Rainbow Six Siege

Rainbow Six Siege Dev Tracker

20 Feb

Things are starting to change, and Operation Void Edge is sure to throw you for a loop. Two Operators, as different from each other as can be, join Harry’s roster and bring with them talents that stand at polar opposites. Iana is the brain and the technology, while Oryx knows the raw power that the human body can carry.

Many novelties are coming with this unique season, with a rework to the Oregon map and a very special Elite set. Take a look at the many gameplay changes as you scroll through these patch notes, and don’t miss out on the Year 5 Pass!

Operation Void Edge Patch Notes[rainbow6.com]
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: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/359550/announcements/detail/3968171431171700305]here[/url].
Originally Posted by xcel30
Sorry if a bit late, but i still don't understand WHY removing the M45, i understand adding super shorty no problem since he closes rotations he should also be able to have tools to not lock down his team, but why also remove a pistol?
This is more of a speculative response, but it might have to do with the redundancy of having two pistol secondaries. Plus, I do believe the 5-7 is the preferred pistol on Castle.
I'm glad everyone seems to be happy about map bans! I know for Ranked there are a few maps that players dislike playing on, so it's awesome to see that you'll have a bit more control over the maps you play. As for Quick Match, I'm not aware of any plans to bring map bans to the mode, but I can't say for certain.
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Originally posted by FlamingArrow118: When i press the shift key i cant sprint. No matter what i do in sprint it doesent change anything. Ive changed the settings and everything. I press and hold the button and it doesent help. I move while pressing and holding down the button

When did this issue start for you?
Thanks for sharing Kai and Astor! I've made note previously to the team that players disliked getting duplicates, especially from Alpha Packs in the Battle Pass.

19 Feb

Originally Posted by Newt_Neutral

So this may of been answered LONG ago, but I can't seem to find this online due to the new operator announcements taking over the internet at the moment. But what are the operators of the game based off of? I'm assuming since it's titled "Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Siege" that all the operators are a mix and match of Clancy's protagonists and antagonists from his novels. Is this all true? Or is only the OG operators?

If anyone knows that would be awesome! And maybe (if they're all from novels) I can read the source material for my favorite operators.

Thanks in advanced for reading! And thank you if you do reply!
He... Read more
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We'll have other events!
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Originally posted by Peregrine: If i buy the Ultimate Edition game, I know it contains Y:1,2,3,4, and 5, but my question is does the ultimate edition bundle going to contain Y 6 or i have to buy season pass for them??
Here's a list of what comes with each edition of Siege.[support.ubisoft.com]
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Originally posted by N00BIE: gets in the way of seeing enemies on the screen. BAAAAD idea

Hey there, how specifically do you feel it would hinder players from seeing enemies?
No its not. Sieges weapon problem is and always has been high rof. Honestly it needs a massive drop in damage on top of horizontal recoil. Giving a high rof gun added vertical recoil just increases the chance of a hs. We've seen this playout with several guns already and the fact that it continually gets over looked is sad and shows the team doesnt pay attention.
Thanks for explaining! Do you have an idea of how much of a drop in damage you would like to see? We will continue to keep an eye out for feedback on the F2 changes along with the other changes from the TTS.
Originally Posted by Luckydevil_010
Ok lets take a look here. The team wants ppl using twitch for utility so they continually nerf her utility while leaving the F2 as a murder machine in the hopes ppl use her for utility. You see the stupid logic right.
From the Designer notes:
To achieve that, we have decided to increase the recoil of the first six shots fired from her F2 and to change the drone darts resource management. Twitch’s F2 will have an increased vertical and horizontal recoil and its bullet spread pattern will be more varied. Overall the weapon should be harder to control within reasonable...
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Not for purchasing it early, but a full Jager set and universal Legendary weapon skins comes with the pass.
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Originally posted by Zink: with one should I get:
some one else

Who else haven't you unlocked?
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Originally posted by Spicy LEGO: I have also posted in R6Fix

Thank you so much! If you can, reach out to Support as well.
Hey guys! How do you feel about Castle getting the Super Shotty? Do you consider it a strong buff?
I do like the idea of making his barricades a little bit more stronger. Do you think this would greatly impact his pick rate? I also like the idea of being able to use Kaid's gadget on them as well.
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Originally posted by madcyborg: Hi! I am a returning R6 player, I have not played in months but I have over 1340 hours and I am looking for people to play with in ranked so We can rank up to platinum or diamond. I dont use voice chat but I can hear voice chat, and I use text chat all the time.

Welcome back!

Sounds like you might be able to find players on your skill level in the R6 Discord.[discord.gg] There are voice chats for all ranks and modes, so you shouldn't have an issue finding a 5 stack!
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Originally posted by Mr.McWoofers:
Originally posted by madcyborg: It released yesterday
oh thanks

Also as a little side note, if you purchased to Y4 pass and renew with Y5, you get 5 Alpha Packs!
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Originally posted by pimpmywheelchair: yeah coz there are people out there farming afk

Really? That's interesting. How are they attempting to farm in Ranked? Doing something like that seems counter productive since leaving your team to fend for themselves in a 4v5 doesn't help their chances of getting renown, packs, or ranking up.
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Originally posted by pimpmywheelchair: just fixed automaticly ? my ping gets high when an iphone connects to my wifi

Hm. This might be something you'll want to reach out to your ISP about.