RAM Pressure

RAM Pressure Dev Tracker

18 May

    vadevski on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Bif: Very nice to make your acquaintance, vadevski. Thank you for being here, sincerely.
Glad to hear it:)

17 May


Originally posted by Illustrious-Rise-609

что делать?(((((((

Здравствуйте! Скажите, пожалуйста, первый раз запускаете игру? На СТИМ? Какой антивирус у Вас стоит?

    vadevski on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Bif: I logged into the current discord channel and read the English chat; I saw a lot of the usual suspects there (including Ernesto_Boom).

Confirmed Ernesto is correct there is a dev rep on the channel, Vadevski. Apparently works weekdays only, based in Moscow.
Hi! I'm ready to answer your questions in STEAM also :)
    vadevski on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Bif:
Early in my adult life, I trained with an M21 (an accurized M14) and also with an accurized M16. P54C I think it was. Anyway if your optics are fixed at a high magnification, it is easy for a target to move out of view at mid-range. No problem with the M21, the iron sights were still functional. Big problem with the P54C. In every other meaningful way, the P54C was better. But with the rifle to your shoulder, your choices were optics or staring at the back of the carrying handle. I am guessing that the devs are trying to simulate this effect.

By the way, don't worry if you can't find the P54C on google. They were rare, someone told me less than 50 were made. Google "accurized M16" for an idea of what ...
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    vadevski on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Astran: Killed all but the last NPC who had killed my operative from the distance which produced 8% chance to hit. Mission fail. Why?!
It's random.

Originally posted by Astran: Do you even playtest your product, developers?
Yes, we do.

Originally posted by Astran: Here is the working recipe: stream your game on Twitch
Thank u!

11 May

Good News, Everyone!

Over the past months, we've made several important changes to the game that we are eager to share with you. The main changes concern PvP battles mechanics. So if you were waiting for "when they will finish PvP at last" to re-enter PvP and play more or less the final version, then the time has come 😊

In fact, so many changes have already accumulated that it's impossible to describe everything in one post without turning it into a longread. Therefore, we'll only touch on the most recent, major and important changes that we've added to the game since January. Detailed Patch Notes for all updates can be seen on our ... Read more

Good News, Everyone!

Over the past months, we've made several important changes to the game that we are eager to share with you. The main changes concern PvP battles mechanics. So if you were waiting for "when they will finish PvP at last" to re-enter PvP and play more or less the final version, then the time has come :)

In fact, so many changes have already accumulated that it's impossible to describe everything in one post without turning it into a longread. Therefore, we'll only touch on the most recent, major and important changes that we've added to the game since January. Detailed Patch Notes for all updates can be seen on our STEAM ...

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10 May


Hey, Redditors!

Patch Notes 10/05/2021

- Added "unmasking actions" mechanism. Now, when taking actions that can cause damage to your operatives, an enemy that is out of the range of detection/visibility of your fighters will be displayed in a red silhouette until the end of your next turn

- Added new mission loading screens that will tell you about the objects and alien technologies that you'll meet in the story campaign (including the unpublished continuation of the story, the missions of which are currently in testing)

- Added new PvP contract Liquidation temporarily to the map. The matchmaking in it is carried out according to the strength of the squad (as in PvP+), but at the same time there are no additional enemies as mobs (as in PvP+), and victories/defeats don't affect the Rating and don't lead to the possible death of operatives (as in rating PvP)

- Added ammo to the Syndicate shop

- Changed the price of grenades in the Syn...

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    Nesquik on Steam - Thread - Direct
  • Added "unmasking actions" mechanism. Now, when taking actions that can cause damage to your operatives, an enemy that is out of the range of detection/visibility of your fighters will be displayed in a red silhouette until the end of your next turn
  • Added new mission loading screens that will tell you about the objects and alien technologies that you'll meet in the story campaign (including the unpublished continuation of the story, the missions of which are currently in testing)
  • Added new PvP contract Liquidation temporarily to the map. The matchmaking in it is carried out according to the strength of the squad (as in PvP+), but at the same time there are no additional enemies as mobs (as in PvP+), and victories/defeats don't affect the Rating and don't lead to the possible death of operatives (as in rating PvP)
  • Added ammo to the Syndicate shop
  • Changed the price of grenades in the Syndicate shop
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/929490/announcements/detail/3105772592538097389]here[/url].

08 May


    vadevski on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by rowan-kun: Привет. Нет. Я не знал что багрепорт можно отправить прямо из игры. Попытался отправить сообщение об ошибках через маил.ру по тому адресу, что нашел в интернете - не уверен, что письмо дошло. Я не зарегистрирован ни в одном из сообществ, типа твитеров и фейсбуков. Потому писал об ошибках тут и в другой теме. Миссии с багами с карты уже пропали, но тем не менее встречаются миссии с значком молнией, где враги спавнятся очень быстро, а осматривать артефакт нужно 5 ходов под огнем. Т.е. 1 боец не участвует в перестрелке - находясь открытым для всех снайперов месте и по приоритету получает все свинцовые гостинцы. Хотя безобразий с четырьмя невероятно толстыми и вооруженными врагами больше не встречал.
В... Read more

06 May


    vadevski on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by rowan-kun: Обнаружил уже две багованные миссии со значком молнии с наградой 750 кредитов.
Первая миссия внизу индии - налет на лабораторию: враги 10 ХП 6-7 брони спавнятся по 5 штук даже не дождавшись гибели предыдущей пачки, потому просто заваливают бойцов мясом и градом огня со всех сторон, ещё очень метко стреляют прямо через препятствия.
Вторая багованная миссия вроде в монголии/казахстане - битва с бандитами: 4 бандита 30 ХП 15 Брони: 2 солдата с лазерными автоматами, 1 снайпер с крупнокалиберной и тяж.штурм с миниганом. Когда собрав яйки в кулак всё же расковырял их всех - миссия никуда не пропала с карты, опыта почти не дали, боеприпасы не потралились, если проигрывал - тратились и боезапас и хп, а тут побе...
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    vadevski on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Soaps vancauwenberg: bounjours je suis bloquer dans la tout premier mission jai suprimer sans faire expres un personnage du cuop je cest plus progresse ild faux 4personnage pour avence dans la premier mission mes jai que 3personnage je doit faire quoi
Bonjour! Veuillez nous envoyer les bogues et les bizarreries directement depuis le jeu en appuyant sur CTRL + ALT + B. Une capture d'écran et des journaux y sont automatiquement joints. Vérifions tout!

30 Apr


Originally posted by Remarkable_Hat1484

А на русском есть описание патча?

Здравствуйте! Список изменений от 2.04.2021

  1. В кооперативную миссию добавлена информация о текущей волне противников

  2. В кооперативной миссии убрана возможность захвата артефакта

  3. В кооперативной миссии ботам были добавлены HP и броня. Изначально в режим попали тестовые боты, теперь будут те, которые задумывались для режима

  4. Для кооперативной миссии изменена награда за победу (было 750$, а стало 1000$)

  5. Изменены условия победы в кооперативной миссии. Теперь когда союзник погибает, он остаётся наблюдать за боем. Если игрок досмотрит бой до конца, и союзник победит, то оба получат победу. Во всех иных случаях - поражение.

  6. Умение "Выстрел по наводке" снайпера теперь имеет 20% штраф к точности стрельбы

  7. Умение "Прикрытие по наводке" снайпера теперь имеет 40% штраф к точности стрельбы

  8. Изменение в поведении ботов. Теперь они чаще занимают укрытия

  9. Испра...

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29 Apr

    vadevski on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by le sombre rodeur: how to un lock chapter 7 ?
Chapter 7 is locked to everyone. We'll unlock it later.

27 Apr


Hey, Redditors!

Patch Notes 27/04/2021

  1. Added chat. It includes:

- All story dialogues

- The messages accompanying the installation of a mark on the map for an ally in COOP mode

- Messages from other players

Keyboard shortcuts:

- Open/close input field - Enter

- Open input field for a message to an allied squad - LShift

- Open the quick messages panel - hold Enter

- Open Quick Command Panel - LCtrl

  1. Integrated new animations of reversals when aiming

  2. Now when switching to the turn based stage of the battle, the player who lost the right to the first turn will be given an extra turn with one AP for each fighter and half the time of a normal turn, but he cannot shoot, just move

  3. Increased HP of mercenaries depending on the influence of secondary characteristics "Strength"

  4. Changes in skills:

- "Physical training"...

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    Nesquik on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Здравствуйте. Вы можете пополнить внутриигровые деньги с помощью Steam. Для этого надо нажать на "+" рядом с количеством ваших денег, выбрать нужную покупку и оплатить её.

С уважением, команда разработчиков :cleanseal:
    Nesquik on Steam - Thread - Direct
  1. Added chat. It includes:
    • All story dialogues
    • The messages accompanying the installation of a mark on the map for an ally in COOP mode
    • Messages from other players

      Keyboard shortcuts:
    • Open/close input field - Enter
    • Open input field for a message to an allied squad - LShift
    • Open the quick messages panel - hold Enter
    • Open Quick Command Panel - LCtrl
  2. Integrated new animations of reversals when aiming
  3. Now when switching to the turn based stage of the battle, the player who lost the right to the first turn will be given an extra turn with one AP for each fighter and half the time of a normal turn, but he cannot shoot, just move
  4. Increased HP of mercenaries depending on the influence of secondary characteristics "Strength"
  5. Changes in skills:
    • Physical trainin...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/929490/announcements/detail/3085505125832769993]here[/url].