Ready or Not

Ready or Not Dev Tracker

04 Feb

02 Feb


Originally posted by SpiderToaster3610

What the actual shit. 4 chest shots for an AK????

There seems to be some issue that we're tracking down but didnt go and rebalance the weapon damage or ai health.


Originally posted by DigTw0Grav3s

I don't think this is strictly true right now. The current toggle is for "secondary sight", which probably represents the irons on top of one of the sights now. It could also represent a stacked sight like how some ACOGs have a mini red dot on top.

I think OP is saying that you may eventually have a separate keybind to cant your weapon, either for point shooting with lasers or for off axis red dots.

It's also not yet clear how variable magnification optics will work. Is there going to be a third bind for zoom level, or will they take over the secondary sight bind?

Correct. Will be a different bind or context based.


We'll look into making it more realistic.

01 Feb


It's planned for the future!


You mean you don't chug your coffee in one sip?


Originally posted by jonnio2215

Rubber non slip mat for the floor. Somehow the texture for the mat ended up on a dead human

Broken decal :(

30 Jan


Not the open mouth

29 Jan

28 Jan


Originally posted by redsprucetree

The argument against having a tilt/point shoot mechanic is that you’re already point shooting when not ADS. If your gun is up and shouldered you’re technically point shooting.

Only reason I say this is because I requested the same thing for Ground Branch and the devs were like “…But you’re already point shooting when not aiming”

But it is important because having a laser ADS mode would slow your aim sensitivity down, allowing for more precise aim.

We are adding a canted weapon key in a future update, so this will be interesting.


Originally posted by Sir_Billington_II

I think it's safe to say that RoN is that breath of fresh air so many of us have been waiting for since like... 2005. As a non-supporter pleb, I'm eagerly waiting for the new update drop.

I appreciate that. I wish I could have played RoN without having a developer mindset sometimes.


It's not impossible, but entirely out of scope for us currently. Spawning AI and generating clear points is not real-time, and set up in missions during the creation phase. So I'm not even sure if we could do it with our current set up. That said, we can probably do anything we set our minds to (within reason)!

27 Jan


Originally posted by spartan11810

If you are losing to Russian fishing 4 you are in trouble

Russian Fishing 4 is GOTY