audio" change "VoiceChatCaptureMode=" to a 1 on the variable.

Let me know how that goes!
over 5 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Originally Posted by BigMuscleLeo
I have just tried these solutions again but nothing happened
The plug icon instead of the mic icon in the score tab is still there and i cant here or speak to anyone
I see, this is very useful information!

Please try the following, if you can:

- Try a friend's Ubisoft account on your PC and see if the mic works
- Try your Ubisoft account on a friend's PC

This helps us narrow down the issue, to determine if it is account or PC specific.
over 5 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Originally Posted by BigMuscleLeo
I have done this thing with my friend and the voice chat on his PC works when he is on my account so this means it is a hardware based issue i think
Thank you. I still recommend trying his Ubisoft account on your PC, just so we can be certain.

By trying your Ubisoft account on his PC, that confirms that his system is perfectly fine, however it doesn't 100% answer whether this is a profile / settings issue.

If his account does work, we know that your hardware and system is fine, it's just a bad setting. If his account does not work, that indicates a wider issue such as:

- A hardware issue
- A windows configuration issue
- A game files issue

I hope that makes sense, these steps are helping us narrow it down logically
over 5 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Originally Posted by BigMuscleLeo
Finished with using my friends account and i can confirm that his voice chat does not work on my computer
OK so we're getting closer! We know it's not a profile or account issue, it must be something more general.

- I checked your DxDiag report and was unable to see any mic device in there. Can you please specify what mic / headphones you are using?
- Would it be possible to make sure your head phones are connected, then add a new DxDiag to your case? I should be able to see it then.

Also, please try the following individually, not at the same time:

- Make sure you are running both Uplay & the game as administrator: https://support.ubi.com/en-GB/faqs/000025662/
- Disable all background applications and try again: https://support.ubi.com/en-GB/faqs/000025721

I look forward to hearing from you!
over 5 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Originally Posted by BigMuscleLeo
The headset that im using is an Kotion Each G2000 and i have tried to do the two fixes you recomanded me but still nothing
Also i have tried a fix that would make my mic be recognised in the dxdiag file and only my Mic in at rear panel (black) can be used to speak .
Oh that actually looks to be the same headset as I previously used, or very similar.

I still can't see the device in your DxDiag as a sound device or sound capture device.

Have you tried re-installing the game? Considering this is the only application affected, it is certainly a worthy step.

If we are still having issues after these steps, it will need to be investigated further by a technical support agent in your support case. We have managed to narrow the issue down which is great, but there's something locally installed on the system that is being problematic.

Let me know your thoughts
over 5 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Originally Posted by BigMuscleLeo
After all these steps nothing worked for me and i tried to uninstall the game and install it back on but to no succes.
I have updated your support ticket with all the steps we have tried in an orderly format.

Our technical team now have a lot of information that they can use to investigate this for you. We will send you an email once we have some further suggestions!
over 4 years ago - Ubi-WheelyDuck - Direct link
Originally Posted by AnneHudson69
21st July, I have this problem now.

Cannot use and cannot hear anyones voice chat at all, I see a disconnect/plug icon on the scoreboard instead of the mic i
Hey there AnneHudson69,

Sorry to hear you have encountered this issue.

Can I just check you have tried the steps previously advised?
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Originally Posted by yenssyhm
Go to OPTIONS on the game and go to VOICE CHAT RECORD MODE and change to open instead PUSH TO TALK.
Hey, thank you for your help.

This is certainly a valid suggestion, hopefully it helps others
over 4 years ago - Ubi-WheelyDuck - Direct link
Hey guys,

Sorry to hear you have encountered this issue.

Can I just check you have tried the steps previously advised?
over 4 years ago - UBI-Froggard - Direct link

So I have a few things to suggest for mic issues that have resolved it for players previously. Please try any of the below that you haven't already:

Make sure the microphone is set as “Default Communications Device” in the audio settings of Windows to control your communication device.

Go to C:\Users\CurrentUser\Documents\My Games\Rainbow Six - Siege\UplayID
Go to GameSettings.ini
Go to Audio
Change "VoiceChatCaptureMode=" to a 1 on the variable.

Open your “File Explorer” and click on “Control Panel”. Then click on “Hardware and Sound” and then click on “Sound”.
Click on the “Recording” tab and then select your microphone (i.e. “Headset mic”, “Internal mic”, etc.) and click "Properties".
Click the "Advanced" tab. Click on the check mark in the box next to "Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device" to remove the check mark from the box. Then click "Apply".

Let us know which (if any) of the steps worked for you or if you still have issues.
almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Viral - Direct link
Originally Posted by VicT0rZ
Hey guys!
I have a bit of a different problem.
My mic sometimes works and sometimes doesn't and it doesn't seem to depend on anything I change in game or windows settings.
I.E. it works in first match, but not second or didn't work on first match but works on second. Haven't even restarted the game.
Same goes with text chat at loading screen. Sometimes I can type something, next round chat is not even opening.
At any given time, I can always hear others and read chat. Any suggestions on what might be wrong?

Hey! We are sorry to hear that you are experiencing problems with using in game voice chat in Rainbow Six: Siege. Communication is a big part of our tactical based shooter and we can appreciate the impact this has on the game experience if this is restricted.

Due to changes that were necessary to improve our overall communication, we introduced a new form of technology to vastly improve our voice chat.

You can try the following troubleshooting steps, to see if it helps with this matter. https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/co...oubleshooting/

We would also ask you to follow our FAQ for issues with your in-game voice chat: https://support.ubisoft.com/en-GB/Article/000060564

Please make sure your microphone is set as "Default Communication Device" in your settings.

Then also make sure that your microphone have the proper right in your Windows:
1. Open your “File Explorer” and click on “Control Panel”. Then click on “Hardware and Sound” and then click on “Sound”.
2. Click on the “Recording” tab and then select your microphone (i.e. “Headset mic”, “Internal mic”, etc.) and click "Properties".
3. Click the "Advanced" tab. Click on the check mark in the box next to "Allow applications to take exclusive control of this device" to remove the check mark from the box. Then click "Apply".

If all the steps have been done please let us know.

Thank you.