
Stormgate Dev Tracker

31 Jul

28 Jul


Sharing “how it is” would be breaking NDA.

24 Jul


OK, let’s do this. Step 1—for rolling your character stats, do you want a Point Buy system or 3D6 straight down the line?


Please remember to sign up at — your survey response email must match up with the email you used to register for beta.

Wishlisting on Steam also helps (us)!

22 Jul


This says more about your search history than it does our game…

21 Jul


Originally posted by specializeds

I think it’s an okay idea for co-op and 3v3.

I don’t think it’s good for 1v1, I adored StarCraft 2 because you didn’t have to grind or unlock anything… you could just sit down and learn to play with a similar feeling to chess. It’s just you and your opponent playing the exact same game. In my opinion all of the most successful video games of all time were like this. Counter Strike, DoTA, StarCraft… nothing to blame win or lose other than your own ability to play the game.

I don’t see overall need for a system of progression in RTS. It actually surprises me to read so many comments in support of it.

To be clear, this system is not being envisioned for 1v1 at all.

20 Jul


Originally posted by ShrimpRampage

I think devs only hang out in discord.

I know for a fact that many of our devs are daily visitors to this subreddit. :)


Cool stuff. Thanks for the suggestions!

19 Jul


Hey, no worries about asking! We've discussed this in a couple interviews and in one of our previous discussion topics. The quick answer is that we're not selling loot boxes. We'll be selling additional campaign content in chapter packs and we're considering a few other options (TBD), but we have no desire to compromise the integrity of the game with any pay-to-win schemes or artificial grind mechanics.

We are planning to carry over something similar to the StarCraft II War Chest, where players will unlock cosmetic rewards for completing various in-game activities. We think this can be a good, completely optional way for players to support Stormgate's ongoing development while enhancing the game experience with additional objectives and cosmetic rewards.


Originally posted by Own-Accident-4076

woo! excited to hear what they say :D

What I'm hearing back is that it's a complicated answer as players have personal preferences when it comes to resolution and screen size related to their comfort or what they feel is "optimal."

Your question reminded me of how Quake players used to play at 640x480 because it was best for high frame rates. (Personally, I play the Stormgate pre-alpha at 4K on a 27" monitor.)

I'd say hold off and wait for a good deal this coming Black Friday/Cyber Monday?


I'll ask some team members!

18 Jul


Originally posted by Slarg232

From the way you're talking about them, I'd imagine Sockets/Cards would be set up prior to the game starting, and wouldn't be changeable during the game?

I like the idea, the only problem I really see is maybe having Decks or Socket Pages or something so I could quickly swap between whatever loadout I'd want, depending on how many options you guys plan on having.

Yes, that is the case -- Sockets and Cards would be set up between games as they could (potentially) affect your starting setup and tech trees.

17 Jul


Hey everyone, a lot has happened since our last discussion topic on Progression. We gave viewers a look at pre-alpha gameplay on the PC Gaming Show, and we also kicked off our closed testing plans with a very small group of playtesters.

Some of you have expressed disappointment at not being selected for this initial early alpha phase. We have a significantly larger testing phase coming in August where another...

Read more External link →

08 Jul

07 Jul


Originally posted by Darkomicron

Thanks for the info! I'll be praying...

A lot changes between these very, very early phases and the final game -- I wouldn't worry too much about it. When we get to closed beta, we'll have more content and more fun things to test out, so please try to be patient.


Originally posted by Naive-Pea-7052

Did anyone who wasn't picked specifically (pro/content creator) get invited? Haven't seen a single one yet.

This round of testing is confidential, so it makes sense that you didn't see any announcements about it!

I can confirm that we did send invites and keys to people who were randomly selected from the master list of beta signups from

We will continue to invite more people from those signups for our future testing phases!


I can confirm that external closed testing has begun and that our playtesters are under NDA for this early round.


Originally posted by SorteKanin

Gotta say, not too happy that this seemingly is only posted on, which is not available in the EU right now.

Hey SorteKanin, I shared this on Twitter a little while ago as the post was still sitting in drafts. (The cupcakes arrived yesterday.) It's been pretty busy around here with testing kicking off; sorry about the delay!