Ready or Not

Ready or Not Dev Tracker

13 Mar


Originally posted by 21Black_Mamba21

Maybe a mod or a one off event, but nothing more, please.

I don’t want another R6 situation :(

You just know we'd do it better!

11 Mar


Originally posted by Hachiuki

If you are going to do shoulder switching, PLEASE PLEASE don't just go the CS way and lazily mirror the animation. Please do it right with a different set of animation using the controls on the correct side of the gun if you want to include features like this.

well yeah of course, we cant mirror like that anyway


teammate just redeployed him

09 Mar


Originally posted by DigTw0Grav3s

This would be great.

Ground Branch has had the concept of "hands instead of weapons", single-hand activities like body dragging and shoulder swaps in the works for forever, but hasn't made progress on any of it yet. I'd love to see that kind of thing come to RoN since it's turning into such a technical shooter.

Absolutely. Our new animation tool was just finished, and this includes a really simple GUI which allows animators to flip weapon hands with all animations in one click, so this could be doable in the future.

08 Mar


Originally posted by bockclockula

I really hope they make glass melee-able, or at least allow us to throw deployables through it. Really hate having to shoot glass out and give myself away just to flashbang the room inside.

Yeah, we will be looking at this, eventually, we'll probably add some glass-breaker rounds for the pepper guns too. But that's a little down the line.


Originally posted by VotiveChunk2609

Thanks for your reply! Honestly everything else is pretty much perfect, except for maybe some RoE on hostage rescue, but that’s subjective. I genuinely can’t wait for future updates

Hostage rescue in general will recieve a major rework in the future. Too many similar feeling mission types in our game.


We are working on anims and blends for this but yep, definitely a big contributor.

07 Mar


Originally posted by Str8Nirvana

It's comfort man, I have two sets of Razer Huntsmen and Razer Mambas (One for home and one for work)

They're nice and all but it's just not an enjoyable way to play.

Ideally I like to lounge back and get comfy when gaming, not sitting w/ arms firmly planted in place at a desk.

Camera movement on a mouse has always looked really unnatural and wonky to me on top of all that too, it isn't a deal breaker but it just doesn't feel right for whatever reason.

Were working on controller support fyi. Recently one of our team implemented that trigger pull haptic stuff, where the gun only fires once you pull the L2/r2 buttons far enough.


Originally posted by DarthJaderYT

If the price was cheaper, I’m sure the playerbase would be higher. But not significantly so.

Yeah, most people are just playing elden ring. My entire squad I play with is currently on elden ring, so we haven’t even tried the new update.

Hell, I'm playing Elden ring.


Originally posted by matin1385

"Pretty cool stuff. But wouldn’t it be easier if the officer lifted the civ by the cuffs and onto his feet. That way the officer can manipulate the civ just by yanking on the cuffs, and he wouldn’t need to carry the civ. Must be pretty heavy." Gruntr's response: "Easier for you maybe, not for our programmers"

I also went into further detail below that comment by the way, the current implementation works with an existing system, so it was easier to implement and test than a brand new functionality that requires matching AI with the player 1:1, particularly in online environments this is can be a huge time sink to get right.


One of those things I never thought we would get in and now here it is. So satisfying. Ali killed it! Should help moving people out of the crossfire.. and other things.


Originally posted by BroccoliBetter1

Hey Gruntr, is there a place we can put suggestions like these? Are your DMS open or is there a discord I can suggest specifically to the developers?

Reddit is fine, I wouldn't like to have my inbox flooded with ideas because everyone has one or two. For bugs use the in game reporter (or here as well) because we do read them.

06 Mar


Damn, nice catch. We will get this resolved.


Minus the guy clipping into the door this is a great clip. I love when the death view shows something cool. Welcome!


Yeah we're a bit sick of rifles over here too. I think the last one for now we're gonna add is the MCX (I fired a heap of rounds in Vegas and loved it), but aside from that were gonna bolster up other categories.

05 Mar


Originally posted by SneakingIsland

I hope this is a feature and not a bug

I don't ever want to remove this


This is a great unofficial trailer. Killer work.


Really nice! Are you going to bake all the lighting as well? Should make the dark spots slightly less pronounced.


That is a killer photo with some great models!