
Runescape Dev Tracker

26 Sep


Originally posted by jaydenkieran

We have a contract in writing with Jagex about what they can and can't do. Rest assured, they don't want to hinder the site, and we're not prepared to let them.

Agreeing with the above.

This account is very new but I am the new Director of Community at Jagex and our team have been working with the guys closely the last few weeks on signing contracts and getting all of our ducks in a row. In a nutshell, Jayden and the team will be handling all aspects of the Wiki and we are here to support and help the guys deliver a top tier experience.

25 Sep



This should have hopefully been fixed with a hotfix this morning. When you log in again double check if its unlocked and let me know if the issue isn't solved! :)

16 Sep


Hey there! Mod Noodles from Player Support here. So I've had a look into your account and I can see that although you've mainly been active on RuneScape, it looks like a third party was recently logging into your account and botting on Old School, which is why you received the ban. It seems that the hijacker had access to your previous password, which I can see you've since updated, so that's great! Just as an extra heads up, it doesn't look like you you've enabled the authenticator yet, so I'd highly recommend doing so to avoid having your account compromised in the future. I can see that you've submitted a ban appeal for account, which is currently waiting in the queue and will be investigated by a Mod as soon as possible. Hopefully this helps to explain the situation and why the ban was applied. :)

14 Sep


Originally posted by whosdr

Heey Allstar, been a while.

I dealt with HTTPS in the lazy way - set up an Apache2 reverse proxy for my services with SSL via Letsencrypt. I imagine RuneScape's website with load balancing and such is quiiite a bit more complex. :p

So I can’t really go into our infrastructure in that much detail but we have a better solution in the pipeline - watch this space!


Originally posted by whosdr

That's not quite true. If you log into the website home page, you can access account settings without having to log back in. If you log into the forums though, you'll be logged into the main website alongside but not be able to access account settings without another login attempt.

This is because you are umping from http to https - something which we are also changing gradually. This week the hiscores module now joined the https list. :)


Originally posted by Fabricated_Cake

How do u get it to load on Internet Explorer? On IE11 I only get this:

Please upgrade your browser Unfortunately your browser does not support this feature. Please upgrade to the latest version of Firefox or Google Chrome.

In case any JMod cares: the rendering has been messed up with missing textures etc since Dec 2016 after the NXT update that brought anisotropic filtering and uncompressed textures (same update also caused glitched forum avatars).

it will never work on IE11 due to a lack of support for various web standards and the complicated initialising process of the renderer. Same for Opera, Safari and Edge. The browser must support webworkers with websockets, webgl and localstorage :)

As for the rendering issue you are correct. However that requires engine time of which they are a tad busy with Mobile now :)


Originally posted by JagexLyon

In its current mishmash state, /r/veryinfuriating would be more appropriate.

Thankfully, as we work on the website myself & Mod Allstar as well as the other members of the web team are moving everything over to HTTPS by default. Its not great that we aren't there already, but a few places such as the forums, news and a few other sections of the site are lagging behind a little.

Its a frustration we all want rid of as we all use the website ourselves on a daily basis.

Slowly we're getting there :)


Originally posted by dreamgzer

This was done recently, no? I appealed a macro ban on my original account, any hope of getting it back? My current one is way better but i wouldnt mind playing both.

Ban Appeals have been live for about 15 months. If the offence was performed by a hijacker, we will remove the ban...if it was you, then the account will probably remain banned due to our firm stance against cheating

13 Sep


Hi - contrary to what many say, it's easy to appeal a ban - head over to the Support centre:, type 'ban' in the search box, you get this page:, then follow the instructions :)

11 Sep

06 Sep


Hi - what are the character names of the accounts banned for botting?

Also, sounds like you might have logged into the wrong account if you feel your stats were reset - we do see this from time to time - this support centre article covers it:

29 Aug


Originally posted by Fren-LoE

I'm glad you're starting to engage more with the community. Take after MMG and keep a pulse with the community, respond when prudent, and most importantly remind us you're around. :)

I always keep the pulse; always reading even if not actively posting!

28 Aug


On the plus side, at least these complaints are about details in our RS ads rather than complaints of not doing advertising at all. A step in the right direction :)

22 Aug


Well then...

08 Aug


Originally posted by BillehBear

Gonna sandwich both of your replies in one.

I'm not expecting Pips to be super vocal with us like Shauny, You and recently Poerkie has been. But I'd at least expect him to be in some BTS', the Year aheads, Runefest? EoC 'trailer' and Documentary I'm pretty sure he appeared in but other than that?

I've personally never been able to go to runefest but I've always watched the streams, I know some, or a lot of areas aren't shown but I don't recall seeing Pips anywhere there

I don't understand that if he's knowledgable about what the game needs that we'd be lining up two years that haven't been great and to top it off Rs3 having a steady decline for a while now

And if he's a high level player, he himself should see problems within the game? There's also the touchy subjects of monetization in the game and Jagex trying to innovate and make new games that flop but those have been beaten like a dead horse

I lurk rather than post! I'll read our forums, the subreddits, community convos on twitter* most days. I play most weekends.

I prefer not to post because I'm not involved in the day to day of RS or OS, and the teams can speak on the specifics of their work much better than I.

*I now use a different (personal) twitter account and my Jagex/RS one has been dormant for some time... but I've removed the outdated banner that was spotted today :P

27 Jun

18 Jun


Hey, I'd just like to clarify my response here - I'm not sure what state the loyalty point rework is in myself. I believe that there are no developers working on making changes right now, but it may well still be in design stage. The proposal Mod Sayln was speaking of in this post ultimately didn't work out and had to be thought out again, which is why it didn't come to fruition.

15 Jun


Well that's beautiful! We'll feature it on our socials ;)