Ready or Not

Ready or Not Dev Tracker

25 May

23 May

19 May

17 May

16 May

13 May

12 May

11 May


Originally posted by resfan

does that mean they won't randomly vanish past 30ft?



Originally posted by Mean_Attempt751

Hoping they brighten up the red dots as well so they don't wash out so badly

Do you have an example of this? Wash out over distance? Because this aims to resolve that (bit of cheeky material magic to get it right!)

10 May


I love being an indie developer with no strings to any company outside of my own, but man seeing the Valve logo officially pop up on some co-developed game in the future would be a dreeeeam.

09 May

08 May


Originally posted by Front-Pick3134

Will the new ragdoll system be featured in the may update?

Yep. Partially. We’re working on some new states that will influence second stage ragdoll anims.

07 May


Originally posted by Magnumx70

Somebody give this dude a medal please

Gotta honor him with an in game Easter egg at this point.


Dev here, it’s totally up to you and if you’re interested in buying a game that’s still a work in progress. You’d be buying into a product that we attempt to improve drastically every single major update, and we try our best to engage in our communities as much as we can! But if you wanna wait then go for it. But I do think it’s a lot of fun now, especially with friends :)


Originally posted by Nitro84635

Ooo alright thanks !!

We actually just overhauled the ancient code that was written for ragdoll. With the new support it should be really cool once we’re done. Wont say anything yet though.. gotta leave some surprises to show and not tell!!


Originally posted by Raventek

Someone has never done drugs before lol

It’s “video game” extreme but I’ve definitely seen some weird sh*t on the streets of LA when it comes to people not taking care of themselves. So maybe not strictly related to the methamphetamine use, but these people in particular live in a meth den. They’re not right by any means.


Originally posted by CaliRecluse

Not sure yet.

Devs might touch on it.

Yes. Planned!


Originally posted by Yankees-snapback

Got on them loafers

Upon closer inspection these appear to be loafers