
Runescape Dev Tracker

19 Dec


Originally posted by ixfd64

The link is now giving a 404 error.

You're right, I'm sorry. The link is broken because the title was changed.

17 Dec

16 Dec

15 Dec

13 Dec


Finally, we managed to decipher the whole sneak peek - and uncovered a few skeletons in the closet! Necromancy, RuneScapeโ€™s 29th skill is coming in 2023! The hype is real!


Hey everyone -

We know you've been patiently waiting for an update on what happened this weekend after the team finished their work getting everything back online, so I just wanted to drop in with a quick note.

We just want to assure you that we'll be providing more information on this as soon as we can. There's been plenty of regrouping, discussions and hard work going on to get us to a level where we can offer a meaningful response - which can and will be coming.

We'll keep you apprised as we get more news.


Please refrain from licking the salty crablets in the future.

12 Dec


Guthixdangit. I hate abilities. So much.

Thanks for your ingame report. Much appreciated. :)