Ready or Not

Ready or Not Dev Tracker

26 Mar


Gotta add finding a civilian and carrying them to the exit now :)


Originally posted by redkid02

Nice addition to the feature having team view viewable with HUD off! I wish a dev would read this but it’s also nice to allow players enable player names with HUD turned off.

Makes sense


This is so good


Im going to exclusively play this mod


Originally posted by turngudu

this shit looks dope

my walls are white, time to confirm my families fears

You may need to turn up your decal options!


Originally posted by ryannoahm450

I need the last of us part 2 gore in this game.

Youre dreaming!

… kinda! I’m positive the gore in that game is hand made and not dynamic. Ours has to be dynamic, but we are aiming for it to be pretty damn visceral if possible.

Downed yet still potentially dangerous suspects could be good, but who knows if itll work given the style of game, though we have some goals which i think you all will enjoy :)


So, #3 is a big thing that should be resolved by april. Turn in place for ai is a big focus, its not particularly difficult to add theres just a lot of other anim stuff were needing to do as well. Should alleviate those issues!


Originally posted by MyLittlePonyfucker

So we're cornering the Dorner at ruby ridge?

Not quite.


Originally posted by granplanstanmanuel

Can't wait.

Speaking of hotel map ambiences, are there helicopters circling around outside the mission start? If not would be pretty cool to see news choppers orbiting.

There will be a lot more focus on these cool details a little later! :)


Originally posted by boilingfrogsinpants

So the 213 park homes rework is really cool, I really enjoy the atmosphere that's been created and how it looks more like a meth lab.


  1. - The meth in the desk in the tent house is too far back and you can't grab it without great difficulty
  2. -The attic area is really cool, however you can only enter the attic because if you try to leave there's an invisible barrier stopping you. You can't duck under it or anything.

Thanks for this. Should be a patch soon fixing some of those gamebreaking errors. Funnily enough in our pre-patch testing i never ran into that issue! Standard hey?

19 Mar


Originally posted by AshHill07

It does snow in southern California, it has done a few times over the last few years.

Snowed in Palomar Mountain this year too, went on a nice walk through some of it on the Scott’s Cabin trail. But for Los Suenos unfortunately it’ll be rain and smog.

17 Mar


Confirming that this has indeed been posted internally, so we're in the know. :)

16 Mar

15 Mar


Originally posted by huff-glue

I talked to my retired cop dad about it a little bit and if someone is gonna draw on you, it'll either be a rehearsed quickdraw where they put their hands up for a second and then quickly reach down, draw and fire to surprise you, or they will wait until you turn your back. Definitely doesn't make a lot of sense for them to try and draw while 3 guys have guns aimed at their faces. They should program them to make a move when you arent looking.

They can absolutely make a move when you're not looking :)


Originally posted by phasmophobia_pro

Sweet when this upcoming update

Yep, March update.

14 Mar


Originally posted by i_am_scatman

What does this mean Mr developer 0_0

it means sub-15sec killhouse runs are about to be a thing


Originally posted by i_am_scatman

That would actually be hilarious if void added that into the briefing room or sum

... ;)

13 Mar


Originally posted by gaybraham-lincoln

They rush you and jitter around like they are professional paintball players currently

Dont make me add slide cancel animations for the ai


Halligan bar is coming soon which does basically what you're asking for (but it wont be quiet hah)