Rainbow Six Siege

Rainbow Six Siege Dev Tracker

13 Feb

    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by lucasvalete:
Originally posted by UbiYubble:
Hey Adler, the idea for a ban map system has been brought up to the team. Can you explain what it is about the Consulate map that you personally find frustrating?
Oh please let us ban maps ASAP.

The idea has been passed to the team already. :)
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by kaMMakaZZi9: Yes

I would suggest Sledge then! You go from hitting people with a sledge hammer to hitting them with a giant metal ball on a stick. What's not to love?
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Caulin: I tried that too :,(
(sorry i forgot to mention that)

Hm, interesting. Is this the first time this has happened to you? Has it happened again since yo opened this thread?
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Welcome (back?) to Siege! If you're looking for a larger group to get into, the R6 Discord [discord.gg] is always open! Tons of voice channels and chats for players to hang out, communicate, organize games, etc. Hop on in if you're interested. :)
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by kaMMakaZZi9: I don't know what to get but I have 3 Defender and want to get some Attackers. I am thinking Fuze, Hibana, and Sledge.

You're referring to Elite skins, correct?
I appreciate everyone who has shared their links and experiences so far! I will pass them along to the dev team to be looked into. Thanks again!

12 Feb

    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I, unfortunately, don't have any details on any upcoming sales at this time.
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Aladin: How to disable ''press space to stop rappeling'' setting ? I didn't play for a long time and you didn't need to press anything if I remember correctly

I don't believe there is a way to disable it. The feature was implemented to help stop Attackers from accidentally going up to the roof if they want to. Now players have the option to go up on the roof when they're ready.
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by twunny phaiv: Votekick isn't available in Unranked, and tbh it shouldn't be in Casual at all due to how easy it is to bypass and even abuse

I've seen this idea around the community a bit, and while I understand why it's suggested due to toxic individuals abusing it, removing Vote To Kick prevents teams from using the system properly to remove cheaters and other kinds of toxic players.
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Bring a radio box map queue selection

Hey Adler, the idea for a ban map system has been brought up to the team. Can you explain what it is about the Consulate map that you personally find frustrating?
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by twunny phaiv: I wouldn't make any changes to him at this point, maybe in the future tho

If you were in charge of making a change to him in the future, what would you do?
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey Ankk, thanks for sharing your Ranked solo queue experience with us.

Solo queuing in Ranked can be one of the most frustrating things since you never know if the players you get are going to contribute or give proper call-outs. Keep in mind that Clearance Level doesn't equate to skill and doesn't play a factor in the matchmaking system.

If you find yourself losing multiple Ranked games in a row and you're getting frustrated, the best course of action would be to walk away from your computer for a while to recharge and come back with a fresh and positive mindset. Since solo queuing is a flip of the coin on whether you're going to get good teammates or not, you should join the R6 Discord. In there, you can hop into a voice call with Silvers, Golds, Plats, etc and 5 stack that way!
Hey K.W. thanks for sharing!

It would be cool to have the ability to rotate your Operator after selecting a new uniform piece. I know being able to rotate is available under specific circumstances.
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi there,

Which mode are you queuing for?
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by WW3: Started game with 3 players with a cheater on the enemy team

Make sure you're reporting these players in-game and bringing any visual evidence of the cheaters to Ubisoft Support. [support.ubisoft.com]
What kind of new utility would you like to see come to the game in a future update?
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey there Robbert,

What's you ISP?
Originally Posted by WBBCoop
I've been meaning to thread this for a few days, and I don't know when it happened..but thank you for the added freedom of movement when repelling.

Seriously, thank you! It makes a huge difference!

ps. Take that you pesky runner-outers !!!
Glad you're enjoying it! You have the high ground.
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey there Caulin,

If that happens, ALT+TAB out of the game and then ALT+TAB back in. That should do the trick.
    UbiYubble on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The idea has been passed up the chain to our developer team, but thanks for sharing your desire to see this feature added as well. :) I think it'd be a great addition to the game!