
Runescape Dev Tracker

29 Feb


Originally posted by DaneDan99

If the work has been done, what is stopping it from being released? Genuine question, not trying to be snarky. I just have no idea how the decisions are made on what gets released or not.

so once the work has been done by dev, it's up to production to decide when best it should go out - for example, they'd consider if there's space for release QA to take it on a given week, if it would fit well with any specific upcoming updates, etc.


not a rumour - dev work for it has been done, but no release date for it right now


The good news is, for those of you who haven't got the pet yet, that we've got a fix in for this to stop this message showing up so you don't need to be reminded every time.

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RuneScape comes to the tabletop! The RuneScape Kingdoms Board Game and Roleplaying Game, published by Steamforged Games, hit retailers around the world today
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Get the first details on our upcoming RuneFest 2024!
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Get the first details on our upcoming RuneFest 2024!

28 Feb


Yup, this one's legit - the text on the screen is auto-generated by Instagram.

If you're not sure, about ads like this, always best to head to the source - you can check in on the page directly from here:


Originally posted by FireTyme

i think you guys should really look at bringing back TAPP. almost all tapp projects were universally loved and created smaller more consistent updates throughout the year.

Gamejam is essentially TAPP but formatted more in the way the devs have asked for. The problem with TAPP is that it was divided up into such tiny blocks of time that it was really hard to get anything done. Gamejam takes more or less the same total time, and blocks it together in a way that's much more effective.

27 Feb


UPDATE: 19:00 GMT - The issue regarding incorrect names appearing has been resolved, however, some names will remain visible until players log out and back in.

Thanks for your patience as we resolved this. More information regarding name change credit used during this time will be shared tomorrow.


Originally posted by Thingeh

I think there's a unique issue here.

Fort struck me as a means of solving longstanding issues and 'regrounding' Runescape's story content, whilst Necromancy provided the 'flashy' content.

Necromancy however is a double-edged sword. It's a new combat skill which addressed lots of bug bears (not least new players). But because it is another combat skill, despite being new in many ways and widely used, it is also not-new. And the area that came with it you would not habitually visit. This means that the 'new' stuff in the fort has a lot of weight put on it, perhaps disproportionately so, and feels a bit diminutive.

If I'm honest, I expect this is so unique that there's less to learn from it than may be expected. (Which is not to say that you shouldn't try to learn, obviously.)

However, and I don't mean this in a brow beating way, but I'd suggest the best thing you can actually do, strategically, is announce whatever is coming in the second half of 20...

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This means that the 'new' stuff in the fort has a lot of weight put on it, perhaps disproportionately so, and feels a bit diminutive.

Yeah I think this is spot on.


Originally posted by 5-x

How short can a "1 area focus" season be?

My conclusion is that the fort story taking 2 years to unravel is too long (for how minor most of the updates were). I think a slightly more fast-paced 1-year story would hold people's attention more. And then you can do a "year of the desert", "year of gnomes", "year of elemental workshop", etc. Maybe 6 months for a smaller story?

Conceivably yeah. Something like "gnome finale quest plus five months of gnome-themed combat and skilling updates in and around Arposandra" could be feasible as an off the cuff judgement. Kind of like an expansion but split into six parts.

I can't promise anything like that of course as a lot of people have input on what we do.

I'm not sure it's fair to call the fort updates "minor" but I do get what you mean. To an extent I think this isn't really a season problem so much as a skilling update problem. I'm working hard on trying to fix this but it's not trivial to resolve.


Originally posted by Capcha616

I am not denying it. I am just pointing out his contribution to this project is nothing other than just making a spreadsheet per his own words.

This is essentially correct. I'm not a developer anymore and I'm not currently set up to just jump into game and develop things. That said, don't understate the value of up front designs either.


Originally posted by StarryHawk

Because Mod Jack has stated that he wants Runescape to adopt the seasonal update plan. We saw that last year, with the main focus being Fort Forinthry - Necromancy was a sidestep but after that it was right back to Fort.

Community hit lists being so well received should be the first sign for Jagex Leadership. Gamejams, being well received on social media should be the second sign. But hey, more Fort!

Jagex are notorious for burying their heads in the sand, Leadership especially.

I'm very interested in feedback on this. I would say in general that my takeaway is the same as yours, that the emphasis on the fort feels too repetitive across the whole year, and it's not a good approach to continue with.

That said updates can't just be swapped out one for one. If you look at what's happening in a fort update, for example from an environment art point of view, they mostly just add a single building. You can't take an update which is just a single building and use that "budget" to make, for example, a gnome finale or a penguin continuation. We certainly could focus on gnomes, but if we did that, the focus would be on gnomes. It wouldn't (and couldn't) be the gnomes one month and the penguins the next month and the fort the month after that.

A key part of the way I've had to approach thinking about joined up content basically comes down to this maths. Back in the day art was so lo-fi that more or less anything could be put together very qui...

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Originally posted by Capcha616

I don't recall Mod Jack showing up in a Gamejam. He might have made a comment afterward, showing Jagex's interest in approving and implementing such an update.

At least, Mod Jack is not being accredited in the Woodcutter's Grove update:

I don't usually have time for game jam, but the baseline tier rebalance was something I put together a while before. I have lots of designs for little reworks knocking about, but it's no easier for me to just make things happen than for anyone else. I try to squeeze them into updates when I can, but the needs of the update itself come first and I also have to be careful about treading on the toes of the developers.

(The reason I pushed hard for the woodcutting changes is that they were blocking multiple other things, like being able to add new hatchets, being able to improve the woodcutting mechanics, etc.)


Originally posted by [deleted]


Mate, ya know that is a gamejam project yeah? it was nowhere near the live game. Take the tinfoil off and take a moment to think before you continue making presumptions.


PSA: We're taking game worlds offline urgently as we're investigating an issue with player display names. Apologies for any inconvenience caused.

We've also turned off the ability to change your display name both in-game and via the website.

The team are hard at work to resolve the issue and we'll keep you updated on our progress. Thank you for your patience.

UPDATE 15:10 - The team is hard at work investigating the issues with player display names. To resolve the issue, we'll be reverting all display names back to their previous state (from 9:30AM GMT today). Apologies for any inconvenience caused. We are exploring options to return any name change...

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Originally posted by Blyatiful_99

Yes, and there should also be a separat error message when trying to enter the game. Saying something about the game configuration and mentioning a firewall is just way too missleading.

I've been asking the team who work on the launcher to explore options for a banner or some sort of messaging that provides more specific and accurate messaging during maintenance, let's hope!


Originally posted by maboudonfu

This info still not show at Jagex launcher.

Reopen the launcher for me and check again if you can!

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Maintenance is underway across all game worlds.

26 Feb


Originally posted by Apprehensive_Peak462

Thanks for the reply - appreciate it king.

I'm pleased to report that Mod Easty hotfixed the pink dye issue earlier today. Just got home and checked on my main to confirm and yep, you can definitely get pink dye from Betty. Happy Falador area tasking!