
Stormgate Dev Tracker

23 Aug


Our game, Stormgate, is currently in Closed Alpha testing and will be free-to-play. We’d love to see you in the game!


Originally posted by cuddlyasteroid

I complained about the presentation earlier in this post, but - and I believe I speak for a lot of people - I hope you know that none of this marketing will matter once we actually get to play the game. Trailer and marketing don't matter if the game itself is fun to play.

I was at work when I got the email that my collector's edition of SC2: Wings of Liberty got delivered. I was so excited and I am going to be just as excited when I can start the download for Stormgate.

That’s our thinking too. Stormgate will be free to play—any self-respecting RTS player will at least try it out. ;)

The most effective way for us to get the word out about Stormgate will be making it a really great game. Hands-on gameplay is where our investment in our technology and the experience of our team will shine. Then, hopefully, our players will invite their friends to play co-op and we grow the community together!


Originally posted by karmageddon1

I will be dreaming of Frank Klepacki tonight

Me too. I just emailed him too! <3


Originally posted by BGnOODLE

sooo .... is this all were gonna get for gamescom?

We actually have a small presence on the gamescom show floor, too. We have a pretty busy week ahead of journalists and content creators getting an opportunity to go hands-on with the Infernal units we revealed. Their stories should hit the following week.


Originally posted by BGnOODLE

All I can say is the imp all in is gonna be so real, they are basically banelings.

They're too cute to sacrifice until absolutely necessary IMO

    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

22 Aug


Originally posted by Wraithost

Watching the early footage from Stormgate gives me a lot of joy, even if it's very short. You have cool ideas for units - Brute is another unit that will allow for unusual micro. All the best to everyone involved in the development of Stormgate.



Hi, everyone. Yes, we know it was a super brief update. We're very grateful to Geoff for providing us with even a small window of airtime to share Stormgate updates - Opening Night Live would otherwise be too expensive for us to participate in.

We don't have the big budget of a Blizzard or EA, so we create these videos in-house ourselves. We all know you'd like to see more gameplay . . . and we're working on it!

We're in closed alpha testing now, taking in feedback, and the game is making steady progress. We made the decision to reveal Stormgate much earlier in development than most other dev teams because we wanted to bring the community with us on this journey, which is why we're playtesting with the public so soon and why we're showing development progress before it's polished.

Many of you are comparing our progress to that of other RTS games that are further along in development, and we're excited about those games too! We're rooting for their succ...

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19 Aug


I had the pleasure of hanging out with the lead dev behind ZeroSpace earlier this year and am very excited about the game.

It’s very different from what we’re building, like a Mass Effect RTS.

Mass Effect is one of my favorite game series of all time (just google search “mass effect review Gerald GameSpy” if you don’t believe me) so I’m wishing them tons of success.

There’s plenty of room for lots of great RTS games!

09 Aug


Originally posted by Vaniellis

Gerald, you're my new favorite community manager !


08 Aug


Originally posted by shinn91

Anybody have a good excuse I can tell my mate why we can't nerd bg3 from noon till night anymore? Damn I'm glad weather is so shitty rn, all the games...

This will be a very unpopular opinion, but if you’ve been playing through bg3 co-op with your buddy, you shouldn’t bail on him. You’re probably going to want him to return the favor and play Stormgate’s co-op campaign or 3p vs AI. The closed alpha playtest is several weeks long, but co-op friends are forever!

03 Aug


Originally posted by BGnOODLE

here's the real question. Am I going to be able to repeatedly click on a unit and get different voice lines?!



Originally posted by DANCINGLINGS

Just for clarification: Will you have team members on site or will it just be some sort of banner/stand for commerce purposes? Im just wondering if there is some sort of get together, where we can chat with devs and talk about the game. I already assumed, that there won't be a booth to playtest the game, due to its closed alpha stage it only makes sense.

We won’t have devs on-site at the stand, so I wouldn’t recommend that you go out of your way.

You’re more likely to connect with us here on Reddit or on the unofficial fan Discord!


Originally posted by ThinkFed

I think FG is doing a pretty good job of managing people’s expectations so far. So many games release early for funding and never changed much afterwards. So i see why no matter what FG needs to be careful showing something that’s still a work in progress even if it really will be finished later. Showing less of the unfinished parts of the game (or just showing one faction👌) is a good move to help stop the effect lowko mentioned: “people will often try a game once but not twice” (paraphrasing). Many many people will check things out again when they can try a new faction. Things will go wrong because nothing is ever perfect but I appreciate what they’ve done so far ¯_(ツ)_/¯



Originally posted by DANCINGLINGS

awesome thanks for the info! I was actually searching through the internet and just found sources, that didn't have them listed. Guess I wasn't searching right then..

EDIT: I just checked the page and it actually states, that they have a booth in hall 10.2! thats cool

Hi, DANCINGLINGS! We will have a very small presence in the Indie Games of the Americas area, Hall 10.2, F-11a. With the limited size of our space, we regrettably won't be able to provide hands-on to the public, but we do plan to have a fun progress update on the Infernals to share!

01 Aug


Originally posted by sh1RoKen

Moba is an RTS where you usually control less units. It is literally how it got created.

You can launch dota, spawn 200 broodmother's spiders and the game will work just fine without being exposed to maphack.

Calling something nonsense, "games are different" and "you don't know what are you talking about" are not arguments.

If you can present an actual technical limitation instead of insulting me or calling games "different", I will listen.

Neither the client-server network model that MOBAS, RPGs, and FPS generally use nor the lockstep model that RTSs (and some sports games) generally use is inferior to the other. They're just two different tools to solve different problems in the same way you'd use a hammer for a nail and a screwdriver for a screw. Every game chooses a network model that suits them the best.
As many have mentioned in this thread, the number of units in an RTS is the limiting factor, and while we did some early experiments with client-server, we found it to be unviable for large-scale RTS games that can potentially have thousands of units. If I recall correctly, in our crude tests, 300 was around the magic number, though I'm sure we could have minorly improved it with some optimizations. If we used client-server, with modern internet speeds, games would begin to become unplayable at around that number of units.
Lockstep networking is actually one of the primary reasons multiplayer RTS games ...

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31 Jul


Originally posted by vectrixOdin

Ngl, super jealous. Craft is literally the only game I played seriously from childhood to today. I get why they aren’t prioritizing first sign ups.

Doesn’t help I somehow missed this “survey” thing that went out.

Congratz on the invite though! Don’t break NDA and lose your access.

You may have missed this round, but it is still helpful to fill out the survey. Good luck in the next phase!


Originally posted by turok643

Does that mean if we're not invited, we're not invited to future ones either?

No. We will invite additional playtesters to future phases. Good luck!