
Runescape Dev Tracker

16 Oct


To be honest I wanted to see if we could get a broadcast to fire if this ever happened.

We’re not going to fix this as the item destroys all drops and this also includes the coveted HSR...

Sorry you lost out on it but this is part and parcel the risk of the item!


Originally posted by jeazyc2

So you'll help out a young gun, which is great! But turn a blind eye to the 450 threads about this over greed and pay-to-win cancer that's been going on for now 2 months.

(I Un-subbed few days ago) (maxed and comped)


As a maxed comper myself, I sympathise.

I've read such posts, but I'm a content developer - I'm not involved in anything of that nature, and therefore I'm not in a position to comment on it, or provide insights about our monetisation policy. Anything I could say on the subject wouldn't hold any authority.

It makes me sad to hear you've un-subbed, and I hope in the future you return to RuneScape.


Originally posted by Nekrofeeelyah

You can't

You can. :)

To clear your current path:

In the activity tracker, right-click/long-press and Remove your current path


In the achievement path window, press the Clear Path button at the bottom

(Is it specifically Turael's Burthorpe paths you want to get rid of? When you clear your path, if you haven't completed Turael's Burthorpe paths, that button will be re-labeled Skip Tutorial, which you can press to flag them as complete)

If you need to re-open them, you should have a button for both activity tracker and achievement paths on your bottom-right ribbon.

Alternatively, the achievement paths window is on your achievement screen. (Press F1 (or Esc and choose Hero), then the Achievements tab). You can drag and drop the window out from there.

15 Oct


Originally posted by Non-Random-User

Any plans to make more elite task rewards passive? now that comp cape no longer has any perk to it, ardy cloak is an anomaly in the achievement diary rewards

The only reason it became passive is because Comp cape inherited certain things from Ardy cape as passives before the rework. Other achievement diary rewards don't/didn't do that so i wouldn't expect it to happen with them.


I love that man


Originally posted by Derparnieux

Suggestion - make noted items work on the Tower of Life altars. No need to screw around with capes again, although I guess legacy Tower of Life code probably isn't the greatest to work with. This would make for a good QoL-fix as well as a suitable solution to this problem, though.

I was hopefully thinking something a little more thematic! Perhaps a lever to toggle the "benefit" on the side of the machines?


Originally posted by YeahhhhhWhateverrrr

Wait, so are they selling this? Or is this for people who were already accepted into the beta and have played?

This will be free for any members who have logged into the Android app after the update for the Founders' Pack goes live (there will be a newspost explaining when it's released).


Originally posted by Kiwi1234567

Haven't done it myself but i think when youre creating creatures in the tower of life, you get some of the items you use to make the creatures as a reward. So previously when they were un-noted you could note excess drops but keep some of them to use to make more creatures so you wouldnt have to bank. Kind of like how Kalphite king might be harder for people if his un-noted regular shark drops were changed to regular noted shark drops

thanks very much :) _crosses off making shark drops noted_


Originally posted by DraCam1

Thank you for the response and the help, and sorry for being a bit ass 2 comments over with saying "No, what you believe is wrong."

Personally I didnt think I will get a response, as this is the 3rd or 4th post about this overlooked feature in the last few weeks. ^^'

No problem! I understand that some comments come with a sprinkling of frustration, so if possible it's better to try and solve the frustration than be insulted :p

Take care, DraCam!


Originally posted by DraCam1

Because the method of doing this gathering was to bring many cowhides (even yak filled with them) and one unicorn horn, using the dropped unicorn horns as resource for the next monster, creating up to 57 of them per trip (26 cowhide in inventory, 30 in yak). Then equipping the cape when you already had enough horns to get them noted, after getting enough to use up all your cowhides.

ahha! I will see what we can do, thanks for taking the time to explain, I had forgotten about that process


Originally posted by DraCam1

No, what you believe is wrong. It does apply everytime, and pretty annoying tbh. Made a very obsolate, but decent method of gathering certain items tedious and almost impossible (or at least really not worth doing)

Could you expand on why you need this specific drops to be unnoted? I can look into it, but an argument for why always goes a long way


I believe "worn effects" only apply if you have a cape equipped, if your cape slot is empty in your worn inventory you may be able to un-note the drops in ToL :)


For this step, you need thread from the tanner's shop. His default action is to tan hide, so you need to choose from his secondary options.

Right click (or long-press, if you're on Mobile) the tanner and choose Trade.

If your objective tracker is giving you a different instruction, please let me know, and I'd be happy to help. :)

14 Oct