Ready or Not

Ready or Not Dev Tracker

04 Mar


We did have this early on, could be fun!


Originally posted by LlamaBombaYT

I don't even know how to mod the game in all honesty. I posted the link to the full video like 2 days ago in this reddit. Somebody said "AI mod" and I honestly didn't know what he meant until now.

Nah all good! I'll add it as a bug to our list.


Originally posted by Reed_Thompson_

And yes I know its modded, but I've had this issue with a clean install as well.

Submitted a report on your behalf. Thanks!


Is this modded at all out of curiosity? As in, are you running any AI mods? We've seen AI accidentally kill themselves before but not in vanilla RON.

03 Mar


Yeah as others have said here it is a deliberate decision to slow the gameplay and make players very certain of their decision making :) easy to high tail it out of any mess you've created with sprint!

02 Mar


Thanks for the feedback. Knives (melee weapons in general, really) are definitely in their infancy in RoN but it's stuff like this that helps it along nicely.

01 Mar


Farm is getting a big fat overhaul but I'll look at this one. The port one may be fixed in the latest patch, is this on bomb threat or hr?


Originally posted by dontry90

Nice updates, but... Please next one should have a better/bigger display and stats of the weapon attachments (sights,brakes,muzzles)!!!

Big UI overhaul for that and Loadout/AI customisation in the works. :)


We had it for a long time, and it caused so many issues.

We started with the scroll wheel being the only way (at this time doors only opened in one direction), then we had a "fast" open and the scroll wheel for peeking, then we had hold use key to open the door over time (so if you held it down for long enough it would open), and then finally we arrived at animating the doors open with a press, and opening up a new context button for peeking.

The team has experimented with all kinds of door opening types, I would hazard to say every single possibility, and this is the best feeling one by a mile. The benefits are:

- AI will not clip through doors if you open them too fast

- Opening doors is fast and responsive

- AI can open doors easily and not get stuck

- Door sounds and implementation is simplified (therefore we can spend more time making sounds)

The legacy of old incremental doors somewhat lives on when you walk into an o...

Read more

24 Feb


Were doing themed story threads so your wish will be granted.


SWAT 3 vibes. Very cool!

23 Feb


Yeah we're looking into this.

22 Feb


Originally posted by BastillianFig

  • Added ability for AI to place traps

Ffs. Last thing we need is more traps

It replaces them spawning initially altogether. Max traps stays the same per level.


Originally posted by Toast_Meat

AI is a okay, but needs work (both enemy AI and teammates). So far I've only ever played single player and I love it. I keep coming back to it despite sometimes rage quitting because of some absolute BS impossibility but hey... it's an early access game and I'm sure the devs will get a lot of things done over the next while. It's very enjoyable and tense as hell. Just be careful and take your time. It's no Call of Duty.

Any bs, please report by the way!


Originally posted by harakiwiz

50 hours in, exactly 1 online match

Yeah its worth it imo
