Ready or Not

Ready or Not Dev Tracker

21 Jun

18 Jun


Originally posted by DigTw0Grav3s

I believe (not 100% positive) VOID have stated that short stocking animation work has already been done. Whether it gets added or not as a feature is a different story.

I don’t think we’ve even posed short stocking but we’d like to.


We did tweak how breakable lights work (more performant) but this is super strange.


Originally posted by Mean_Attempt751

"Gruntr confirmed to be Satan." Kotaku probably

I reckon

17 Jun

16 Jun


Originally posted by A_MAN_POTATO

Thanks for the detailed response. Even when my vision doesn't align with yours, it helps to have clarity on why decisions were made the way they were. I hope it was clear that i''m not angry or anything, just voicing my opinion. That is, after all, why I supported the game. I haven't yet played the new test maps, but I will be sure to check them out. I've been really enjoying fast food even in it's unfinished state.

Oh no problem at all. :)

15 Jun


There should be a way now but with mod support coming within the next few updates we will include an FMOD project or something similar to allow for easier replacement.


Originally posted by Cheese_Cake_L0rd

When does the Live version usually receive the SE updates?

As soon as some of the more aggregious bugs and crashes are ironed out. We’ve been making waves though so won’t be too long.


Originally posted by MrTattyBojangles

Is that even legal? u/Gruntr ?

I’m not sure actually. Technically no, doesn’t bother me so long as someone doesn’t claim credit for it as their own level. People have paid for mods to be made in the past, though honestly OP I don’t think you’d need to pay: someone would likely happily do this for free since there are so many passionate modders for this community kicking ass.


Fences are the bane of my existence


Originally posted by A_MAN_POTATO

That may be an explanation, but it doesn't really jive with me as validation... It's just another piece of narrative and edgyness getting in the way of, at least, what I expected out of a SWAT 4 spiritual successor. Which... To their credit the core gameplay nails perfectly. The environments just sometimes feel less so

That’s a fair criticism, this is primarily our own interpretation of real events vs. trying to follow them exactly. As an example, it’s unlikely bodies would pile up in the center of a dance floor, they’d be at exits and there would be way less of them.

However it’s definitely a much more confronting experience (at least to some, in your case the suspension of disbelief wasn’t enough which is fine) to be presented with such an insurmountable number of bodies.

Realistically events like, say, the Bataclan massacre saw images of a few dead in larger areas with most people being able to escape, fortunately. This isn’t lost on us, it’s just the way we’ve decided to present it in a way that becomes more readable.

As for scale, that’s fair! I hope you get the chance to jump into agency and Ridgeline which are two smaller levels. Fast food is also having the added area cut down so it goes back towards the primary focus being the restaurant. Many small maps are co...

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Originally posted by Dutspice

I think the main hurdle is that it doesn’t exist.

VOID military/leo solutions when


Set your game to full screen, apparently there are issues with windowed mode on some pcs