Rainbow Six Siege

Rainbow Six Siege Dev Tracker

26 Jul

66 Batman would have anti operator spray on hand

07 Jul

    Zoro on Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by Copperneck
When Ubisoft can't identify the operators of their own game...

This is Bandit, not Jager.
Oh my goodness, I can't believe I misread the OP and it wasn't pointed out until now! Thanks for catching me on that.


For reference, here's Jager's uniform:

Definitely not leather, perhaps some blend of denim?

04 Jul

    Zoro on Forums - Thread - Direct
I'd say any of these would work perfectly fine for Bandit's uniform, I'd be very surprised if anyone tried to call you out for it at least

03 Jul

    Zoro on Forums - Thread - Direct
I'm not 100% certain, but it appears to be a leather jacket without a collar and featuring German colors/emblems. The tactical vest he wears covers most of the jacket's torso, but I think you'd be pretty on-point with a leather material.

27 Jun

    Zoro on Forums - Thread - Direct
Not to say lefties aren't awesome (I'm left handed myself, although my right eye is still my dominant eye) but what would be the practical use of implementing this? Since the camera is placed at the center of the operator, it wouldn't effect anything as far as angles or viewpoint.

I believe all the operators are right handed/right eye dominant for the purposes of uniformity and keeping a standard between all characters.

09 Jun

    Zoro on Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally Posted by MZGTY132
i just got on my pc wating to play rainbow six so i go on steam to open it its on gray text i was like "wtf?" and then i see install LIKE THERE WAS JUST THE BREAKING POINT THE **** HAPPENED I WAS DOWNLOADING BATTLESHIP AND NOBODY ELSE TOUCHED MY PC {so there goes the askers of did someone touch it} AND NOW I GOTTA DOWNLOAD 27 MORE GIGS SO I CAN PLAY THE GAME AGAIN...
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08 Jun

    ItsEpi on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Виталий<3 :E:
Originally posted by ItsEpi: Glad you like it!
You don't want Steam discussion boards to be heaven. I promise.
    ItsEpi on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by A Chimp Pimp:
Originally posted by ItsEpi: He does not need a buff. He is still able to shrug off 1-2 headshots. That is a really big deal.

No, it is not. His role shouldnt be to just "have an advantage at gunfights everywhere". He should be meant to hold angles for his team to safely proceed. To hide behind a window and watch a doorway safely while protecting his teammate while they plant the defuser, for example. Give him more shield hp, but make his ADS time...
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    ItsEpi on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by IIILandelerIII:
Originally posted by ItsEpi: He does not need a buff. He is still able to shrug off 1-2 headshots. That is a really big deal.

what if i ask it nicely??
You can't ask nicely enough.
    ItsEpi on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Glad you like it!
    ItsEpi on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
He does not need a buff. He is still able to shrug off 1-2 headshots. That is a really big deal.

06 Jun

    Zoro on Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for adding your experience MadRabbitX!

I've sent this to the team to look into this!

05 Jun

    Zoro on Forums - Thread - Direct
Very strange, Have you restarted your client / system to confirm the game still does not show up as installed? If you didn't remove the game I can't think of any reason this would occur.

Our support team can also help you with troubleshooting if you're interested : Support.ubi.com

23 May

    Zoro on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hey guys, thanks for posting on this.

Please submit a ticket with our Support Team here: Support.ubi.com

They'll be able to give you troubleshooting assistance and figure out what's happening with you.

08 May

    Zoro on Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for the feedback on this, I'll share the sentiments in my report!

03 May

    Zoro on Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks for the suggestion THEAMAZINGM03,

Any ideas for what you'd like to see for Greek ops?

07 Apr

    ubi-wvlf on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi there!

Thanks for bringing this to our attention. To begin, we would recommend trying some connectivity troubleshooting steps here. You could also make certain that your PSN account is still connected to your Uplay account by signing in here.

If you still experience this issue after trying these steps, we would highly recommend creating a support ... Read more

06 Apr

    UbiEpi on Forums - Thread - Direct
There is a lack of buttons. We may take a look at making an adjustment in the future, but it is not currently a priority.

02 Apr

    Zoro on Forums - Thread - Direct
Hello, welcome to "R6 Community Discusses"!

The goal of this series is to not only give new players a primer on a specific operator or map, but also for mid-level or competitive players a chance to share the knowledge that they have accrued in their experiences and maybe let people know something that they did not know before.

This is our complete collection of topics that the community has discussed so far, organized here for your convenience! We will continue to update this list after every new discussion! Feel free to add any thoughts to the older threads, as we have kept them open for your posting pleasure.

2018 Threads:

... Read more

28 Mar

    Zoro on Forums - Thread - Direct
Jojo is correct, the system works this way to prevent players from simply disconnecting their network purposely and avoiding losses. That being said, I will still pass forward your feedback on this so the team can see the full impact. .