
Runescape Dev Tracker

05 Mar


Originally posted by frogsarenottoads

If anything it should spin more

I'm actually spinning it so fast it just looks stable - don't tell anyone!


Originally posted by kunair

so is the whole tunnel removed? or just the camera shakes?

The camera shakes - the tunnel is still there, you just have one less excuse for dying there now!


Originally posted by MemojiFun

If I remembered correctly, u/JagexSponge worked on the minibosses from Zammy release since I recall him making animate Fred and such. Would appreciate this caveat being fixed to be viable again instead of completely guttered. D: It was a seamless and fun method to do with others all aiming for important Dungeoneering unlocks like charming imp for summoning or ring of vigour or even chaotics for players trying to get a good starting wep. Forgot to mention, but please add a damage soaking hitsplat to Cerberus instead of the invisible soaking it does. It also soaks even at melee distance which is odd because the only way to not get any soaking if you damage it on the literal square tile it is on which is odd because a player would think melee distance is 0 soaking but nope, have to be attacking under/on top of Cerberus's tile.

Hey, do you have an example loadout/stats that was previously doing this method to a decent degree, I've got an old test world I can use to compare/make tweaks to cerbs damage reduction.



Are you a Rise of the Six fan? Do you love the camera spinning around during the tunnel escape? Well... bad news for next Monday! I killed it. With fire. And threw it into the abyss never to be seen again. Sorry, not sorry. - Mod Daze

Paging u/RegiSilver - your wish has been granted. Let me rest in peace.

External link →

04 Mar


Originally posted by OsrsLostYears

Do you know the best way to reach a player support team member? I haven't had great luck with reddit and I'm not a huge Twitter user but I can start if needed.

Been tempted to get runefest tickets and try in-person because this is getting a bit silly it's been a year almost

I don't think they provide a direct method to contact individuals on their team - if you want to appeal your ban, I suggest using the appeal an offence link above, and then the next available member of the player support team will process it.


Originally posted by OsrsLostYears

Could you please forward my need for help though? You're the first guy to reply to me I really appreciate you taking your time. My post history lays open bare

No, we (developers) are not allowed to intervene on your behalf. You will have to personally liaise with Player Support about your account.


Necromancy and Archaeology do indeed have a unique jingle for level 99 and 120. (Other skills reuse their second "over 50" jingle.)

Had a dig into the code and looks like they are used at the specific levels of 99 and 120, not the range between 99 and 120 (wherein they use the "over 50" jingle), which is possibly why you might think they aren't implemented?


Hey, i'm not aware of us changing the passive version - but we'll take a look and resolve any issues caused - cheers!


Originally posted by RegiSilver

That's because of the Channeled Bar thing being where the special action button used to be.

I feel we're gonna have this for a while because Jagex haven't touched the Mobile client in ages...

I want to be wrong tho, but be prepared to have this buttons on your back for a while.

Tagging /u/JagexSponge and /u/JagexDoom just in case.

we've got a job in to fix this - thanks for the heads up


Hey, feel free to DM me over your IGN and i'll get someone to take a look


Originally posted by Denkir-the-Filtiarn

But it still has that large unseen gap between DoC and Endgame. We never had interactions with him where he actively proved a change in character between DoC where he is set up to have this effort to right the wrong he did and humble himself under the knowledge he isn't an infallible being and has grown too arrogant. We skipped straight to endgame before we really got interactions with him directly again, but to have it all crammed in optional, possibly even barred due to player choices, encounters during a time of duress. Being brought down to mortal status is a great catalyst with the seeds started in DoC, but missing something in between DoC and Endgame throws off the natural flow of the redemption arc, to me anyway.

He has a lot of "sins" under his belt, and fully redeeming him in the cosmic scale was never something that could be done, but sliding him back to a more white shade of grey was clearly the goal. He got there eventually, but depending on player choice and b...

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At the time of Endgame, there was no intentional "redemption arc" being written. We only started planning for that afterwards.


Originally posted by Denkir-the-Filtiarn

I chalk it up to a lack of screen time mostly. The entire gods return saga was a huge undertaking, I get that, but while the vast majority was good, there are some parts that fell to the wayside, and I feel this was one of them. I see the intended direction, but it always felt like it was missing a piece to really make it click in proper.

I went through the entire player choice era erring on the side of Zarosians because largely they were generally upfront about how much one should trust them throughout the progression of the story; the further the story went the less give and the more take from the faction made it more difficult justify it which was a good way of showing the characters off; ultimately during the same story chunks that painted Seren in a darker light and highlighted Zamorak's more noble demon aspects also brought to the forefront the reasons to not support Zaros and actively go against him. Zamorak and Seren, for what the end result was, were also shown to...

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Originally posted by yuei2

What??? We absolute do see it.

In SE we see him stripped of his godhood and going through regaining his humanity. He realizes he needs to remember what human perspective is like and doubles down on focusing his efforts to ensure mortal life can be as peaceful as possible.

After that we see him willing to work with us to help in the elder eggs  search, and find him pretty infuriated when he realizes just how simpy and haughty his followers have become that they weren’t letting others call him for help. When he loses his crown that same day and most of his knights instead of blaming others he focuses is on Zaros as to blame and goes to force seren to start taking some responsibility for her family.

They mobilize the protection of the monolith from Zaros and when Nex shows up Saradomin uses himself as bait to lead her away. If you read the battle reports that are written from his perspective you also learn that while fighting Nex he was expending energy and foc...

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Great summary.

I wonder if the disconnect here might be that the game content is very much showing, but what it's showing is that he's different, but not why he's different.

We didn't really have any intention to show that some specific event had prompted him to behave differently. It's more about illustrating the person that he is, that he is wise and good intentioned, but angry and arrogant. Some of this borders a little on retcon, but at the same time I think it's a little dangerous to try to pretend that we can redeem a character who seems to be genocidal by having them spank their inner moppet or whatever.


Originally posted by Denkir-the-Filtiarn

The problem is they just TOLD us he grew and never actually showed the steps. Explicitly, the followup to Death of Chivalry was done offscreen and would have been a huge contributing factor to showing his humbling but they just tell us it happened.

I see what you mean by this but technically speaking this is inaccurate.

We planned out a long term character development for Saradomin (this was before Desperate Times where we were planning out the EGW storyline).

You are of course welcome to criticise that development as it exists in game, but neither the plan nor the execution assumed the existence of DOC2. While we were writing Azzanadra's Quest, the inclusion of Owen meant that we had to make a call on whether DOC2 had yet to happen, and we let Stu make that call himself and write the dialogue himself.

You can certainly argue that his personality change is a bit abrupt. Actually part of the reason that I took the crown away was so that we had the option of using that as a cruder, more explicit explanation for why he seemed to undergo such a personality shift if we felt it was necessary, but largely it seemed to go down well.

In part it's clunky because it was a sort of course correction to Sli...

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Originally posted by stathread

We are still crashing in certain places across the map on mobile too! I would of thought these type of problems would have been quickly hotfixed rather than leave us dealing with them for weeks/months at a time.

The engine team is aware, and actively working on it, that's all i know i'm afraid.


Thanks for the post, someone is investigating


Originally posted by Mike_From_Red_Deer

Did you fix the invisible fire floor on TzKal-Zuk's Igneous Rain phase, perchance?

This is/was an engine issue from the last build IIRC, i'll check the status of the fix