
Stormgate Dev Tracker

26 Sep


Originally posted by MahechaBJJ

I just got an invite as well on my birthday 🥹🥹😭😭

Happy birthday! 🎂🎂🎂


Originally posted by BlouPontak

Ah, the new wave of disappointment lands. :(

!RemindMe 18 years “Congrats on GM!”


Originally posted by Yoros

Dude beta is not coming before end of next year they said the game will be releasing in 2025.

Gotta find another game !

We never said this. :)


Originally posted by Sundiata1

With these waves going out, mad respect to the community not leaking things (as far as I’m aware, I suppose I’m not a 4chan lurker). I’ve not seen a single thing for this game outside of official news, but other games tend to be entirely leaked pre-release.

We are very grateful to our amazing community for respecting our NDA and for absolutely killing it in terms of providing us with intelligent and actionable critiques, suggestions, and feedback. Stormgate is going to be a better game because of our awesome playtesters.


Originally posted by Aureliusmind

I wonder how they choose. I filled out the resume - i have 20 years of extensive RTS experince. /shrug.

We tripled the number of invites in this wave, but it is still a very small percentage of the total number of beta signups we’ve received. Our total signups greatly outnumbers what we can afford to support in server costs during closed testing and most players will need to wait until we release to the public before they can play for the first time.

Luck is a factor, and filling out the survey helps a lot.


Originally posted by Carlos-Heinzinos

I‘m in and everybody will wipe the floor with me. Old man still loving RTS…

One of us! One of us!


Originally posted by OwwMyFeelins

I got invited and just got a newborn 2 weeks ago and am back at work.

Dealing with 2 under 2 and a busy work schedule leaves no time for this 😭😭😭.

Congrats on the new family member! Don’t worry about missing this round of Stormgate testing—we’ll welcome you back with open arms once you’ve got more free time on your hands (maybe in 18 years?)


StarCraft II and Warcraft III.


Really cool seeing all the mentions of Stormgate—on behalf of the Frost Giant team we are all super grateful for your support. It’s a good time to be a fan of RTS for sure with several very exciting games on the horizon.

The second wave of Stormgate closed alpha invites is going out this week for a testing phase that kicks off in early October.

Come hang out with us on r/Stormgate too—we’re currently asking the community to share their thoughts on how we might approach competitive matchmaking.

P.S. check your DMs.


Originally posted by Svyatopolk_I

No f**king way, that's awesome. A revival of the same genre of RTS as Starcraft is pretty cool to see, I wonder what the lore and stuff is

Come hang out with us on r/Stormgate!

23 Sep


Originally posted by LiveBreatheOwn

I took a tour of Frost Giant HQ recently. They are absolutely doing stuff. And it's great

It was a fun visit! Looking forward to doing it again.


Originally posted by Wraithost

Cara is great, warm person.

So main news are that Stormgate before full release will be in Early Access, FG will try to find more investors, and they spend every $ on game, not on marketing.

Just like I expected - 34,7 millions is not a big money if you need build patchfinding and netcode from zero and you want all that game modes. Stormgate will need $support$ from players, my wallet is ready for Early Access.

We're grateful for your support!

21 Sep


We hope you check out Stormgate!

20 Sep

Hello, Stormgamers,

What does it mean to be the first truly social RTS?

For us, that means bringing players together in ways that are more fun than ever before. We love cooperative play, so we’re building cooperative modes like three-player co-op vs. AI and co-op campaign. We also aim to create an ecosystem where players around the world can test their skills against one another on the ladder.

We’d like to focus our latest discussion on how we plan to bring players together for competition.

Let's talk matchmaking!

As we embark on the process of designing Stormgate's ladder system, we're faced with a fundamental question: should our matchmaking be regional or global?

Easy question? Or impossible?

First, some key points and initial thoughts. Global matchmaking has some benefits:

  • it reduces the time to get matches against players of your skill le...
Read more External link →

13 Sep


Originally posted by BrandoNelly

Just looked up StormGate. Oh my god. Adding that to my wishlist for sure

Thanks for your support! Look forward to seeing you in-game!

12 Sep

09 Sep


Originally posted by karlosculo

is there going to be blood in the game?


08 Sep


Originally posted by DrTh0ll

I like everything but why does the tarmac beneath it look human created?

That “ground splat” texture is from a Vanguard building—this was a sneak peek at in-development structure. The final version will be more Infernal-y!


I would agree—SC2 is the GOAT, at least by current standards. Our team will forever be proud of the work we did on SC2. That said, we’re not done making RTS games yet. We have a vision for the future of this style of game and we hope players enjoy the hell out of Stormgate.